
  1. 随后,本文根据区域房价波动理论对14个城市中具有核心影响力的城市进行了检验和判定,核心城市的发现为优化住宅房地产市场的宏观调控提供了视角。

    Subsequently , this paper uses the price variation theory to test and judge the core city which can affect others housing price in 14 cities .

  2. 今后可以从研究数据的丰裕度、计量模型构建的合理性和土地供应对房价影响的理论研究方面进行深化。

    It would better deepen the study in abundant research data , reasonable econometric model and theory research on the impact on housing prices from land supply .

  3. 第二部分为泡沫和房价泡沫的理论基础,介绍了泡沫的定义、分类、检验方法,以及房价泡沫的相关文献。

    The second part is the theory basic of bubble and housing bubble , we introduced the froth definition , the classification , the inspection procedure , and the house price froth related literature .

  4. 中国的房价与地价:理论、实证和政策分析

    POLICY Land Price and Housing Price in China : A Theoretical & Empirical Study

  5. 第二章主要论述了与地价和房价相关的经济理论。

    Chapter 2 is tallying up the related theories of land price and real estate price .

  6. 但在史上最大的房价泡沫面前,理论并不能提供多少指导。

    But when it comes to the biggest house-price bubble in history , theory does not get you very far .

  7. 收入房价比指标不受住宅构成和住宅标准的影响,克服了房价收入比指标理论上的系统误差,还能够反映个人福利的大小。

    The income-house price ratio overcomes the system error of house price-income ratio , can reflect the personal welfare , and get aw .