
  • 网络byzantine;the Byzantines;Byzantium
  1. 讽刺的是,200年前,拜占庭人就是利用这个门从十字军(theCrusaders)手中夺回了他们的城市。

    Ironically , this was the same gate the Byzantines used to retake their city from the Crusaders 200 years previously .

  2. 在1世纪时,这座古城几近被罗马人摧毁,但却重建于拜占庭人之手,而后再遭毁灭。

    In the first century it was destroyed by the Romans , rebuilt by the Byzantines and destroyed again .

  3. 但是拜占庭人是不会忘记他们刚刚打败过俄罗斯的

    They will not forget that they defeated the Russians so recently

  4. 与大众相信的情况相反,实际上,拜占庭人胜算很大。

    Contrary to popular belief , the Byzantines actually had a pretty good chance of winning .

  5. 我们可以知道如果拜占庭人成功保卫了君士坦丁堡,这世界现在会是多么的不同。

    We can wonder just how different the world would be right now if the Byzantines successfully defended Constantinople .

  6. 如果拜占庭人能够坚持够久,那么来自他们欧洲同盟的帮助本来是可以扭转战场局势的。

    If the Byzantines had held out long enough , help from their European allies could have turned the tide of battle .

  7. 不幸的是,拜占庭人的英勇努力却因为一个非常非常小的失误都付诸东流了:某人忘记关门了。

    Unfortunately , the Byzantines brave efforts were wasted due to a very critically dumb error : Someone forgot to close a gate .

  8. 悠远的时间长河里,阿勒波曾相继被罗马人、拜占庭人和奥斯曼人所占,因此,城中建筑多见其三者混合风格。

    At various epochs Aleppo was controlled by the Romans , Byzantines , Ottomans , as a result it has mixed architectural styles .

  9. 洗礼盆放在一圆顶形的华盖下面,四周环绕着柱子和后堂回廊,这是由拜占庭人首先使用的建筑特色。

    The font itself was set beneath a dome-shaped baldachin and encircled by columns and an ambulatory , features first used by the Byzantines .

  10. 在基督世界的分水岭&大分裂时期,拜占庭人和西罗马人在思想上的分歧已经非常突出。

    The differences between the thinking in Byzantium and the west were most profoundly highlighted with the Great Schism , the division of Christendom .

  11. 经过拜占庭人的短暂统治和汪达尔人的洗劫,公元870年,马其他被阿拉伯人占领。

    After a short spell of Byzantine rule , and a probable sack by the Vandals , the islands were conquered by the Arabs in AD870 .

  12. 罗马人、拜占庭人和中世纪欧洲将用作防御的塔建成为城墙上防御工事的一部分(比如伦敦塔)。

    The Romans , Byzantines , and medieval Europeans built defensive towers as part of the fortifications of their city walls ( e.g. , the Tower of London ) .

  13. 随着罗马帝国的灭亡,这里接连迎来了一波又一波的征服者:拜占庭人、诺曼人、斯瓦比亚人、安如望人、阿拉贡人、西班牙人和奥斯曼土耳其人。

    With the fall of the Roman Empire came successive waves of conquerers : Byzantines , Normans , Swabians , Angevins , Aragoneses , the Spanish , Ottoman Turks .

  14. 相继被希腊人、罗马人、哥特人、伦巴第人、拜占庭人、诺曼人和威尼斯人统治,1557年成为那不勒斯王国的一部分。

    Controlled successively by the Greeks , Romans , Goths , Lombards , Byzantines , Normans , and Venetians , it became part of the kingdom of Naples in1557 .

  15. 一旦拜占庭人扩张到一定程度后,就要把注意力放到东面的土耳其人、北面的匈牙利人和西面的意大利派系身上来。

    Once the Byzantines have expanded sufficiently they should set their sites on the Turks to the East whilst remaining wary of Hungarians to the North and the Italian factions to the West .

  16. 他当着一个公证人承认了他的儿子,以后他还会用同样的方式承认他女儿。可是从法律角度上看,这些做法并不比拜占庭人的仪式更有效。

    He recognized his older child before a notary and later would do the same with his daughter , but these were no more than byzantine formalities without consequence in the eyes of the law .

  17. 腓尼基人、迦太基人、罗马人、拜占庭人、法蒂玛王朝、诺曼人、西西里人、西班牙人、法国人、一个欧洲世俗宗教修道会和英国人都曾想征服或统治马耳他,其中很多成功了。

    The Phoenicians , Carthaginians , Romans , Byzantines , Fatimids , Normans , Sicilians , Spanish , French , a European lay religious order and the British all tried to conquer or rule Malta , and many succeeded .

  18. 历史叙利亚在1517年由奥斯曼土耳其统治之前,先后被迦南人、希伯来人、阿拉曼人、亚述人、巴比伦人、波斯人、希腊人、罗马人、那巴提安人、拜占庭人、阿拉伯人和十字军陆续占领。

    Syria was occupied successively by Canaanites , Hebrews , Arameans , Assyrians , Babylonians , Persians , Greeks , Romans , Nabataeans , Byzantines , Arabs , and , in part , Crusaders before finally under the control of the Ottoman Turks in 1517 .

  19. 西方文明摇篮的雅典是希腊的首都,人口约为300万,其人类居住史超过7000年。奥斯曼人、拜占庭人和罗马人依次在此留下过各自文明的印记。

    The cradle of Western civilization , Athens is the capital of Greece with the population of about 3 million people . By now it has been inhabited for more than 7000 years and the design of the city is marked by Ottoman , Byzantine and Roman civilizations .

  20. 让我们从一堂小小的历史课说起:欧洲饱经杀戮、饥荒、灾难、独裁和战争数百年,曾不断被罗马人、拜占庭人、蛮族人、撒拉逊人、奥斯曼人、俄罗斯帝国等征服和重建。

    Let 's begin with a small history lesson : Europe has been carved by centuries of blood , famine , plagues , dictatorships , and wars . It 's been conquered and rebuilt repeatedly by the Romans , the Byzantines , the Barbarians , the Saracens , the Ottomans , the Russian empire , and the list continues .

  21. 拜占庭文明的三个来源是罗马、希腊和近东,但拜占庭人不只是过去文化的被动接受者。

    Byzantine civilization had three roots , in Rome , in Greece and in the Near East . But the Byzantines were not merely passive recipients of influences from the past .