- 网络GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP;Goldman Sachs Group Inc;The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc

The boss of Goldman Sachs rejected working from home as a new normal – labelling it an ' aberration4 ' instead .
Last year , Goldman Sachs announced that its employees could start dressing down for the office .
Lloyd Blankfein , CEO Goldman Sachs , $ 9 million , all in stock .
A Goldman Sachs Group report ranks China as the world 's second - largest luxury-goods market , after Japan .
Geely has been especially emboldened of late , having just received a $ 245 million investment from Goldman Sachs Group 's private-equity arm .
Leave it to Goldman Sachs ( GS ) to turn an economic calamity into a money making opportunity .
On January 4th Goldman Sachs said it would buy a stake in Facebook and help its clients to invest in the Internet firm too .
If you bought a can of coke this weekend , you might have paid $ 0.002 more because of Goldman Sachs .
Investors in the firm 's private-equity funds include North American pension funds , the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and China 's national Social Security Fund .
Another bank , Goldman Sachs , estimates the cost of the damage at ¥ 16 trillion ( $ 202 billion ) , or about 4 % of GDP .
Coming off a stint in public service , the former Goldman Sachs CEO tried to makeover MF Global into something bigger by taking on risky trades .
The tale of how Goldman is manipulating the market for aluminum and boosting prices to the tune of $ 5 billion a year for coke drinkers and others was laid out this weekend in an article in thenew York Times .
Arguably , adds Prof. Chang , investment banks suffering from the subprime-lending crisis were too optimistic while Goldman Sachs , which plotted out disaster scenarios , has thrived . '
According to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , 46 % of companies beat Wall Street 's earnings expectations by a wide margin , but only 23 % significantly bettered revenue forecasts .
But Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. also owned AIG shares during the run-up , according to people familiar with the matter .
Within a generation , the middle class in China will be roughly four times the size of the American middle class population , according to the UN Population Division and Goldman Sachs .
A top banker at Goldman Sachs , Anthony J. Noto , moved west last year to become the chief financial officer at Twitter .
The banks that have sought and received collateral from AIG include Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , Merrill Lynch & Co. , UBS AG , Deutsche Bank AG and others .
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 's China chairman , Fred Hu , is leaving Goldman in April to pursue a new private-equity venture , according to people familiar with the situation .
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. says the majority of its associate hires come from internship programs , while the summer intern pool accounts for nearly all M.B.A. hires at Morgan Stanley .
Furthermore , notes Goldman Sachs : We believe that housing starts have probably bottomed already , while nominal house prices are likely to bottom in the course of 2012 .
Goldman Sachs ( GS ) estimates that banks in the peripheral eurozone would be hit the hardest , resulting in 38 banks requiring between 30 billion and 92 billion euros .
After PetroChina 's earnings announcement in April , Kevin Koh , an energy analyst at Goldman Sachs , downgraded the stock to a sell because of widening refining losses .
News of this story first broke almost a year and a half ago , when Gupta abruptly stepped down from Goldman 's board .
Disclosure failures related to mortgage offerings are again in the sights of the SEC , this time related to Goldman Sachs ( GS ) and Wells Fargo ( WFC ) .
Lex van Dam , former top trader at Goldman Sachs and head of hedge fund , Hampstead Capital , takes a dim view of the over-hyped reactions of the Wall Street bosses .
In 2008 , Goldman Sachs analysts cited that a 1 percentage point increase in female education raises the average level of GDP by 0.37 percentage points and raises annual GDP growth rates by 0.2 percentage points on average .
After 9 / 11 , Goldman Sachs ( GS ) designed its new headquarters in lower Manhattan with a set of powerful electrical generators on a floor high enough to be safe from the recent floodwaters .
Then , on Dec. 3 , a Goldman Sachs ( GS ) analyst suggested that the company might be ripe for a leveraged buyout -- sending Dell stock up 4.4 % to $ 10.06 per share .
Then , on Dec. 3 , a Goldman Sachs ( GS ) analyst suggested that the company might be ripe for a leveraged buyout & sending Dell stock up 4.4 % to $ 10.06 per share .