
  • 网络Freddie Mac
  1. 美国资产规模最大的银行摩根大通与美国联邦住房金融局达成51亿美元的和解协议,以了结其在房市泡沫时期误导抵押贷款巨头房利美和房地美公司的相关指控。

    The largest US bank by assets , JP Morgan , has reached a 5.1 billion-dollar settlement with the Federal Housing Finance Agency over charges it misled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during the housing boom .

  2. 如果收到的简历中的工作经历部分看起来有些问题,房地美公司要求人事经理深入挖掘,甚至允许通过提前通知面试问题等方法改变招聘程序,以便发掘自闭症应聘者的闪光点。

    So Freddie Mac coached hiring managers to dig deeper if they received a resume with a spotty work record and to be open to adapting the screening process so autistic candidates could shine , such as giving interview questions in advance .

  3. 而现在,房利美和房地美公司将不会再普遍地要求放贷者们做出类似的声明和保证。

    Now Fannie and Freddie will no longer generally require originators to make such representations and warranties .

  4. 同时,其它降级将会紧随着像房利美和房地美公司这样的金融机构。

    Meanwhile , other downgrades will follow for financials institutions such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .

  5. 摩根大通银行同意支付51亿美元,与房利美和房地美公司和解。

    JP Morgan Chase has agreed to a 5.1-billion dollar settlement with the overseer Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .

  6. 导致这种结果的原因相当复杂,但归结到一点就是房利美和房地美公司试图通过施行昂贵的收费政策和繁复的贷款条件来保全自身利益。

    The reasons are complex , but boil down to Fannie and Freddie trying to protect their profits by imposing onerous fees and conditions .

  7. 从前对于再融资来说,其障碍主要在于那些发放按揭贷款的随后却把贷款转卖给房利美和房地美公司以收进抵押证券的银行。

    A big impediment to refinancing had been the banks who originate the mortgages and then sell them to Fannie and Freddie for inclusion in mortgage-backed securities .

  8. 作为协议的一部分,摩根大通将向房利美和房地美公司支付40亿美元,以解决其违反美国证券法的指控。

    As part of the agreement , JP Morgan will pay 4 billion dollars to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to settle claims that it violated US securities law .

  9. 尽管联邦政府从2008年起监管房利美和房地美公司,但是房贷可承受再融资计划会让纳税人不产生损失,因为再融资并不会增加贷款的风险。

    Although Fannie and Freddie were taken over by the federal government in2008 , HARP would not expose the taxpayer to any more loss , since refinancing did not make the loan riskier .

  10. 房地美公司与自闭症自我宣传网络合作,发起了一项带薪实习计划,目的是为患有自闭症的应聘者提供三大领域的工作,包括信息技术、企业风险管理以及独栋住宅房贷业务。

    In partnership with ASAN , Freddie Mac established a paid internship program that places candidates with autism in three areas : information technology , enterprise risk management , and the single-family mortgage business .

  11. 中央银行在美国上演了长达七年的购物狂欢,其中包括价值近1千亿美元的长期国库券和由房力美及房地美公司发行的住房抵押债务。

    It has been on a buying binge in the United States over the last seven years , snapping up roughly $ 1 trillion worth of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed debt issued by and .

  12. 盖特纳指出,政府改组了房地产贷款巨头房利美和房地美以及保险公司美国国际集团(AIG)的董事会。

    Geithner noted the government overhauled the boards of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and insurance company AIG .