
  • 网络broad money;broad monetary
  1. 英国央行(bankofengland)最新季度报告中的一篇文章分析了广义货币增长的疲软。

    An article in the latest Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin analyses the weakness in broad money growth .

  2. 在英国和欧元区,广义货币的增长远大于本国名义gdp。

    In the euro area and Britain , broad money growth is running well ahead of nominal GDP .

  3. 从目前的趋势来看,广义货币供应量与gdp之间的比例在进步加大。

    Judging from the current trend , the ratio between M2 and GDP is on the rise .

  4. 广义货币供应量(m2)正以创纪录速度增长。

    M2 money supply is growing at a record clip .

  5. 在经历了长时间的稳定后,广义货币相对gdp比例的跃升也令人担忧。

    The jump in the ratio of broad money to GDP is also worrying , coming after a long period of stability .

  6. 广义货币M2预期增长目标拟定为13%左右。

    The target for growth of the broad money supply ( M2 ) is about 13 percent .

  7. 广义货币供应量M2对股市的影响&基于牛熊市的实证分析

    The Effects of Broad Money Supply M2 to the Stock Market & Demonstration of the Bull and Bear Market

  8. 广义货币供应量(m2)已经在以接近15%的年率增长。

    The broad money supply ( M2 ) is already increasing at an annual rate of nearly 15 per cent .

  9. 其结果是,3月份广义货币供应指标m2创纪录地增长了25.5%。

    As a result , the broad M2 measure of money supply grew to a record 25.5 per cent last month .

  10. 接着说明利率和汇率目前都不能担当中介目标的角色,通货膨胀定标实施的条件也不成熟,广义货币M2的供应量仍可以作为中介目标,但应加强对信贷规模和通货膨胀率的监测;

    Then analyses the reasons that interest rate exchange rate and inflation rate can not replace money supply as the intermediate target ;

  11. 例如,在欧元区,流通中货币仅占广义货币(m3)的9%。

    In the eurozone , for example , currency in circulation is just 9 per cent of broad money ( M3 ) .

  12. 广义货币供应量M2上月增长17.9%,而7月份和6月份的增幅均为18.4%。

    M2 , the broad indicator for money supply , rose 17.9 per cent last month compared with 18.4 per cent in July and June .

  13. 到年底,广义货币(M2)余额15.8万亿元,同比增长14.4%;

    At last year end , the balance of broad money ( M2 ) totaled 15.8 trillion yuan , up 14.4 percent on the previous year ;

  14. 信贷增速高得惊人,广义货币供应量(m2)的情况亦是如此,相对于gdp的增速创下了历史新高。

    Credit growth was surprisingly high , and the same was true of the broad money supply , M2 , which grew at a record rate relative to GDP .

  15. 中国央行可能正考虑将广义货币供应量M3加入当前组合,这是衡量货币供应量的更广泛指标,囊括了流动性不那么高的资产。

    The PBOC may be looking to add M3 data a broader measure of money supply that includes less liquid assets to its current mix .

  16. 该文应用Granger因果关系检验、协整分析和误差修正模型,对我国广义货币流动性(M1/M2)作了实证研究。

    This paper carries out a positive research on liquidity of general money using Granger causality test , cointegration approach and error correction model .

  17. 6月份M2广义货币供应量同比增长15.9%,相比前一个月的15.1%有所提速。

    The broad M2 measure of money growth was up 15.9 per cent year on year in June , accelerating from 15.1 per cent a month earlier .

  18. 上月,中国M2广义货币供应量同比增长29.3%,而8月份的同比增幅为28.5%。

    The M2 measure of money supply also rose 29.3 per cent over the same month last year , compared to a 28.5 per cent increase in August .

  19. 到9月末,广义货币(M2)余额为176982亿元,比上年同期增长16.5%;

    By the end of September the balance of broad money ( M2 ) had totaled 17,698.2 billion yuan , up 16.5 percent on last year 's same period ;

  20. 到2004年,中国广义货币供应量M2在国内生产总值(GDP)中所占比例达到160%,远远高于多数其它经济体。

    By 2004 the ratio of M2 , the broad indicator of money supply , to gross domestic product had reached 160 per cent , much higher than in most other economies .

  21. 选取的货币政策变量分别是:广义货币供应量M2的同比增长指数(M2)、金融机构的贷款规模(LL)、法定存款准备金率(RR)。

    Monetary policy variables include the year-on-year growth of money supply M2 , the scale of loans from financial institutions and the deposit reserve rate ( RR ) .

  22. 在欧洲,广义货币指标m3的实际和名义增长率月比均在下降,而且看不到好转的迹象。

    In Europe , both real and nominal growth of M3 , a broad measure of money , is falling on a month-by-month basis with no turnround in sight .

  23. 广义货币M2的增长已从2009年近30%的高点,降至过去两个月平均16%的水平。

    Growth in the M2 money supply has fallen from a peak of nearly 30 per cent in 2009 to an average of 16 per cent in the last two months .

  24. 同样重要的是,去年12月,广义货币供应(M2)的增幅为19.7%,同比回落8个百分点。

    Equally importantly , growth of the broad money supply ( M2 ) was 19.7 per cent in December 2010 , 8 percentage points lower than at at the end of 2009 .

  25. 目前阶段,由于产能过剩,通胀暂时还未构成威胁。不过,鉴于广义货币供应量为GDP的160%以上,当遭受内部或外部冲击时,形势随时会发生变化,且变化速度可能会很快。

    At present , overcapacity is preventing inflation becoming a threat . However , with broad money above 160 per cent of GDP , the situation could change , and change quickly , due to internal or external shocks .

  26. 今年广义货币M2增长目标为17%左右,新增人民币贷款7.5万亿元左右。

    This year 's target for expanding the broad money supply ( M2 ) is around 17 % , and we will increase the total quantity of renminbi loans by approximately 7.5 trillion yuan .

  27. 广义货币M2预期增长12%左右,在实际执行中,根据经济发展需要,也可以略高些。

    The M2 money supply is forecasted to grow by around 12 % in 2015 , but the actual supply may be slightly higher than this projection depending on the needs of economic development .

  28. 运用1978年至2003年的年度统计数据,对现金、狭义货币和广义货币与各主要经济变量之间因果关系进行Granger因果检验。

    Wielding the annual statistics data from 1978 to 2003 , we carry out the testing for Granger causality between cash , narrow money and broad money with every main economy variable .

  29. 广义货币供应(M2)可以帮助我们更好地看清最近的趋势。按每季度的年化统计数据来看,中国的广义货币供应从去年10月高达28.5%的增长率已放慢至今年3月的8.4%。

    On a three-month annualized basis , a better guide to recent trends , broad money , or M2 , growth slowed to 8.4 % in March from as high as 28.5 % last October .

  30. 中国人民银行行长周小川在3月6日表示,今年的广义货币供应量(M2)增长目标将会更灵活,意在给予实体经济更多支持。

    Separately , People 's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said on Friday that this year 's broad money supply growth target will be more flexible , aiming to better support the real economy .