
  • 网络International Logistics Center
  1. 一汽大众公司比较早的意识到物流的重要性,从2003年开始,将CKD和国产化的零部件产前物流配送业务委托给第三方物流公司&一汽国际物流中心。

    FAW-Volkswagen company earlier aware of the importance of logistics , since 2003 , had entrusted the CKD and localization of components of prenatal to a third party logistics business logistics company - FAW international logistics center .

  2. 绍兴国际物流中心保税仓库运作模式初探

    On Operation Model of the Bonded Warehouse in Shaoxing International Logistics Center

  3. 天津滨海新区发展国际物流中心的要素分析

    Factors analysis on international logistics center of Binhai new area in Tianjin

  4. 天津滨海新区国际物流中心建设的战略思考

    Strategical Thinking on Building International Logistical Center in Tianjin Binhai New Area

  5. 天津形成现代国际物流中心的研究

    Study that Tianjin has become the modern international logistics center

  6. 整合物流资源,建设国际物流中心。

    Integrate logistics resource , build international logistics center .

  7. 关于大连国际物流中心的研究

    Study on the International Physical Distribution Center of Dalian

  8. 国际物流中心建设的层次指标体系构建及实证分析

    Framing and empirical analysis of hierarchy indicators system for international logistics center construction

  9. 大连港建设区域性国际物流中心策略研究

    The Strategic Research on the Development of Territorial International Logistics Center in Dalian Port

  10. 特别是应该大力发展现代物流业、仓储业,配置国际物流中心的职能。

    In particular should vigorously develop modern logistics , warehousing , distribution international logistics center functions .

  11. 国际物流中心规划探析&以义乌市浙中国际物流中心规划为例

    Research on International Distribution Center Plan :? Taking central Zhejiang international distribution center plan in Yiwu City as an example

  12. 上述运输线沿线的上海合作组织成员国境内国际物流中心建设筹备工作业已启动。

    The work to establish the internationa logistics centre has started up along the above transport line in the member states of SCO .

  13. 作为长春一汽国际物流中心的物流人员我深感骄傲,我们会在今后的比赛中再接再励,力争在总决赛取得更好的成绩!

    We are very proud of being part of the Changchun FAW International Logistics Center , and we will put in extra effort to win in the National Finals .

  14. 国家十一五规划中将天津定位为国际物流中心和航运中心,物流产业将成为天津发展的十大支柱产业之一。

    According to the 11th National five-year Plan , Tianjin will be developed into an international logistics and shipping center . Logistics will become one of the ten pillar industries .

  15. 国际物流中心是保证国际物流过程顺利进行的基础,而国际物流中心成功的关键在于全方位建设。

    International logistics center is the foundation which guarantees the process of international logistics smoothly carries on , and the key to success of international logistics center lies in the comprehensive construction .

  16. 天津港是世界最大的人工深水港,中国北方第一大港,目前正着力打造北方航运中心和国际物流中心。

    Tianjin Port is the largest artificial , deep-water port of world , the largest port in northern china . At present , Tianjin Port is to be built into the international shipping center and international logistics center in northern China .

  17. 在国内,关于国际物流中心的建设问题研究还处于萌芽状态,缺乏系统的建设体系和方法,对国际物流中心建设的理论探索,迫在眉睫。

    In China , study on international logistics center construction is also to be at the embryonic stage , lacks the systemic construction system and the method , it is urgent to probe into the theory of international logistics center construction .

  18. 青岛国际航空物流中心有限公司发展战略研究

    The Research on Developmental Strategy of Qingdao International Aviation Logistics Center

  19. 国际性物流中心的分类有两种;一是服务功能,二是货物的起迄点。

    The international logistics center has twotypes : the function of service and cargo transit depots .

  20. 为了提供更便捷的仓储、物流服务,公司在香港成立了国际物流仓储中心并在上海外高桥保税区设立了保税仓库。

    To keep convenient service , we held an international logistics storage center in Hong Kong and a free tax warehouse in Shanghai .

  21. 4)运用农产品物流园区内部功能分区理论及系统布置设计法(SLP)对吴淞江国际精品果蔬物流中心做案例分析。

    The use of internal functional partition theory and system of agricultural products logistics park layout design method ( SLP ) do case studies on the Wusong River boutique fruit and vegetable logistics center .

  22. 随着现代物流理论的发展,国际上对于物流中心的研究正在逐步深入。

    With the development of modern Logistics theory , international research on it is deepening gradually .

  23. 培育国际性的物流中心城市;与其他国家和地区政府加强合作等策略。

    The cultivation of international logistics center cities and logistics corporation with other countries and governments promote the development external logistics system .

  24. 1999年下半年四川中远国际货运有限公司物流中心(COSCOLOGISTICS以下简称‘中远物流’)成立,作为整个中远物流体系的末端,定位于为中小企业提供专业第三方物流服务。

    In the second half of 1999 , China Ocean Sichuan Corporation ( COSCO LOGISTICS in brief ) was founded . As the terminal of the whole " China Ocean " logistics system , it focuses on providing professional third party service for small and medium-sized enterprises .

  25. 应加速把昆明建成面向东南亚开放的区域性国际商贸中心、物流中心、金融中心、旅游中心和教育文化合作交流中心。

    We should accelerate the course of building Kunming into a regional international business and trade center , transportation center , financial center , tourist center and educational and cultural center for exchange and cooperation open to Southeast Asia .

  26. 建设大连北方国际石油及制品物流中心,对我国石油安全战略的实施及加快东北老工业基地振兴和现代物流业的发展均有重要的战略意义。

    Building and establishing Dalian 's the station of northeast Asia international oil and oil produce hinge harbor , will quicken the rejuvenation of northeast old industry base and modern times logistics development as well as building , all of these have the especial and important stratagem significance .

  27. 天津港作为滨海新区建设北方国际航运中心和国际物流中心的核心载体,面临着前所未有的发展机遇。

    Tianjin port , as a core carrier in Binhai New Area , as is facing unprecedented opportunities for development .

  28. 天津滨海新区已纳入国家发展总体战略,将建设成为北方国际航运中心和国际物流中心。

    As a part of the state development strategy , Binhai New Area of Tianjin would be built into the northern international shipping center and the international logistics center .

  29. 大连港作为东北亚重要港口,正在被大力建设成为东北亚国际航运中心、国际物流中心、国际金融中心,其港口产业已初具规模,各港口产业也正快速的发展。

    Dalian as an important port in northeast Asia , is to being built into international shipping center , international logistics center and international financial center , the port industry is developing rapidly .

  30. 滨海新区的开发开放已纳入国家发展战略,滨海新区的功能定位之一是成为北方国际航运中心和国际物流中心。

    The development and opening of Binhai New Area has been integrated into national development strategies , one of the Function of Binhai New Area is to become the northern international shipping center and an international logistics center .