
  • Balenciaga;Cristobal Balenciaga
  1. 巴黎世家被认为是开云集团的“新兴奢侈品牌”之一,其他类似的品牌包括斯特拉·麦卡特尼(StellaMcCartney)、亚历山大·麦昆(AlexanderMcQueen)和克里斯托弗·凯恩(ChristopherKane)等。

    Balenciaga is considered one of Kering 's " emerging luxury brands , " along with Stella McCartney , Alexander McQueen , Christopher Kane and others .

  2. 周五(7月31日),法国奢侈品集团开云(Kering)宣布,设计师王大仁(AlexanderWang)将不再执掌巴黎世家(Balenciaga),称“这一决定是双方共同做出的”。王大仁在巴黎世家供职不到三年。

    Kering , the French luxury goods conglomerate , announced on Friday that the designer Alexander Wang was leaving the helm of Balenciaga after less than three years by " joint decision . "

  3. 她里面穿着这条裙子(以及仿制的那几条),外面穿巴黎世家的皮夹克或者Acne的长羊毛开衫。

    She wore the original ( and her copies ) under a Balenciaga leather jacket or long cardigan from Acne .

  4. 据花旗投资研究公司(CitiInvestmentResearch)的奢侈品分析师托马斯·肖韦(ThomasChauvet)称,巴黎世家的增长速度慢于类似的更小的品牌,这可能是开云集团决定做出改变的原因之一。

    According to Thomas Chauvet , an analyst covering luxury goods at Citi Investment Research , the growth at Balenciaga was slower than that of similar smaller brands , and that may have contributed to Kering 's decision to make a change .

  5. 今天那些时尚的运动衫、罗马鞋和氯丁橡胶面料服装都可溯及他为巴黎世家(Balenciaga)所做的设计。

    Today 's trendy sweatshirts , gladiator sandals and neoprene clothes can all be traced back to his work designing Balenciaga .

  6. 1997年,尼古拉斯·盖斯奇埃尔(NicolasGhesquière)接管巴黎世家,使之重获新生,2012年,因与开云集团管理层在创意方面的分歧,盖斯奇埃尔离开该品牌,之后王大仁获任该顶级设计职位。

    Mr. Wang was named to the top design post in 2012 after Nicolas Ghesqui è re , who had revitalized the brand since taking over in 1997 , left over creative differences with Kering 's management .

  7. 在巴黎世家(Balenciaga),我看到了一件卡其布装饰低腰的非对称黑色绉布裙(4350RMB,约合440英镑)。

    At Balenciaga , I saw a black crepe asymmetric skirt with khaki accents around the low-slung waistline ( Rmb4350 , £ 440 ) .

  8. 他自己的品牌是家族拥有的独立公司,而巴黎世家则是一个庞大集团的下属品牌(巴黎世家母公司是法国奢侈品业巨头开云集团[Kering],旗下还有圣洛朗[SaintLaurent]、古奇[Gucci]、亚历山大·麦昆[AlexanderMcQueen]等品牌)。

    the worlds of a family owned independent company and the world of a giant conglomerate ( Balenciaga is owned by Kering , the French luxury group that also owns Saint Laurent , Gucci and Alexander McQueen , among other brands ) .

  9. 而在巴黎世家(Balenciaga)2017年秋冬季时装发布会上,设计总监戴姆纳瓦萨利亚(DemnaGvasalia)推出了一款印有巴黎世家母公司、奢侈品巨擎开云(Kering)品牌标识的毛衣。

    At Balenciaga AW17 , designer Demna Gvasalia emblazoned a sweater with the logo of the luxury conglomerate group , Kering , which owns the brand .

  10. 时装秀忧郁的拉斯维加斯歌舞女郎大秀网眼布紧身连体衣裤,詹巴蒂斯塔•瓦莉(GiambattistaValli)推出宽式露内衣裤的短裙以及从巴黎世家(Balenciaga)到卡尔文•克莱恩(CalvinKlein)推出的各种透明薄纱文胸。

    fishnet bodystockings worn by melancholy Vegas showgirls at Louis Vuitton ; big underwear-revealing skirts at Giambattista Valli ; and layers upon layers of sheer everywhere from Balenciaga to Calvin Klein Collection .

  11. 多数手套用皮革打造,款式一应俱全——从山本耀司(YohjiYamamoto)的露指手套到巴黎世家(Balenciaga)的鳄鱼图纹手套、再到艾莉•萨博(ElieSaab)齐肘长手套(其褶饰经过精心打造),可谓应有尽有。

    Mostly crafted in leather , they came in all forms - from fingerless at Yohji Yamamoto to croc-printed at Balenciaga , and elbow-length with ruching details at Elie Saab .

  12. 在K11购物艺术中心里,一部升降梯途经博柏利(Burberry)、蔻依(Chloé)、巴黎世家(Balenciaga)和其他高端店铺,每天载着成百上千人去排队观看各种非常不同的奢侈品展示。

    Inside the K11 Art Mall , an elevator ride away from Burberry , Chlo é , Balenciaga and other high-end shops , hundreds of people line up each day to see very different kinds of luxury items on display .

  13. 评论家肯尼迪·弗雷泽(KennedyFraser)在她1981年出版《时尚心灵》(TheFashionableMind)中指出,巴黎世家的创始人克里斯托瓦尔·巴朗斯加(CristóbalBalenciaga)从来不是特别在意跟上时代潮流。但是时尚界的真理却是:品牌如果不变革就会落后于潮流。

    And if its founder , Crist ó bal Balenciaga , was never particularly concerned with keeping up with the times , as the critic Kennedy Fraser pointed out in her 1981 book " The Fashionable Mind , " so it goes in fashion : Houses evolve or they become irrelevant .

  14. 最新的一起挫折是,总部位于巴黎、旗下拥有古驰(Gucci)和巴黎世家(Balenciaga)等奢侈品牌的开云集团(Kering)在纽约起诉阿里巴巴,声称这家总部位于杭州的企业共谋参与了其网站上的假货销售。

    The latest setback came in the form of a lawsuit filed in a New York court by Kering , the Paris-based group whose luxury brands include Gucci and Balenciaga , alleging the Hangzhou-based company was complicit in the sale of counterfeit goods on its sites .

  15. 同时,皮诺说巴黎世家的零售增长率也达到了两位数。

    Meanwhile , Balenciaga is also experiencing double-digit retail growth , Mr. Pinault said .

  16. 我也是,我就喜欢巴黎世家。

    Serena : Oh , me , too . I just love the Balenciaga store .

  17. 王大仁为巴黎世家设计的最后一个时装秀将于10月2日在巴黎举办。

    Mr. Wang 's last show for Balenciaga will be on Oct. 2 in Paris .

  18. 我可以穿着内裤和拖鞋出去仍然有巴黎世家袋。

    I can be wearing underwear and slippers to go out and still have a Balenciaga bag .

  19. 第二天,我们的话题从单身汉、奶瓶和巴黎世家的女式衬衫到书籍。

    The next day , our talk turned from bachelors , baby bottles and Balenciaga blouses to books .

  20. 当我离开冰,我从来没有离开巴黎世家包在我家里的任何颜色。

    When I 'm off the ice , I never leave my house without a Balenciaga bag in whatever color .

  21. 王大仁为巴黎世家设计的十个系列总的来说获得了正面反响,但没有哪个造型或配饰曾引起轰动。

    Mr. Wang 's 10 collections for Balenciaga met with a generally positive reaction , though no single look or accessory proved a blockbuster .

  22. 王大仁将专注于自己在纽约的同名品牌;在担任巴黎世家的创意总监期间,他同时经营自己的品牌。

    Mr. Wang will concentrate on his namesake brand , based in New York , which he maintained during his time as creative director at Balenciaga .

  23. 巴赞说他们从一开始就非常在意把王大仁和巴黎世家的设计和公司团队彻底分开,以防它们之间互相吞噬。

    Mr. Bazan said they were careful from the beginning to keep the Wang and Balenciaga design and corporate teams completely separate , to avoid cannibalization .

  24. 她脚踩白色匡威,带着金色项链,环形耳环和黑色的巴黎世家单肩包。

    She accessorised her look with a pair of white Converse trainers , a collection of gold necklaces , hooped earrings and a black Balenciaga shoulder bag .

  25. 我们看到他的自有品牌跟巴黎世家在市场和创意个性上完全不同,所有不会有什么问题。

    We saw that his own brand was at such a different place in terms of market and creative identity that it would not be a problem .

  26. 从上一季的绞花编织大衣,茧形的肩部有珠饰的编织上衣和与之搭配的剪裁利落的礼服西裤,可以很清楚地看出开云交给王的任务——那就是给巴黎世家注入现代和青春的活力。

    Last season 's bonded cable-knit coats and cocooning pearl-shouldered knits over slick black-tie trousers clearly fulfill his Kering-given mandate to bring some modernity and youthful energy to the house .

  27. 在他巴黎世家的最后一场时装秀上,我们看到他又跑又跳,简直就是在庆祝,表明自己为摆脱束缚感到万分开心。

    He went running and jumping and practically celebrating , as all of us who were at his final Balenciaga show could see , suggesting that he was more than happy to be free of the grind .

  28. 分析师们估计,巴黎世家的年收入为3.5亿欧元(约合3.87亿美元)。根据本周发布的数据,这占开云集团奢侈品总收入的不到5%。

    Analysts estimate that Balenciaga alone has annual revenue of 350 million euros ( $ 387 million ) , which would represent less than 5 percent of Kering 's overall luxury revenue , based on results released this week .

  29. 不论是在巴黎世家还是在自己的公司,每一次会议结束后,他都会发送备忘录,重申做出的决定,或是尚待决定的事物&由谁、基于什么因素、在何时之前必须搞定。

    After every meeting , either at Balenciaga or Wang , he sends memos reiterating what was decided , if anything still needed to be decided and if so , who would decide it , on what basis and by when .

  30. 他在纽约的时装秀比巴黎世家提早两个半星期——这样在自己品牌的发布结束后,他紧接着就去欧洲,为巴黎世家的发布拍摄造型目录和广告。

    since his New York show occurs two and a half weeks before the Balenciaga show , following the Wang presentation , he goes immediately to Europe , where he stays through the show to shoot the look book and ad campaign .