
  • 网络barings;Baring Bank
  1. 比如,神户地震摧毁巴林银行(baringsbank)之后的市场动荡,以及1973年欧佩克(opec)石油禁运之后的熊市。

    For example , the market convulsions following the Kobe earthquake did for Barings Bank , and a bear market followed the OPEC oil embargo of 1973 .

  2. 另外本文对上世纪震惊全球金融界的巴林银行破产案件进行VaR的分析。在本文的结论部分讨论了本文存在的一系列不足之处。

    Also , the case of bankruptcy of Barings Bank which was the global financial alarming will be analyzed by VaR. In the end conclusions of this article , a number of shortcomings will be discussed .

  3. 实际情况证明也应该如此,如国外著名的巴林银行的倒闭,我国C银行的海外N分行(以下简称N银行)的信贷损失都是操作风险引发的问题。

    As a matter of fact it was the operational risk that resulted in the credit loss of Bank N , an oversea branch of Bank C of China , and the crash of famous Baring Bank .

  4. MSN英国的主编麦特保尔说:“15年前MSN刚推出的时候,第一部完全由电脑制作的电影《玩具总动员》刚刚上映,巴林银行刚刚倒闭,当时任首相的还是约翰梅杰。

    Matt Ball , editor-in-chief at MSN UK , said : ' When MSN launched Toy Story came out and was the first completely computer generated film , John Major was Prime Minister and Barings bank collapsed .

  5. 在我为他们工作前,我从来没有听说过巴林银行这个名字。

    I 'd never even heard of Barings before I started working for'em.

  6. 巴林银行的破产,中航油的巨额亏损都与衍生金融工具有直接的关系。

    Bankruptcy of Bahrain , China Aviation Oil for the huge losses are directly related with derivative .

  7. 继巴林银行破产案后,法国兴业银行巨额金融违规案使得世界金融市场的焦点重新聚集在银行合规风险管理问题上。

    After Barings Bank falling , noncompliance case of Societe Generale attracts significant concern on compliance risk management of financial organizations again .

  8. 尤其在东亚金融危机以来,以及巴林银行等倒闭后,内控机制建设变得尤为迫切。

    Especially after East Asia Financial Crisis and Bahrain Bank went bankrupt , the construction of the internal control system became more urgent .

  9. 尤其是20世纪90年代巴林银行倒闭乃至东南亚金融危机爆发后,对商业银行信息披露的关注受到了越来越多的认同和重视,上升到了一个更高的高度。

    After the collapse of Barings Bank and the outbreak of south-eastern Asian financial crisis , the information disclosure has drew increasing attention .

  10. 1995年,英国巴林银行倒闭后,监管者可能已经逡巡不前。

    Regulators are likely to get no further than they did after the collapse of Barings , a British bank , in 1995 .

  11. 巴林银行的倒闭、东南亚金融危机以及2007年美国次贷危机的爆发,国际金融市场的动荡不断加剧。

    The collapse of Barings Bank , the Southeastern Asia financial crisis and 2007 American credit crisis accelerated the turbulence of international financial market .

  12. 同时,巴林银行也缺乏一个独立的风险控制检查部门对利森所为进行监控;

    At the same time , Bank of Bahrain is also a lack of an independent risk control and inspection departments to monitor for Ellison ;

  13. 通过对巴林银行倒闭事件的分析,基于国家合作与发展原则理论,说明跨国银行国际监管的必要性。

    Through introducing the failure of Barings bank and basing on the principle of national cooperation and development , the thesis explains necessity of the international supervision .

  14. 本文以法国兴业银行为主线,兼论巴林银行、澳大利亚国民银行和爱尔兰联合银行巴尔迪摩分行衍生品交易亏损发生的主要原因。

    With the cases of Societe Generate , Barings , Allied Irish Bank and Australian National Bank , this paper scrutinizes the main causes of their failures .

  15. 巴林银行破产案和2004年底发生的中航油事件即是这样两个典型案例。

    The collapse of the Baring Bank and the failure of China Aviation Oil ( Singapore ) are two typical cases which resulted from the failure of internal control .

  16. 但由于股指期货具有流动性高、杠杆比例大的交易特点,经常被少数投机者和风险爱好者利用为投机的工具,导致了许多损失惨重的金融事件的出现,如巴林银行的倒闭。

    Because Stock index futures has these deal characters of high fluidity and big leverage , which is always be used as speculate tool by minority speculator and risk fancier .

  17. 从巴林银行的倒闭到近期金融系统发生的其他经济案件,几乎无一不是金融机构内部控制不严所致。

    Economic cases taking place from bankruptcy of Bahrain Bank to recent financial system , almost there is not one that is not caused by tightly control inside the financial institution .

  18. 最后,本文以巴林银行事件为案例,对股指期货风险进行分析,并通过案例分析指出其经验教训。

    Finally , as a case of stock index futures risk , the thesis analyzed the Bank of Bahrain , and through the case study , pointed out the lessons learned .

  19. 自巴林银行倒闭事件和东南亚金融危机发生之后,控制和防范银行风险越来越为世界各国所关注和重视。

    More and more attention has been attached to the control and prevention of bank risk since the collapse of the Barings Bank and the occurrence of financial crises of southeastern Asia .

  20. 然而,安然事件、巴林银行破产案、新加坡中航油等事件的发生,暴露出无论是我国还是国外的大型跨国公司,在经营管理上都存在着许多问题。

    However , Enron event , the case of Barings Bank , Singapore in aviation fuel and other events reflect that there are many problems in the management in large multinational corporations .

  21. 20世纪70年代以来,如何对银行进行有效的监管是世界各国政府与金融界面临的共同问题,特别是巴林银行的倒闭更是为银行监管问题敲响了警钟。

    It is a common problem that the government all around the world and financial circle had faced since the seventies of the 20th century how to carry on effective supervision to the bank .

  22. 而从国际范围看,金融行业道德风险的频发与巨大的金融风险不无关系,如巴林银行的倒闭、次贷危机等。

    From the point of international scope , the moral hazard in financial sectors is related to financial risks , such as the collapse of Barings Bank , the " subprime crisis " and so on .

  23. 随着巴林银行的破产,越来越多的金融组织和监管机构开始反思内部控制制度缺失和信息披露不完善所带来的一系列问题。

    With the bankruptcy of Barings Bank , a growing number of financial organizations and regulators began to reflect on a range of issues caused by loss of internal control system and imperfections of information disclosure .

  24. 像巴林银行的覆灭,与其说是因为从事金融衍生产品交易,还不如说是巴林银行的内部风险管理混乱到了极点。

    Bank of Bahrain as the destruction was not so much as to engage in financial derivatives trading , said that Bahrain is not as good as the bank 's internal risk management to the extreme confusion .

  25. 除了理论上的研究和总结,笔者亦引用了巴林银行倒闭的具体案例,并对案例进行分析,从案例中找出风险管理存在的不足以及需要重点注意的地方。

    In addition to theoretically of research and summary , the author also quote from the case of " Collapse of Barings ", also analysis to the case to find out the shortage in risk management of OBS .

  26. 巴林银行、法国兴业银行等一系列重大损失事件的发生,使得金融界在震惊的同时不得不再次审视商业银行内部控制及操作风险管理体系建设。

    Because of the great loss in Bahrain Bank and Societe Generale , the world financial sector is shocked , and then they discover that they have to pay more attention on their internal control and operation risk management system .

  27. 在衍生金融工具迅速发展的同时,陆续发生的巴林银行、中航油、东方航空等事件,使人们不得不更加关注衍生金融工具的风险。

    As the rapid development of derivative financial instruments , the events occurred one after another , Barings Bank , CAO , Eastern Airlines and others . People have to pay more attention to the risks of derivative financial instruments .

  28. 与此同时,在金融市场中,操作风险日趋巨额化并成为继信用风险和市场风险后金融机构的第三大风险,1995年,由于操作不当具有百年历史的英国巴林银行轰然倒闭。

    Meanwhile , increasingly high sum operational risk has become the third large risk , just after critical risk and market risk . In 1995 , improper operation caused the sudden bankrupt of Barings Bank , a bank with more than 100 years history .

  29. 巴林银行的倒闭尚未在人们的记忆中远去,国内接连爆发的金融大案、纷纷落马的金融高官又引起了人们对金融&这个现代经济核心的担忧。

    The bankrupting of Bahrain bank has not been far away from the man 's memory . The continuous of economic cases rose at home , The high rank official of this cases arose the people 's attention for the financial , Modem economics ' center .

  30. 使用衍生产品不当而给公司带来灾难性后果的案例不胜枚举,如巴林银行破产、中航油事件以及近期爆出的中信泰富、深南电对赌性衍生品合约亏损事件等。

    Improper use of derivatives ( or speculation ) has brought disastrous consequences to so many companies , such as Barings Bank , China Aviation Oil , etc. The recent burst of the affairs of CITIC Pacific , the Shennan electric company also proved how risky speculation will be .