
ɡuó jì ɡuàn lì
  • international practice;international conventions
  1. 阐述了转变政府观念,尽快适应WTO基本规则和国际惯例的具体措施。

    The author also elaborates on the concrete measures designed to transform the conceptions with regard to government functions and to adapt the government to the WTO rules and international conventions within the least possible time .

  2. 对照WTO的原则及国际惯例,分析了我国现行建筑法规中存在的问题,从市场准入、技术标准和规范建设、专业协会参与立法等方面,提出了完善我国建筑法规的思路和对策。

    Refer to WTO principles and international conventions the problems existed in present building codes in our country are analyzed . And from market , technical standards , code establishment , legislation and other aspects the ideas and countermeasures are proposed to perfect Chinese building codes .

  3. 加入WTO要按国际惯例改进企业审计

    Entering into WTO . Improving Enterprises Audit According to the International Usages

  4. 试述WTO与国际惯例和国际经济法的关系

    On the Relationship between WTO and International Customs and International Economic Law

  5. 我国加入WTO以后,客观上更加需要按国际惯例向国际投资者和债权人提供真实、公允、可比的会计信息。

    Since our entrance to WTO , it becomes more necessary to supply true , fair and comparative accounting information .

  6. WTO游戏规则要求中国在享受权利、履行义务的同时按照国际惯例进行运作。

    WTO 's regulations demand that China should operate according to international practice just as it enjoys rights and fulfils duties .

  7. 为减除重复课税,FDI流出国一般会根据国际惯例,采用各种方法进行协调。

    The capital-output country usually takes some measures to harmonize according to international practice to reduce double taxation .

  8. 随着改革开放的深入和中国成功加入WTO,“与国际惯例接轨”、“按国际惯例办事”已迫在眉睫。

    Along with the deepening of reform and China 's entry to WTO , linking up with international convention becomes an urgent task .

  9. 随着我国加入WTO和资本市场逐步对外开放,我国的税收制度必然要与国际惯例接轨。

    With the entering into the WTO and the openess of the capital market , our tax system must link with the internation 's.

  10. 随着加入WTO,我国将进一步融入到全球经济一体化的大潮中,并在各个方面要遵循国际惯例。

    Along with the entering WTO , China will merge into the tide of globalization and follow the international game rules in every aspects .

  11. 了解并熟悉WTO、国际惯例和国际经济法之间的关系,对于国人应对入世面临的各种挑战尤为重要。

    It is very important to study and be familiar with WTO , international customs , international economic law and the relationship between them .

  12. 我国有些税收制度已经不能顺应经济全球化趋势,不符合国际惯例,与WTO规则存在着冲突。

    Some of China 's taxation system can 't follow the economic globalization , can 't accord with the international tradition and conflict with WTO regulation .

  13. 当前,中国企业面临的主要问题之一就是如何在经营中遵守国际惯例,符合WTO的原则?

    One of the issues the Chinese companies are facing at the moment is to comply with international standards and rules and WTO principles in business activities .

  14. 去年七月份国家标准局的头头说:政府已经停止使用“绿色GDP”一词,因为不符合国际惯例。

    Last July the head of the NBS said the government had stopped using the term " green GDP " because it was not internationally accepted .

  15. 随着中国加入WTO,金融业也面临着巨大的机遇和挑战,这就要求中国金融市场必须按照国际惯例进行运作,发展金融衍生品交易,以便适应金融市场全球化的环境。

    It requires that the operation of China 's financial market should follow international practice and develop financial derivatives so as to adapt to the globalization of the financial market .

  16. 我国已加入WTO,我国的工程造价管理将不得不遵循的国际惯例采用工程量清单计价模式。

    With China having been the member of WTO , the engineering cost management in our country will adopts the bill of quantities mode which is widely used in international bidding .

  17. 进入WTO和全球经济一体化的冲击,中国需接受或接近以市场为价值取向的国际惯例和工程管理经验。工程造价管理如何面对当前的形式和实际的需要,如何应对?

    With entrance into WTO and the impact of incorporated global economy , China will accept or close with the international traditions and experience of project management , which values by market .

  18. 根据国际惯例,它被采用了F绝缘等级和估定所设计的方法做为绝缘系统。

    The motors are adopted with F class insulation and designed with assessing method for insulation system according to international practice , it enhances greatly motor 's safety and reliability .

  19. 本文结合我国进入WTO后,与国际惯例接轨的现实国情,提出了宏观对策、微观对策和人才战略。

    Combined Chinese entry into WTO and the actual condition of our nation that we will accord with international convention , it puts forward macroscopic countermeasures ^ microscopic countermeasures and talented persons strategy .

  20. 随着我国建设市场的快速发展,招标投标制、合同制的逐步推行,以及加入世界贸易组织(WTO)与国际惯例接轨等要求,工程造价计价依据改革不断深化。

    With the development of construction market , the carrying out of bidding and contracting institution , and our country joining the WTO to meet international practices , the construction cost valuation keeps being reformed constantly .

  21. 而现在,鉴于中国监管机构正着手理顺ipo定价法律,使其更接近国际惯例,跻身中国证券市场的吸引力似乎更大。

    And now that the regulator is tidying up IPO pricing laws , bringing them closer to international norms , being part of the securities market seems all the more desirable .

  22. 随着我国WTO的加入,建筑市场的进一步改革与完善,建设监理如何与国际惯例接轨是当前监理领域讨论的热点问题。

    With the joining of our Country 's WTO , the further reform and perfect of constructing market . How do erection supervision connect with the international routine rules is an important discussion problem of the formal supervision field .

  23. 论述了建立符合我国国情和国际惯例的特设机构SPV,是推行住房抵押贷款证券化的核心设计。

    The Special Purpose Vehicle ( SPV ) according with China situation and the international common practice is the core in implementing MBS .

  24. 加入WTO,意味着我国企业需要按照国际惯例开展贸易活动,会计作为国际贸易交往通用的语言,将会发挥更加重要的中介作用。

    Join WTO , mean that enterprises of our country need to launch the trade activity according to international practice . Accountant associate the in common use language as international trade , give play to the role of more important intermediary .

  25. 因此,我国应尽快地制定出一部符合国际惯例及我国国情的《反垄断法》,从而规范国内市场,履行我国为加入WTO做出的相应承诺,提高我国的国际威望和地位。

    So , we must hurry to constitute a monopolistic law suitable for the international customs and our situation , so that it can model the civil market , keep the relevant word for WTO and improve our international prestige and status .

  26. 我国正式加入WTO后,政府采购、工程建设等进一步与国际惯例接轨,招投标则成为接轨的一个重要渠道。

    After China enter into WTO , procedures for government procurement and construction project bidding shall conform further to related international practice . As a result , tendering and bidding is regarded as an important method for the compatibility with the international norms .

  27. 此外,中国已经正式加入WTO,对于银行来说,来参与全球化的竞争,就必须按照国际惯例行事,即是要遵守巴塞尔新资本协议的规定,公平竞争。

    In addition , China has already formally joined the WTO , for banks to participate in global competition , it is must comply with an international practices , which is Basel II requirements , and make sure that it is will be the fair competition .

  28. 加入WTO,将使我国经济社会发展面临着前所未有的变局,对于中国保险业来说,这意味着要按国际惯例建立与国际保险市场全面对接的体制,进一步开放保险市场。

    China 's Entering WTO , which makes economic development of our country be confronted with unprecedented variations . For insurance trade in China , which means that we should set up overall relationship system with international insurance market in term of international conventions and further open our insurance market .

  29. 因此,对其疫区国家输华木材、木质包装采取紧急的植物检疫措施是必要和紧迫的,完全符合SPS协议原则和国际惯例。

    Consequently , it is necessary and urgent to take emergency measures to wood and wooden packages imported into China from quarantine areas , at the same time it is in accordance with the principle of SPS ' and international practice .

  30. 完善竞赛机制,与国际惯例接轨;

    Make perfect contest mechanism and connect with the international practice ;