
ɡuān jiàn huò bì
  • key currency
  1. 但货币债务的累积迟早会破坏人们对这一关键货币的信心。

    But , sooner or later , the overhang of monetary liabilities would undermine confidence in the key currency .

  2. 只有担当起这个区域性的“关键货币”,才能在国际货币竞争的格局中赢得利益。

    Only RMB plays as a " key currency " in this sub-area can it benefits from the competing with other international currencies .

  3. 在国际货币基金组织体系下,美元是关键货币。

    Under the IMF system , the US dollar is the key or leading currency .

  4. 现阶段人民币国际化的重点是推进人民币成为区域关键货币。

    Secondly , the task of the RMB internationalization at this stage is to promote to be a regional anchor currency .

  5. 信贷危机:当前货币政策的关键货币政策是基于未来经济可能发生的状况,而非当下的情形。

    Monetary policy is based on what is likely to happen to the economy in the future , rather than what is happening today .

  6. 人民币应通过参与东亚区域货币合作,争取成为区域内关键货币,为人民币国际化铺平道路。

    RMB should strive to become the key currency within the region through participation in the East Asian regional monetary cooperation , in order to pave the way for the internationalization of the RMB .

  7. 这将导致人们丧失对货币政策稳定的信心,更糟的是,人们担忧公共债务的可持续性,尤其是在美国这个全球关键货币提供国。

    That would lead to a loss of confidence in monetary stability worsened by concerns over the sustainability of public debt , particularly in the US , the provider of the world 's key currency .

  8. 关键货币发行国往往只需根据国内经济形势制定有利于自己的单一货币政策即可,而非关键货币国家还面临着对内和对外政策协调的两难问题。

    Usually , the key currency countries only need to develop single monetary policy in accordance with domestic economic situation in their favor , while the non-key currency countries also face to internal and external policy coordination dilemma .

  9. 美国金融改革和欧元区债务危机将持续推高影响消费者和企业的关键货币市场利率,这一迹象表明,银行体系内的压力正不断加大,人们对世界经济的担忧也日益加剧。

    US financial reform and the eurozone debt crisis will keep driving up key money market interest rates that affect consumers and companies , in a sign of rising tension in the banking system and growing fears over the world economy .

  10. 不幸的是,正如我们长期以来所知道的,要求改变影响全球失衡政策的外部压力,不会对两类国家产生影响:一类是全球关键货币的发行国;另一类是盈余国家。

    Unfortunately , as we have also long known , two classes of countries are immune to external pressure to change policies that affect global imbalances : one is the issuer of the world 's key currency ; and the other consists of the surplus countries .

  11. 因此,他们把猜测重点转向了另一个关键的货币政策参数&2011年的新增贷款目标。

    So speculation has switched to another crucial parameter of monetary policy - the 2011 loan growth target .

  12. 社会总供求平衡的关键是货币均衡而不是实物均衡;

    The pivotal of balancing social aggregate sup-ply and demand lies in monetary equilibrium , not material equilibrium in kind .

  13. 这一变化的关键在于货币政策从“适度宽松”走向“稳健”,意即“紧货币、宽财政”的基调或许成为2011年宏观经济政策的主基调。

    The key change in monetary policy is from moderately loose to steady , which means tight monetary policy and loose financial policy is the heart of Chinese macroeconomy in2011 .

  14. 一国货币政策的有效性关键在于货币政策传导机制的效率,而根据货币金融运行规律和国际实证经验,货币政策传导机制的效率又主要取决于一国的金融结构。

    The validity of monetary policy depends on the efficiency of monetary transmission mechanism . The law on the function of money and finance , together with international experience , has proved that financial structure is the cornerstone of monetary transmission mechanism .

  15. 关于货币供应与经济增长、货币供应与物价水平的理论研究和实证分析非常之多,而对本应该是争论焦点和研究关键的货币超发与计量问题的研究则较少。

    There are many theoretical researches and empirical analysis about money supply and economic growth , money supply and price level , but studies on money over issue and the measure of excessive money is less concerned , which should be focus of discussion and emphasis of research .

  16. 第二,中央银行机制发挥宏观控制功能的关键是控制货币供应量;

    The mechanism of the central bank as the dominant mechanism for indirectmacroscopic control ;

  17. 货币政策能够发挥效用有一个关键前提:货币总量与货币政策目标如通货膨胀、名义收入增长等存在稳定的关系,即需要一个稳定的货币需求函数。

    Making monetary policy has a key assumption which requires a stabile relationship between monetary aggregate and its determinants such as gross income , interest rate or inflation .

  18. 在加拿大央行,卡尼已经在监督新一任英国央行行长所需处理的所有关键领域:货币政策、审慎监督、宏观审慎监管以及金融市场。

    At the Bank of Canada he has overseen all the key areas the next governor must deal with : monetary policy ; prudential supervision ; macro-prudential regulation ; and financial markets .

  19. 从E调看大学而需求管理的关键又在于管住货币。

    On University from the Key of E The key to adjusting the general supply and demand is to control currency volume .

  20. 这表明货币供给量是导致物价变动的一个关键因素,同货币数量论是一致的。

    These findings are consistent with quantity theory of money .

  21. 而需求管理的关键又在于管住货币。

    The key to adjusting the general supply and demand is to control currency volume .

  22. 多年前,它退出了联盟的两个关键方面:共同货币及边界开放协议。

    Years ago , it opted out of two key aspects of the Union - the common currency and the open borders agreement .

  23. 作为金融设备中的关键设备之一,货币识别接收器已广泛应用于各种交易场合。

    As one of the key equipments in the financial equipments , the currency validator has already been applied to various kinds of trade occasions .

  24. 对我们来说,从杰克逊霍尔传出的关键信息是,货币政策在可预见的将来(至少是今后数年期间)很可能将保持极度宽松。

    For us , the key message from Jackson Hole was therefore that monetary policy is likely to remain ultra-accommodative for the foreseeable future at least for the next several years .

  25. 摘要货币政策中介目标在货币政策传导机制中处于非常关键的位置,货币政策中介目标的选择在理论和实践中都是一个十分重要的问题。

    Intermediate target for monetary policy is in a very critical position in the monetary policy transmission mechanism and the choice of intermediate target for monetary policy is an important problem in theory and practice .

  26. 理解该动态特征,不仅是分析经济周期波动的关键,也是最优货币政策设计与评价的前提&菲利普斯曲线或其中隐含的结构联系为货币政策分析施加了最根本的约束条件。

    Understanding the dynamic nature is not only the key to the analyses of business cycle fluctuations but also premise of designs and evaluations of optimal monetary policy . The Phillips Curve or the underlying structural relation exerts the most fundamental constraint to the monetary policy analysis .