
  • 网络Welfare Pluralism
  1. 福利多元主义:福利提供从国家到多元部门的转型

    Welfare Pluralism : Welfare Provision Transformation from State to Multi-sectors

  2. 本文以辽宁省城市养老服务体系作为研究对象,运用福利多元主义理论和社会资本理论,对辽宁省城市养老服务体系存在的问题及对策进行分析。

    It use the welfare pluralism theory and social capital theory , analyzing the problems and countermeasures of the old-age service system .

  3. 福利多元主义视角下的医疗保险政策分析

    Analyzing Health Insurance Reform in China : A Welfare Pluralist Perspective

  4. 根据福利多元主义的主张,国家福利要向多元福利转变,倡导政府、社会、民间组织、家庭、个人等共同参与。

    According to the idea of welfare pluralism , the state welfare benefits to the multiple changes in government advocacy , community , civil society organizations , families and individuals to participate .

  5. 资源是社会救助的关键要素,为此文章以福利多元主义为基础,对社会救助中民间组织所具有的资源优势进行了分析,并为其发挥社会救助功能提供了理论和现实支持。

    For this reason , based on the welfare pluralism , we analysis the Resource advantages of the civil organizations in the social assistance , and provide a theoretical and practical support on function of social assistance .

  6. 因此本文提出:确立福利多元主义等助残理念;走政府责任与社会责任并重的福利主体参与多元化机制助残道路等建议。

    Therefore this paper is : the establishment of " welfare pluralism " and other disabled philosophy ; take the responsibility of the government and the social responsibility of main body participation mechanism of disabled welfare pluralism road proposal .

  7. 本文尝试从福利多元主义的视角,在福利服务领域引入非营利组织,并重点讨论政府的角色转变以及与这些志愿组织和社会团体的合作关系。

    Under the welfare-multiplex perspective , the author focuses on the role changing of government and the collaboration between the government and the voluntary organization , social group , by introducing the non-profit organization into the social welfare realm .

  8. 政府购买是基于公共选择理论、公共物品多元供给理论、福利多元主义理论、新公共管理理论和新公共服务理论的一种新型的政府供给公共服务的方式。

    Government Purchase of Service Contracting ( GPSC ) is a new style of service provision that is based on Public Choice theory , the theory of New Public Management ( NPM ) and the theory of New Public Services .

  9. 在新保守主义福利思想及福利多元主义观念的双重影响下,个案管理已经普遍被认为是为有福利需求的人们提供有效服务的一个重要手段。

    Under the double effects of new conservative and welfare pluralism ideologies , case management is generally regarded as an important method for providing effective services to people in need .

  10. 基于国内社会福利服务供需矛盾突出的现实,中国借鉴西方福利多元主义理论,于20世纪80年代提出社会福利社会化的思想,并付诸于改革实践。

    Because of the imbalance between supply and demand of the social welfare in China , the theory of socialization of social welfare was proposed in 1980s by using welfare pluralism theory for Reference .

  11. 在社会福利领域,公立医疗机构的民营化战略在受到西方新自由主义思潮和福利多元主义理论广泛重视和关注的同时,也符合当前中国医疗保健服务社会化的改革思路。

    The strategy of privatization , which accord with the reform tendency of " medical service being socialization ", has been focused on new liberalism and welfare pluralism in social welfare field .

  12. 从理论研究的角度来讲,社区福利服务符合家庭功能变迁理论中所指出的家庭养老功能逐渐弱化的发展趋势,也符合社会福利多元主义理论关于社会福利由多元主体组合来供给的主张。

    From the angle of theory researching , the community welfare service accords with the declining trend of the function of family supporting and the viewpoint that social welfare should be supplied by mixed subjects .