
  • 网络Bayer Group
  1. 一些人表示,并不期望在为期一周的论坛找到解决方案,德国制药集团拜耳集团(bayer)董事长沃纳温宁(wernerwenning)就是其中之一。

    Werner Wenning , chairman of Bayer , the German pharmaceuticals group , was among several saying he did not expect solutions to be found during the week-long event .

  2. 拜耳集团公司是化学和制药工业领域中首屈一指的国际性企业。

    The Bayer Group is one of the largest diversified international chemicals and health care groups .

  3. 拜耳集团是一家以研发见长的成长型全球企业,在医药保健、营养和高科技材料领域拥有核心竞争力。

    Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care , nutrition and high-tech materials .

  4. 德国化工巨人拜耳药业集团周四表示,该公司已与上海氯碱化工有限公司签订合作合同,在上海建立一个总资产达4.5亿美元的聚碳酸酯工厂,这也是拜耳在中国进行大规模投资计划的第一步。

    Germany 's Bayer AG said on Thursday it has kicked off a massive China expansion plan with a joint venture deal with Chlor Alkali to build a $ 450 million polycarbonate plant in Shanghai .