
  1. C高;投资高息货币正当时

    It 's time for high interest monetary investment

  2. 外汇交易员表示,美国经济前景恶化,可能使美元“套息交易”(carrytrade)重新流行,即投资者利用美国的低利率投资高息货币。

    Currency traders said the worsening outlook for the US economy raised the prospect of a return of the so-called dollar " carry trade " , in which investors take advantage of low US interest rates to invest in higher-yielding currencies .

  3. 这类基金把投资高息货币策略和杠杆及对冲策略结合起来,并定期发放高额红利。

    These combine investment in high yielding currencies with leverage and hedging strategies and pay regular and high dividends .

  4. 最近的一个学术论文发现高息货币有升值倾向以及低息货币具贬值倾向,正好和理论相反。

    A recent academic study * has shown that high-rate currencies have tended to appreciate and low-rate currencies to depreciate , the reverse of theory .

  5. 瑞士法郎和日元等“低息”货币兑诸如澳币、新西兰元和英镑之类的高息货币大幅升值。

    " Funding " currencies such as the Swiss franc and Japanese yen rallied strongly against higher yielding currencies such as the Australian and New Zealand dollars and the British pound .

  6. 日本散户投资者的风险偏好较高,一直热衷购买以高息货币计值的资产,由于国内通缩导致本国利率多年来维持在近零水平,他们不得不从海外寻找投资收益。

    Risk-taking Japanese retail investors have long been keen buyers of assets denominated in high-yielding currencies as deflation at home has kept rates close to zero for years , forcing them to seek returns overseas .