
  • 网络BENETTON;United Colors of Benetton;Binatone
  1. 这场灾难赤裸裸地证明了快速变化的流行趋势或者“快时尚”的真实消耗成本,像是Gap和贝纳通这样的主流时尚品牌的背后是服装工人危险的工作环境,超长的工作时间,以及微薄的薪水。

    The disaster graphically demonstrated the true cost of quickly changing trends , or " fast fashion , " for high-street brands such as Gap and Benetton : dangerous working conditions , long hours and little pay for the garment workers .

  2. 浙江贝克曼集团(ZhejiangBeckmanGroup)是H&M和Benetton(贝纳通)等品牌毛衣和夹克的贴牌生产商,该公司表示汇率前景不明促使公司决定签署短期合同。

    Zhejiang Beckman Group , a maker of sweaters and jackets for brands like H & M and Benetton , says uncertainty about the exchange rate has prompted it to sign shorter-term contracts .

  3. 在他的NBA生涯中,西斯稀里在巴塞罗那尕甲和精英全欧洲联赛中效力于巴塞罗那的特雷维索贝纳通。

    Prior to his NBA career , Bargnani played for Italy 's Benetton Treviso in the Italian Lega A and the elite Europe-wide Euroleague .

  4. 作为其全球扩张举措的一部分,贝纳通家族正在寻找少量额外合作伙伴,新加坡政府投资公司(gic)成为其中的第一家。

    The government of Singapore Investment Corporation ( GIC ) is the first of a small number of additional partners the family is seeking as part of a global expansion of its operations .

  5. 星巴克将与Percassi合作,这家公司与贝纳通(Benetton)合作了30年,曾将Zara带入意大利市场,并与耐克(Nike)、拉尔夫•劳伦(RalphLauren)、汤米•希尔费格(TommyHilfiger)等一系列美国品牌有过合作。

    Starbucks is working with Percassi , the company that partnered with Benetton for 30 years , brought Zara to the Italian market and has worked with a string of American brands including Nike , Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger .

  6. 贝纳通研究中心,特雷维索,意大利

    Fabrica ( benetton communication research center ), treviso , italy , 1994

  7. 她回答说:不,是贝纳通的。

    " No , Benetton ," she said .

  8. 玩具商美泰与贝纳通合力打造芭比童装

    Toy giant merchant Mattel and Benetton cooperate to create the Barbie children 's clothing

  9. 在这个过程中,他帮助巴塞罗那的贝纳通队得到了2006年的冠军。

    In the process , he helped lead Benetton to Italy 's Lega A2006 championship .

  10. 和我们说说贝纳通车队和舒马赫?

    Tell us about Benetton and schumacher ?

  11. 贝纳通是最新加入合约的零售商,并要求进行严格的安全检查。

    Benetton , is that latest retailer to join the pact that calls for more rigorous safety inspections .

  12. 一个挥之不去的故事是贝纳通公司只是个门面,一个洗钱的工具。

    A story which will not go away is that Benetton was a front , a way of laundering money .

  13. 在2003-04年度,他的第一个赛季他为贝纳通效力,在10场比赛中他有着平均分数4.9分和2.0个篮板的好成绩。

    In2003-04 , he posted averages of4.9 points and2.0 rebounds in10 games in his first Lega A season with Benetton .

  14. 贝纳通说,它交给孟加拉国那座垮塌建筑中一家工厂的一笔一次性订单已于数周前完成,在那座建筑里从事生产的企业目前没有一家是贝纳通的供应商。

    Benetton said a one-time order from the collapsed factory was completed weeks ago , and that none of the companies there is a supplier now .

  15. 我想要一件贝纳通毛衣和一辆很酷的自行车,我想在圣诞节去墨西哥玩,把全身晒成古铜色。

    I wanted Benetton sweaters and a cool bike . I wanted to take trips to Mexico over Christmas break and come back with a bronze tan .

  16. 借鉴贝纳通和李宁成功的广告创意和运作经验,提出了一套比较完善的服装广告的运作策略。

    According to analyzing the advertising creative and operation experience for Benetton and LiNing , we put forward to a set of perfect operation strategy of garment advertisement .

  17. 在贝纳通车队时,他于1994年和1995年赢得了两次冠军,后来在1996年他转到了法拉利车队,从2000年起又相继赢了五次冠军。

    He won two titles with Benetton , in 1994 and 1995 , before switching to Ferrari in 1996 and going on to win five straight titles from 2000 .

  18. 意大利贝纳通集团这样的成衣品牌也曾聘请非专业模特走秀,日本时装设计师山本耀司也经常用这种方式展示他设计的男装系列。

    Ready-to-wearlabels that have used non-professional models in the past include the Italian group Benetton , while the Japanese fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto regularly does so for his men 's collections .