
  • 网络Bear Stearns;Bear Stearns Cos;Bear Sterns;BSC;Bear Steams
  1. 今年早些时候,摩根大通以二十多亿美元的价格收购了贝尔斯登公司。

    It bought Bear Stearns for more than two-billion dollars earlier this year .

  2. 我们用史无前例数量的顾客和债务来做担保,我们想要赢得贝尔斯登公司员工的心,使他们信任我们。

    And we took an unprecedented guarantee of customers & liabilities and I think the Bear Stearns employees , we want to win their hearts and minds , we think they have some great people .

  3. 在贝尔斯登公司位于麦迪逊大道的总部大楼内,六层的办公区域一片混乱。

    On the sixth floor of Bear 's Madison Avenue headquarters , it was chaos .

  4. 我想贝尔斯登公司有很多很伟大的人,他们在自己的岗位上已经做了很久,他们感到很骄傲,也应该感到骄傲。

    They 've been there for a long time . They are proud and should be proud .

  5. 伯南克回答说,美联储并不是解救贝尔斯登公司。3月中旬,濒临破产的大投资银行和证券商贝尔斯登在美联储的协助下被廉价卖给了摩根大通银行。

    Bernanke replied that the Federal Reserve did not bail out Bear Stearns , the large investment bank and brokerage rescued from near bankruptcy in mid-March .

  6. 卡鲁那指的是上个月美国中央银行美联储合力帮助挽救华尔街投资银行贝尔斯登公司。贝尔斯登公司由于受到信贷亏损的打击而濒临破产。

    He is referring to the US central bank-orchestrated rescue of the Bear Stearns investment bank , which teetered on the brink of bankruptcy because of loan losses .

  7. 大量房屋抵押贷款公司破产,基金被迫清盘,投资银行宣布亏损,雷曼兄弟公司宣布申请破产保护,贝尔斯登公司被摩根大通收购,美林证券被美国银行收购,美国五大投资银行格局被彻底打破。

    A lot of mortgage companies went bankrupt , the fund was liquidated , the investment bank announced the loss . Lehman Brothers announced bankruptcy protection . Bear Stearns has been acquired by JP Morgan . Merrill Lynch has been acquired by Bank of America .

  8. 在国会参众两院占多数的反对党民主党人希望弄清楚为什么美联储上个月出手帮助防止华尔街投资银行贝尔斯登公司倒闭,但是却不能以相同的态度帮助那些陷入困境、无力支付房屋贷款的房主。

    Opposition Democrats , who control both houses of Congress , wanted to know why the Federal Reserve last month stepped in to prevent the collapse of a Wall Street investment house , but is not doing the same to assist distressed home buyers having trouble making their mortgage payments .

  9. 布什表示支持美国中央银行最近采取的行动,削减利率,向金融市场提供稳定感,主要手段是拯救危机四伏的贝尔斯登投资公司。

    He signaled his support for steps taken in recent days by the U.S. central bank to cut interest rates and to provide financial markets with a sense of stability - in large part by rescuing the crisis-ridden investment firm , Bear Stearns .

  10. 贝尔斯登资产管理公司(bearstearnsassetmanagement)旗下两家对冲基金近日破产,这提出了两个很少有人能够回答的问题。

    The recent collapse of two hedge funds at Bear Stearns asset management raises two questions few people can answer .

  11. 6月19日,有消息称,曾贷款给贝尔斯登资产管理公司(bearstearnsassetmanagement)旗下两只对冲基金的一些投资银行,即将扣押贝尔斯登资产,以收回现金。

    On June 19 , it emerged that investment banks that had lent money to two hedge funds run by Bear Stearns asset management were on the verge of seizing assets to try to recover the cash .

  12. 星期五,美国中央银行帮助稳固了一个面临垮台的主要投资公司贝尔斯登,这个公司被住房贷款市场危机压得喘不过气来。

    And on Friday , the U.S. central bank helped strengthen a major investment firm facing collapse . The firm - Bear Stearns - was caught up in the crisis in the home mortgage market .

  13. 他们希望保护雷曼和贝尔斯登之类的公司,让它们不会受到交易对手破产带来的多米诺骨牌效应的影响,但他们从没有想到破产的会是雷曼和贝尔斯登。

    They wanted to protect the likes of Lehman and Bear Stearns from the domino effect that would have ensued had a counterparty gone under . They never thought the ones to go under would have been Lehman and bear .

  14. 对贝尔斯登来说,合资公司将提升其在亚洲有限的影响力。

    For Bear Stearns , the venture will raise its limited profile in Asia .

  15. 斯坦福大学的研究显示,美国投资银行贝尔斯登倒闭时在公司任职的12位董事中,有5位目前成为其他上市公司的董事。

    The Stanford study shows that five of the 12 Bear Stearns directors serving when the investment bank imploded are directors of public companies today .

  16. 华尔街银行的某些高管已将数十亿美元资金借给两个基金,但贝尔斯登迟迟不拿公司的钱冒险去支持基金,对此他们十分愤怒。

    Some executives at Wall Street banks that lent the funds billions were furious that bear was slow to put any of its own money at risk to back up the funds .

  17. 该法案于1999年被废除,商业银行进而得以从事证券业务,并最终有实力与贝尔斯登和美林等公司竞争。

    The repeal of Glass-Steagall , in1999 , allowed commercial banks to break into the securities business and ultimately gain the heft to compete with the likes of Bear Stearns and Merrill .