
  1. 经过马其顿王朝短暂的中兴,拜占廷帝国开始走向没落。

    After the transient resurgence of imperial court of Macedonia , Byzantine Empire began to decline .

  2. 论公元4-9世纪拜占廷帝国圣徒崇拜

    An Analysis of the Cult of Saint in Byzantine Empire in the Fourth to Ninth Centuries

  3. 7&9世纪拜占廷帝国乡村和小农勃兴的原因分析

    On the Reasons of the Rural and Agricultural Prosperity of Byzantine Empire in 7 & 9 Centuries

  4. 在这个过程中,拜占廷帝国所处的内外环境都发生了巨大变化。

    During this process , the internal and external surroundings which the Byzantium was in changed greatly .

  5. 罗马&拜占廷帝国统治时的埃及,文化领域中的一大变化就是基督教的传播及发展。

    A large change of Egyptian cultural domain is Christianity 's spread and the development during Roman-Byzantine period .

  6. 本文对7&9世纪拜占廷帝国乡村和小农勃兴的原因进行探讨。

    This paper analyzes the reasons of the rural and agricultural prosperity of Byzantine Empire in 7-9 centuries .

  7. 首先,在392年基督教成为国教后,拜占廷帝国加速了基督教化的进程。

    First of all , the Empire has undergone Christianization since 392 AD when the Christianity became the state religion .

  8. 阿莱科修斯一世是拜占廷帝国晚期的著名皇帝之一,科穆宁王朝的创建者。

    Alexius ⅰ Comnenus was one of the outstanding emperors of the later Byzantine Empire and the founder of Comnenus Dynasty .

  9. 在宗教领域,拜占廷帝国的宗教中心也逐渐在该时期由西地中海世界的罗马转移到东部的君士坦丁堡。

    In religious aspect , the centre of Christianity also moved from Rome in the western empire to Constantinople in the eastern part .

  10. 埃及与拜占廷帝国间的政治、文化冲突导致了早期教义纷争的出现,最终科普特教会走上独立发展的道路。

    Politics and cultural conflicts between Egypt and Byzantine Empire have caused the early religious doctrine dispute , and finally Coptic Church stepped onto the independent path .

  11. 查士丁尼所奠定的帝国在中世纪的法律制度的基本模式在这一时期得到巩固和丰富,为拜占廷帝国第二个黄金时代的到来奠定了基础。

    The legislation frame which Justine established had been firmed and abundanted , and set up the basis of the second " gold time " of the empire .

  12. 基督教会作为拜占廷帝国社会生活中的核心力量,贯穿着拜占廷帝国历史发展的始终,在政治、经济、教育、文化、艺术等方面产生了巨大影响。

    As a key force of the Byzantine Empire , the Christian Church penetrated every aspect of the society in Byzantium . It had a profound and lasting influence on politics , economy , education , culture , arts , and so on .