
  • 网络The High performance Team;High-performance Team
  1. 接下来,他谈到管理人员的角色,还有自组织对于形成高效团队的重要性。

    He further discusses the role of the manager and the importance of self-organisation to enable high-performance team formation .

  2. 比如将高效团队中的成员转移至其他团队,这样做表面看来似乎可以创建出更多高效团队,可最终结局常常是消除掉所有的高效表现。

    Moving members of a high-performance team to other teams , ostensibly with the goal of creating more high performance teams but typically with the result of eliminating any high performance .

  3. StevenDenning最近发布了与高效团队有关的一系列文章,而敏捷组织正需要鼓励自己的团队提升效率,最终成为高效团队。

    Steven Denning recently wrote a series of articles about high performance teams ; the type of teams that Agile organisations need to encourage to be effective .

  4. 然而,大多数高效团队都不是由管理人士直接领导的。

    However most of the high-performance teams were not manager-led teams .

  5. 他提出一些有关如何形成高效团队的建议

    He provides some advice on the formation of high-performance teams

  6. 挖掘集体智慧创建高效团队

    Excavating the Collective Wisdom and Creating the High-effective Team

  7. 高效团队中领导角色定位研究

    Research on Orientation of Leaders ' Role in Effective

  8. 如何建立高效团队的研究与探索

    The Researches on How to Build a High-Efficiency Team

  9. 下面的管理态度会置高效团队于死地

    He refers to management attitudes that kill high-performance teams

  10. 只要管理实践没有问题,你就可以拥有很多高效团队。

    When the management practices are right , then you have lots of them .

  11. 建设高效团队,促进学习型组织的建设。

    Set up highly effective teams so as to promote construction of an academic organization .

  12. 注重高效团队的培养与训练,是应对突发事件的基础保证。

    Stressing on the fostering and training of team with high efficiency is the basic guarantee .

  13. 管理层会感受到威胁,从而解散高效团队,以维持现状。

    Managers can feel threatened and so they disband them , in order to preserve the status quo .

  14. 公司的队伍是一支年轻化、知识化、素质化,并充满活力的高效团队。

    The contingent is a contingent of younger , better educated , quality , efficient and vibrant team .

  15. 组织如何创建高效团队?他们能由外力创建吗?

    How do organisations create high-performance teams , can they be created or do they only emerge naturally ?

  16. 为了让敏捷的做法帮您实现高效团队架构,您过去采取了哪些必要措施?

    What tweaks did you have to make to the Agile recommendations to arrive at your efficient team structure ?

  17. 当每个成员都开始把如何促进整组人的优异表现当成自己的事情时,高效团队就慢慢出现了。

    We know that high performance groups emerge when the members take ownership for the well-being of a whole group .

  18. 当人们愿意鼓起勇气、付出承诺、共创全新未来之时,高效团队就慢慢成形了。

    High performance groups emerge when people have the courage to make commitments to co-create a new and different future .

  19. 充分调动人的积极性,建立学习型、知识传播快、应对变化敏捷的高效团队。

    Adjust the moving and positive well , establish to study often , knowledge spreads quick , reply the variety agile efficiently team .

  20. 在工作中使用萨提亚模型时,它会帮助你迈出建设一个高效团队的第一步&构建信任。

    When used on the job , this technique helps you build trust , which is the first step towards building an effective team .

  21. 最后一点,团队合作和团队建设会虽然带来很多挑战,但一个高效团队带来的收益使之值得去努力。

    Finally , though team work and team building can offer many challenges , the pay off from a high performance team is well worth it .

  22. 性别、文化、观点、视角、技能以及背景被认为是建立高效团队并保持高效的重要因素。

    Diversity of gender , culture , opinion , perspective , skills and background is considered to be an important factor in forming and persisting high-performance teams .

  23. 探讨了高校图书馆中引入团队管理的意义,阐述了团队建设的主要类型以及高效团队建立的过程与评价标准。

    This paper probes into the significance of introducing the team management in university library , and expounds the main types of the team construction and the course and evaluation standard of the high-efficiency team .

  24. 忽略组织类型,领导被认为是建立高效团队至关重要的角色,在企业管理和绩效研究中有着不可撼动的地位,领导者的领导风格是达到组织目标尤为重要的因素。

    Ignore the type of organization , leaders play a crucial role in establishing a highly efficient team , also they have a sovereign position in business management and performance studies . The leadership style is a particularly important factor to achieve organizational goals .

  25. 善于解决问题很重要,因为雇主看重那些能自己战胜挑战的员工,或通过界定问题、集思广益想出替代方案、分享心得并作出明智决定的高效团队成员。

    Being a good problem solver is essential because employers value people who can work through challenges on their own or as an effective member of a team by defining the issues , brainstorming alternatives , sharing thoughts , and then making sound decisions . 10 .

  26. Buckminster使新开发人员可以具体化开发工作区并且快速成为高效的团队成员。

    Buckminster allows new developers to materialize their development workspaces and quickly become productive team members .

  27. 人才在质量控制管理中起着不可或缺的作用。TNK项目始终坚持科学发展观和以人为本的质量控制理念,建立起一支优秀高效的团队,为项目的成功提供了强有力的保障。

    TNK project always adhere to the quality control idea which is scientific outlook on development and people-centered concept , established an excellent and efficient team , this team provideed a strong guarantee for success of the project .

  28. 最核心的是它拥有一个高效的团队。

    The most important thing is that they have a highly-efficient team .

  29. 创建高效项目团队的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking on the Building of High-Efficiency Project Team

  30. 组建高效专业团队,达成个人成长,超越客户期望。

    Build effective and professional team , achieve personal growth and exceed customer expectation .