
  • 网络iif;Institute for International Finance;Institute of International Finance;International Institute of Finance
  1. 国际金融协会的数据显示,2015年期间发达市场企业债务与GDP之比降低了0.4个百分点,降至87.4%。与此同时,新兴市场企业债务与GDP之比却增加了6.7个百分点,达到101.3%。

    Companies in developed markets reduced their level of debt to GDP by 0.4 percentage points during 2015 to 87.4 per cent , the IIF 's figures show , while those in emerging markets added 6.7 points to reach 101.3 per cent of GDP .

  2. 国际金融协会是一家代表全球银行和其他金融机构的组织,该组织称,去年新兴市场政府、家庭、金融部门和企业债务总额攀升了1.6万亿美元至62万亿美元,是其国内生产总值(GDP)的2.1倍以上。

    Total government , household , financial sector and corporate debt in emerging markets rose $ 1.6tn last year to $ 62tn , or more than 210 per cent of gross domestic product , according to the IIF , which represents global banks and other financial institutions .

  3. 代表大型银行的协会组织国际金融协会(instituteofinternationalfinance)上周表示,“越来越多的证据”表明政府需要进行干预。

    The Institute of international finance , an association representing big banks , last week said there was a " growing case " for government intervention .

  4. 由多家银行与金融机构组成的全球性协会国际金融协会(instituteofinternationalfinance)指责欧洲领导人未能控制这场危机的影响。

    The Institute of international finance , a global association of banks and finance houses , attacked European leaders for failing to grasp the impact of the crisis .

  5. 关于第一个问题,据国际金融协会(instituteofinternationalfinance)估计,希腊债券净现值总共将减少21%。

    Regarding the first question , the Institute of international finance estimated the total reduction in the net present value of Greek debt to be 21 per cent .

  6. 他还担任国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)主席,该协会代表全球最大的500家金融机构与监管机构和政策制定者沟通。

    He is also chairman of the Institute of International Finance , which interacts with regulators and policymakers on behalf of 500 of the world 's biggest financial institutions .

  7. 周三,国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)警告,新兴市场债务水平继续攀升,正在成为引发“严重担忧”的一大源头。

    Levels of debt in emerging markets continue to rise and are becoming a source of " significant concern , " the Institute of International Finance warned on Wednesday .

  8. 本文作者为国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)第一副董事长、花旗银行(Citibank)董事长、总裁兼首席执行官、花旗集团高级副董事长

    The writer is first vice-chairman of the Institute of International Finance , chairman , president and chief executive , of Citibank and senior vice-chairman of Citi

  9. 比如,据国际金融协会(instituteofinternationalfinance)称,油价必须在2015年之前一直保持在每桶110美元的价位,沙特政府才能维持预算平衡。

    A possible example : according to the Institute of international finance , the Saudi Arabian government can now only balance its budget with oil at $ 110 a barrel by 2015 .

  10. 国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)预计,2010年流向亚洲新兴国家的净私人资本将达到逾2700亿美元,2011年将流入同样多的资金。

    Net private capital flows to emerging Asia are forecast to reach more than $ 270bn in 2010 and as much again in 2011 , according to the Institute of International Finance .

  11. 希腊一官员表示,国际金融协会(instituteofinternationalfinance,简称iif)指导委员会原定今日在雅典举行的一个关键会议已被取消。

    A Greek official said a critical meeting in Athens of the steering committee of the Institute of international finance planned for today had been called off .

  12. 国际金融协会报告发布之际,IMF发布了前景黯淡的最新预测,警告美国将出现经济衰退,要到2009年才会开始复苏。

    The report came as the IMF issued bleak new forecasts , warning the US would suffer a recession and recovery will not begin until 2009 .

  13. 代表超过375家大型金融企业的国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)承认了其业务实践中的主要弱点,包括银行界人士的薪酬和风险管理。

    The Institute of International Finance , representing more than 375 of the world 's largest financial companies , acknowledged major points of weaknesses in business practices , including bankers ' pay and the management of risk .

  14. 国际金融协会(instituteforinternationalfinance)昨日警告,流向新兴市场的资本流动今年面临断流的危险,原因是发达经济体的金融危机正窒息输往发展中国家的信贷供应。

    Capital flows to emerging markets are in danger of collapsing this year as the financial crisis in advanced economies risks choking off the supply of credit to the developing world , an association of large banks warned yesterday .

  15. 本文作者是德意志银行首席执行官兼国际金融协会(IIF)董事长

    The writer is chief executive of Deutsche Bank and chairman of the Institute of International Finance

  16. 流向新兴经济体的私人资金流动正大幅萎缩:总部位于华盛顿的国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)预计,2009年私人资金净流动将仅为1650亿美元,远低于2008年的4660亿美元。

    The flow of private funds to emerging economies is collapsing : according to the Washington-based Institute for International Finance , net private flows are projected to be just $ 165bn in 2009 , down from $ 466bn in 2008 .

  17. 由大型银行组成的国际金融协会(InstituteforInternationalFinance)本周预测,今年流入新兴市场的净资本流动将降至1650亿美元,不及两年前的五分之一。

    The Institute for International Finance , an association of large banks , this week forecast that net capital flows to emerging markets would fall to $ 165bn this year – less than a fifth of the level two years ago .

  18. 主要行业组织国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)报告称,如今银行发放给新聘员工的保底奖金甚至比危机前的水平更高,难怪人们要占领公共场地抗议了。

    When the Institute of International Finance , the main industry body , reports that banks are giving out more guaranteed bonuses to newly-hired employees than they were before the crisis , it is no wonder people occupy the public space in protest .

  19. 国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance,简称IIF)预测,欧洲新兴经济体的国民收入在第三季度萎缩0.1%之后,在第四季度将进一步萎缩2.9%,主要拖累因素是俄罗斯经济陷入低迷。

    The International Institute of Finance , an association of global institutions , sees national income in emerging Europe contracting 2.9 per cent in the fourth quarter , after a 0.1 per cent fall in the third quarter , driven mostly by a slump in Russia .

  20. 总部设在华盛顿的全球性金融业协会国际金融协会(iif)周三表示,20国集团(g20)应当停止妖魔化金融业以及对银行施加繁重监管,如果它们希望信贷和世界经济复苏的话。

    G20 leaders should stop demonising the finance sector and imposing onerous regulations on banks if they want lending and the world economy to recover , a global association of financial institutions said on Wednesday .

  21. 国际金融协会的执行主任查尔斯.达拉拉(CharlesDallara)星期四在华盛顿举行记者招待会公布了该协会的一份研究报告。达拉拉称目前的形势是“当代经济史上最严重的全球同步衰退。”

    Charles Dallara , managing director of the IIF , called the current situation " the most severe , globally synchronized recession in modern economic history " as he presented the report at a news conference in Washington on Thursday .

  22. 位于华盛顿的国际金融协会(IIF)的数据显示,10月投资者从非洲、拉美、东欧和亚洲的股市撤出的资金达90亿美元。该协会追踪非居民对发展中国家的全部跨境投资。

    Investors removed $ 9bn from stocks and shares across Africa , Latin America , eastern Europe and Asia in October , according to figures from the Washington-based Institute of International Finance , which tracks all cross-border investment into developing countries by non-residents .

  23. 国际金融协会没有追踪2007年之前的奖金发放情况。

    The IFF had not tracked bonus levels before 2007 .

  24. 对于剩下的2800亿美元,国际金融协会做出了学理猜测。

    To find the remaining $ 280 billion , the IIF resorts to educated guesswork .

  25. 国际金融协会的信反映了各方日益加剧的担心,即欧债危机已到达一个转折点。

    The IIF letter reflects growing fears that the crisis in Europe has reached a tipping point .

  26. 不过,面对德国方面的抵触立场,国际金融协会承认,这“也许是整个过程中最具政治挑战性的方面”。

    However , amid German resistance , the IIF noted this was " perhaps the most politically challenging aspect of the process " .

  27. 但是国际金融协会表示,过度监管可能威胁到全球化带来的益处。该协会的经费从金融服务业筹集。

    But the IIF , which is funded by the financial services industry , says excessive regulation could threaten the benefits of globalisation .

  28. 根据国际金融协会的预测,只有拉丁美洲的增长会加速,从第三季度的增长1.2%加快至第四季度的增长2%。

    Only in Latin America does it see a rise , to 2 per cent from 1.2 per cent in the third quarter .

  29. 国际金融协会警告,今年和今后四年,新兴市场的借款人面临一段债券和贷款到期的尤为密集的时期。

    The IIF warned that emerging market borrowers face a particularly heavy period of bond and loan maturities this year and in the subsequent four years .

  30. 国际金融协会在其有关信贷危机成因及后果的初步报告中承诺,它将在未来制订一份加强行业自律的行为守则。

    In its interim report on the causes and consequences of the credit crisis , the IIF promised a code of conduct for better self-regulation of the industry in future .