
  • 网络banco do brasil;Bradesco
  1. 他举了国有控股银行巴西银行(BancodoBrasil)的例子:这家银行的盈利水平与私营企业相当,但根据政府最近的指令降低了贷款息差。

    He cites the example of Banco do Brasil , a state-controlled bank that enjoys private-sector levels of profitability , but that on recent government orders cut lending spreads .

  2. 巴西银行传统上不愿借钱给购房者,房贷总额仅占巴西国内生产总值(gdp)的4%左右与国际水平相比非常低,但较3年前的水平已增长了一倍。

    Banks have traditionally been reluctant to lend to homebuyers and mortgage lending is only about 4 per cent of gross domestic product in Brazil very low by international standards but aboutdouble what it was three years ago .

  3. 巴西银行通常会与西方同行携手,而不是自己单干,例如pactual与瑞银(ubs)之间的合作。

    Brazilian banks have tended to pair up with Western peers , such as pactual with UBS , rather than go it alone .

  4. 最大国营银行和全球最古老的金融机构之一BancodoBrasil(巴西银行),与ItaúUnibanco竞争巴西最大银行头衔。

    Banco do Brasil , the largest state-controlled bank and one of the world 's oldest financial institutions , vies with it for the title of the country 's biggest bank .

  5. 巴西银行业的盈利能力令西方同行羡慕不已。

    Their profitability is the envy of western peers .

  6. 与之竞争的私营银行很快效仿了巴西银行的做法。

    Competing private banks soon followed suit .

  7. 在巴西银行遭遇巴西文化

    Encounter Brazil Culture in Bank

  8. 各国的开发银行,比如巴西开发银行、中国开发银行,以及南部非洲开发银行(DevelopmentBankofSouthernAfrica),在社会影响和环境保护方面的透明度,一直都极其糟糕,亚历山大说。

    National development banks such as the Brazilian Development Bank , China Development Bank and the Development Bank of Southern Africa have abysmal records in terms of transparency and in terms of social and environmental safeguards , Ms. Alexander said .

  9. 各国的开发银行,比如巴西开发银行、中国开发银行,以及南部非洲开发银行(DevelopmentBankofSouthernAfrica),“在社会影响和环境保护方面的透明度,一直都极其糟糕,”亚历山大说。

    National development banks such as the Brazilian Development Bank , China Development Bank and the Development Bank of Southern Africa " have abysmal records in terms of transparency and in terms of social and environmental safeguards , " Ms. Alexander said .

  10. 去年,桑坦德以9倍市盈率的隐含估价收购了巴西雷亚尔银行(bancoreal),而霍伊兰表示,在巴西当地市场实际市盈率为13倍。

    Last year , it bought Banco real of Brazil at an implied valuation of nine times earnings in the local Brazilian market , says hoyland , it was 13 times earnings .

  11. 巴西发展银行的EduardoBandeiradeMello说他的银行正在试图为这些努力筹集资金。

    Eduardo Bandeira de Mello of the Brazilian Development Bank says his bank is trying to fund such efforts .

  12. 据悉,卡西诺和BNDESPar(巴西开发银行一家子公司)也将拥有该合资公司的部分股权。

    It is understood that Casino and BNDESPar ( a subsidiary of the Brazilian Development Bank ) would also have a stake in the business .

  13. 巴西投资银行百达集团(BTGPactual)的高层管理人员们做好了控制损失的准备。该行的前首席执行官安德烈·埃斯特维斯(AndréEsteves)正在接受腐败调查。

    Ready to engage in some damage control will be the top executives at BTG Pactual , the Brazilian investment bank whose former chief executive , Andr é Esteves , is under investigation for corruption .

  14. 澳大利亚和巴西的银行也崭露头角。

    Australian and Brazilian banks have also risen to prominence .

  15. 像巴西的银行一样,它们不希望因为收购低增长的西方机构,稀释本土强劲的增长势头。

    Like their Brazilian counterparts they do not want to dilute fizzy growth at home with low-growth western acquisitions .

  16. 巴西中央银行降息了整整一个百分点,至12.75%。超出市场预期。

    Brazil 's central bank reduced interest rates by a full percentage point to12.75 % . The cut was larger than expected .

  17. 巴西开发银行此前虽然计划对两者的兼并提供投资,也在7月12日收回这项支持。

    The Brazilian Development Bank , which had planned to invest in the merged entity , withdrew its backing on July 12th .

  18. 巴西的银行结算制度目前以实时方式运作,因此所有银行在任何时刻都能掌握自己的现金状况,而央行则掌控各银行实时情况的总图。

    The country 's bank-settlement system now operates in real time , so all banks know their cash positions at any given moment and the central bank has an overall picture of what is happening .

  19. 尽管通胀率下降至6%的可管理水平,但巴西的银行放贷的平均利率接近25%。而消费信贷利率远远超过了30%。

    In spite of a fall in inflation to a manageable rate of 6 per cent , the banks in Brazil charge an average lending rate of approximately 25 per cent and , in the case of consumer lending , rates are well in excess of 30 per cent .

  20. 巴西国家发展银行(bndes)放出了大量廉价贷款。

    BNDES , a State Development Bank , spewed out cheap credit .

  21. 方案所需资金将由巴西国家发展银行(bndes)提供,主要是优惠贷款。

    It would be funded on largely favourable terms by BNDES , the State Development Bank .

  22. 他还计划任命一位传统经济学家来领导巴西的中央银行。

    He also plans to name a traditional economist to head Brazil 's central bank .

  23. 巴西各大银行报告称,去年新增信贷增长逾20%。

    The major banks have reported credit growth of more than 20 per cent last year .

  24. 巴西降低了银行储备金要求并且为其鼓励银行和存款保险基金收购小型银行的贷款资产组合。

    Brazil reduced reserve requirements and gave banks and its deposit-insurance fund incentives to buy up the loan portfolios of smaller banks .

  25. 巴西用世界银行5.7亿美元贷款中的5亿美元资助了家庭助学金伞形社会项目下的有条件现金转移方案。

    Under the umbrella of its social program , Bolsa Familia , Brazil has used $ 500 million of $ 570 million World Bank loan to fund its conditional cash transfers .

  26. 在巴西最大的私营银行Unibanco,工作人员在规定的午餐时间结束前会被转门拒之门外,因为早一分钟进来,工人们就有了要求加班费的理由。

    At Unibanco , a big private-sector bank , the turnstiles are programmed to keep workers out of the building until a minute after their allotted lunch hour ;

  27. 巴西如何引进外资银行?

    How does Brazil introduce the foreign banks ?

  28. 同时,圣保罗一位知情人士表示,建行已和巴西一家小型银行的所有人就潜在的收购事宜展开了谈判。

    Separately , a person in so Paulo familiar with the matter said CCB had opened talks with the owners of a small Brazilian bank over a potential acquisition of the institution .