
  • 网络the Ford Foundation;Ford Fundation
  1. 海瑟顿o贝蒂o福特基金会(HazeldenBettyFordFoundation)是全球最大的非盈利治疗提供商。

    The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is the world 's largest nonprofit treatment provider .

  2. 包括福特基金会(fordfoundation)在内的机构发布了一系列报告,认为商业教育必须更具学术性。

    A series of reports by organisations including the Ford Foundation concluded that business education had to become more academic .

  3. 第三部分……n.拔出,留下福特基金会拨出几百万元作为癌症的研究。

    Part 3 ...... allocate The Ford Foundation allocated millions of dollars for cancer research .

  4. 他童年的大部分时间在亚洲和非洲度过他父亲当时是福特基金会(fordfoundation)的亚非发展专家。

    He spent much of his childhood in Asia and Africa , where his father was a development expert with the Ford foundation , completing his high school in Bangkok , Thailand .

  5. 自2002年以来,比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(BillandMelindaGatesFoundation)已经向此类计划提供了逾4000万美元(约合2.5亿元人民币)的资助,福特基金会(FordFoundation)和纽约卡耐基基金会(CarnegieCorporationofNewYork)亦出资捐助。

    Since 2002 , the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided more than $ 40 million toward initiatives . The Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation of New York have also chipped in .

  6. 它们的实力和雄心是对社会有益的,尽管福特基金会是避税的产物(为了逃避遗产税,亨利福特(HenryFord)和埃兹尔福特(EdselFord)把他们的大部分股权遗赠给了家族基金会)。

    Their power and ambition is salutary , even if the Ford Foundation was the outcome of tax avoidance ( Henry and Edsel Ford bequeathed most of their stock to the family foundation in response to an estate tax ) .

  7. 福特基金会(FordFoundation)主席达伦茠克(DarrenWalker)最近写道:卡内基的财富“与全世界对食物、住房、教育、基础设施及医疗保健的巨大需求相比只是杯水车薪”(即使以他的名字命名的基金会仍在为此进行努力)。

    Darren Walker , president of the Ford Foundation , wrote recently that Carnegie 's wealth was " a pittance in comparison with the world 's trillions of dollars of needs for food and housing , education , infrastructure and healthcare " ( even if the foundation bearing his name is still making inroads into them ) .

  8. 福特基金会拨出几百万元用于癌症研究。

    The Ford Foundation allocated millions of dollars for cancer research .

  9. 一些犹太组织批评福特基金会为亲巴勒斯坦组织捐款,有反以之嫌。

    Some Jewish groups accused the Ford Foundation of being anti-Israel by funding pro-Palestinian organisations .

  10. 福特基金会在中国

    The Ford Foundation in China

  11. 后来,她的上司离开原来岗位去为福特基金会建立了一个消除贫困项目,她也追随而去。

    When her boss left to help the Ford foundation build an anti-poverty programme , she went along too .

  12. 沃克:别忘了,埃尔顿的工作可比我在福特基金会的工作要难多了。

    DW : And remember , Elton has a much harder job than I do at the Ford Foundation .

  13. 为了高校内部多样性和学术自由而对话&美国福特基金会艰难对话倡议述评

    Dialogues for Promoting Pluralism and Academic Freedom on Campus : The Review on Ford Foundation " Difficult Dialogues " Initiative

  14. 自1962年福特基金会事件之后,日本中国研究界注意到自我反省的意识,带来了一波「学术社群的主体性何在」的思维。

    Since the Ford Foundation event in1962 , Japanese China-studies community started to notice thoughts on the identity of academic community .

  15. 我从德州的一个小城到今天福特基金会的总裁这段令人难以置信的路程,是一个独特的美国故事。

    My own improbable journey from a small town in Texas to president of the Ford Foundation is a uniquely American story .

  16. 这个组织会接受一些非营利机构所捐赠的资金,例如:福特基金会和盖茨夫妇基金会。

    The group has also received money from not-for-profit organizations , including the Ford Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation .

  17. 本书的出版得到由美国福特基金会赞助的中华美国学会美国学著作出版补贴基金的资助,特此致谢。

    The publication of the book is made possible partly by the Chinese Association for American Studies Publishing Subsidy funded by the Ford Foundation .

  18. 盖特纳在北京见到了曾经教过他的一些中国教授,参观了他父亲建立的福特基金会经济学家培训项目。

    Geithner met with some of his former Chinese professors in Beijing and visited a Ford Foundation economist training program set up by his father .

  19. 温安洛服务于密歇根州的商务局领导委员会,福特基金会,约翰球大瀑布城动物园协会。

    Van Andel serves on the boards of the Michigan Business Leadership Council , Gerald R.Ford Foundation , and Grand Rapids John Ball Zoo Society .

  20. 沃克:我们福特基金会和埃尔顿的基金会的相交之处,就是我们都相信这个星球上的每个人都有带着尊严生活的权利。

    DW : Where we at the Ford Foundation and Elton 's foundation intersect is in our shared belief in the right of every person on this planet to live with dignity .

  21. 探讨在中国农村贫困地区改善生育卫生服务的有效途径,卫生部国外贷款办公室在福特基金会的资助下,开展了改善生育卫生服务项目~([1])。

    In order to explore effective and efficient ways for improving Reproductive Health ( RH ) services in poor rural China , the Foreign Loan Office of the Ministry of Health is carrying out A Reproductive Health Improvement Project ( RHIP ) .

  22. 去年,他被任命为福特基金会总裁,管理着每年约5亿美元的拨款,不久前,他在底特律破产程序中挽救该城的养老金和艺术收藏方面发挥了关键作用。

    Last year , he was named the president of the Ford Foundation , where he oversees about $ 500 million in annual grants , and recently played a critical role in saving Detroit 's pensions and art collection in the city 's bankruptcy proceedings .

  23. 福特基金会的技术援助对印度战后初期的社会经济发展发挥了重要的作用,但是由于前期调研的缺失,其部分援助也为印度后期经济发展埋下不稳定因子。

    The technical assistance of the Ford Foundation played an important role in the socio-economic development in the early postwar period in India , but due to the lack of preliminary investigation , part of their assistance also planted an unstable factor for the post-economic development of India .

  24. 贝里斯福特将在明年1月退休。她是福特基金会的首任女性总裁,并将自己敏锐的才华注入到工作当中。

    Ms Berresford , who retires in January , is the Ford Foundation 's first female president and brings a brisk intellect to her work .