
  • 网络High Net Worth Clients;high net worth;high-net-worth clients
  1. 汇丰私人银行(hsbcprivatebank)在为高净值客户制定投资组合建议时,会使用这样一些结构性产品。

    HSBC Private Bank uses some of these structures in its portfolio proposals for high net worth clients .

  2. 该公司联席创始人兼首席执行官威廉德雷克(williamdrake)相信:“针对高净值客户的建议应具有独立性,不要计划逼迫客户进入某种特定的资产类别”。

    William Drake , co-founder and chief executive , believes " advice to high net worth clients should be indepen-dent with no agenda to push a client into a particular asset class " .

  3. 本周早些时候,我们报道了租车服务公司Uber请高盛(GoldmanSachs)为其融资的消息,该公司打算向高盛的高净值客户定向发行可转债。

    Earlier this week we reported that Uber had hired Goldman Sachs to raise money from the bank 's high-net-worth clients , via a private placement of convertible notes .

  4. 本文首先对中国高净值客户进行消费者行为分析。

    First , the article research the China high-net-worth clients behavior .

  5. 拥有数千万可投资资产的超高净值客户在讨价还价方面非常厉害,获得了近乎免费的服务。

    Ultra-high-net-worth clients with tens of millions to invest were negotiating hard and getting a semi-institutional service .

  6. 私人银行为其高净值客户提供丰富的多样化和个性化产品和服务。

    Its high net worth private banking clients a wealth of diverse and personalized products and services .

  7. 她请来的研究顾问所做的调研表明,在全球新兴市场中,这个人群也是高净值客户集中的群体。

    She brought in research consultants who produced numbers showing that in growing global markets , this is also where the high net worth customers are .

  8. 基于对内地高净值客户市场的认识和判断,工商银行要做大做强私人银行业务,亟待自身不断进行探索,积极修炼内功。

    Based on the understanding and judgment of the mainland high net worth clients market , we fully realize that ICBC urgently needs further and constant exploration and active inner strengthening .

  9. 私人银行是金融机构向高净值客户提供的涉及金融及非金融领域的个性化、私密性强的综合性服务。

    Private banking is financial institutions provide integrated services to the high net worth clients . The services is personalization and strong privacy , involved in the financial sector and non-financial sector .

  10. 私人银行是银行面向高净值客户提供的顶级专业化的、以财富管理和财务保障为核心的一揽子金融服务。

    Private bank is a kind of business that banks supply High Net Worth Individual with the top professional , to wealth management and financial security as the core package of financial services .

  11. 尽管英国主要的家庭律师都建议高净值客户采取婚前防范措施,但这些协议实际上会有多大作用仍令人有些困惑。

    And although leading family lawyers in the UK advise high net worth clients to take the pre-nuptial precaution , there is some confusion as to how successful these agreements are in practice .

  12. 他回忆,直到上世纪90年代前,“私人银行业一直处于一种良性环境中”,但此后,机构和私人投资者开始寻求另类投资产品,一些超高净值客户转向了对冲基金。

    He recalls " a benign environment in private banking " until the 1990s after which institutional and private investors began looking at alternatives with some ultra-high net worth clients moving into hedge funds .

  13. Nexar将寻找机会收购专门投资于基金的基金业务在金融危机的冲击下,高净值客户进行了大规模赎回,使得许多此类基金近月来步履维艰。

    The company will be looking for opportunities to acquire fund of funds businesses many of which have struggled in recent months after massive investor redemptions from high net worth clients damaged by the financial crisis .

  14. 它向高净值客户提供一对一的个性化服务,帮助高净值客户在复杂的情况下找到有针对性的解决方案,以便更好的管理他们的资产并为后代发展新的财富资源。

    It services for the high net worth clients by one-to-one personalized service to help they find targeted solutions in complex situations , in order to manage their assets better and develop new source of wealth for future generations .

  15. 私人银行服务起源于16世纪的瑞士日内瓦,是银行服务的一种,专门面向富有阶层,为银行认定的高净值客户群体提供个人财产综合规划与投资管理。

    Private banking services began in sixteenth Century in Geneva , which is a kind of banking services , specifically for the rich class , supplying personal property comprehensive planning and investment management for the high net worth clients identified by banks .

  16. 随着中国逐渐成为私人银行最具潜力的市场,国内外私人银行纷纷建立机构、抢占市场,竞争日趋激烈,而各家机构为高净值客户财富保值增值的资产管理业务成为竞争的焦点。

    As China gradually becomes the most potential private bank market , the competition between domestic banks and foreign banks is more and more fierce . And the competition between different institutions is focus on asset management business of high net worth clients .

  17. Facebook可没有掏钱让他们定价时留个10-15%的折扣,以便摩根士丹利或高盛讨好高资产净值客户。

    It did not pay them to offer 10-15 % discounts so that Morgan Stanley or Goldman Sachs could ingratiate themselves to high-net-worth clients .

  18. 私人银行业务是指以财富管理为核心,面向高净值资产客户所提供的顶级专业化的一揽子金融和非金融服务。

    Private banking refers to the wealth management as the core , which faces high net worth customers to provide top professional package of financial and non-financial services .

  19. 他们不仅接受到严密的分析技能培训,而且还得以加入商学院里的未来商界精英网络,这将帮助他们为公司吸引到新的高净值个人客户。

    They receive not only the rigorous analytical training necessary for managing financial assets , but also access to a robust business-school network of future executives , which will be helpful for attracting new high net worth clients to the firm .

  20. 近年来,随着我国经济平稳快速发展,社会财富迅速积累,孕育了一批高净值资产客户,他们手里握有大量可自由支配的金融资产,对专业的金融理财的需求日益旺盛。

    In recent years , along with steady and rapid economic development in our country , the social wealth accumulated quickly , and carries a number of high net worth clients , who hold a lot of discretionary financial assets and their professional financial demand become strong increasingly .

  21. “高净值”客户群通常只进行较为简单的低风险投资,不会给银行带来大额利润,而更加富有的精英客户则日益要求传统上卖给大企业的高回报产品和服务,比如私人股本交易。

    While the " high net worth " group tend to stick to simpler low-risk investments that do not generate such big profits for the bank , the wealthier elite increasingly require higher-margin products and services private equity deals , for example that are traditionally sold to big companies .

  22. 中行拥有1.18亿个零售客户,苏格兰皇家银行计划将目标对准其中5万名被其确认为高净值个人的客户。

    BoC has 118m retail clients and RBS plans to target the 50,000 it has identified as high net worth individuals .