
ɡuó jì jīn rónɡ jī ɡòu
  • international financial institution
  1. 国际金融机构向我国贷款的工程项目,均要求实行招投标制和监理制。国际、国内的发展形势均迫切需求我国监理制的进步和完善。

    International financial institution requires invite public bidding and supervision for loan projects , which demands supervision progress and to be perfected .

  2. 我们鼓励在政府、私营部门和国际金融机构间构建强有力的伙伴关系,促进基础设施发展上的国际合作。

    We encourage building strong partnerships among government , private sector and International financial institution to promote international cooperation for infrastructure development .

  3. 或者,在缩略语丰富的全球经济治理界里,ifis(internationalfinancialinstitutions,即国际金融机构)来了。

    Or , in the acronym-rich world of global economic governance , cometh the IFIs . ( international financial institutions , that is . )

  4. 我国加入WTO的保护期一旦终结,国内金融机构无疑将全面承受来自国际金融机构的竞争压力。

    Since the end of the WTO protection period of China , the domestic financial institutions will endure the pressure of competition from international financial institutions in an all-round way .

  5. 汇丰(HSBC)和花旗集团(Citigroup)等国际金融机构也已公布了扩张进入中国农村放贷业务的计划。

    International financial institutions such as HSBC and Citigroup have also unveiled plans to expand into village and countryside lending in China .

  6. 在imf改革上的分歧,可能会放缓改革大型国际金融机构、以反映大型发展中国家经济权重不断上升的努力。

    The disagreement over the IMF reforms could slow efforts to reform the big international financial institutions to reflect the growing economic weight of the large developing countries .

  7. 在兑现g20的承诺方面也有更多工作要做,包括改革金融体系、为国际金融机构提供资源、推动其现代化进程,以及为发展中国家提供支持。

    There is more work to do to implement G20 commitments to reform financial systems , modernise and resource the international financial institutions and support developing countries .

  8. PERS是某国际金融机构的关键投资绩效分析报表系统,承担着重要的业务。

    PERS is a critical investment performance evaluation and reporting system of an international financial services provider .

  9. Folsom女士由沃尔福威茨先生任命为世界银行在国际金融机构联合工作小组的代表。

    Folsom was appointed by President Wolfowitz to represent the World Bank on the joint IFI Task Force .

  10. adb和其他国际金融机构经常利用本地货币发行债券,帮助发展中债券市场确立定价,供公司借款人当作基准使用。

    ADB and other international financial institutions have regularly used local currency bond issues to help establish pricing in developing bond markets which can then be used as a benchmark for corporate borrowers .

  11. 计划还建议设立一个新的全球储备体系,定期向发展中国家提供支持,不受那些主导IMF等现有国际金融机构的工业化国家的否决权阻挠。

    The panel 's plan also proposes a new global reserve system that would provide support to developing countries on a regular basis and would not be subject to veto by industrialised countries that dominate existing international financial institutions , such as the IMF .

  12. IFC说,它可能贡献大约10亿美元,并将从各种渠道筹集另外20亿美元,其中包括国际金融机构(IFI)、商业银行和其它投资者。

    IFC said it might contribute around $ 1 billion and seek to raise another $ 2 billion from various sources , including international financial institutions ( IFIs ), commercial banks and other investors .

  13. 鉴于改革的迫切性,他们应该确保imf的活动得到全球政治领导人的全力支持;然而,这是一个涉及到所有国际金融机构治理的问题,而不仅仅是imf。

    To the extent that changes are needed urgently , they should ensure that the activities of the fund are fully backed by world political leaders ; however , this is an issue that concerns the governance of all international financial institutions , not just the IMF .

  14. 俄罗斯昨日向西方国家在国际金融机构的主导地位发起挑战,意外提名捷克前总理、前央行行长约瑟夫托索夫斯基(joseftosovsky)为国际货币基金组织(imf)总裁候选人。

    Russia challenged Western dominance of world international financial institutions yesterday by nominating a surprise candidate , Josef Tosovsky , the former Czech Premier and ex-central bank chief , to run the International Monetary Fund .

  15. 此次加息也与希望利用合格境内机构投资者(QDII)机制的国际金融机构有关,包括基金管理公司。中国最近推出的这项创新举措,允许国内投资者通过QDII机制投资海外市场。

    The rate increase is also relevant for international financial institutions , including fund management firms , seeking to take advantage of the more recent innovation that allows domestic investors in China to allocate investments overseas through the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors system ( QDII ) .

  16. 我们承认,国际金融机构远非完美。

    We recognise that international financial institutions are far from perfect .

  17. 在金融市场方面,积极引进国际金融机构,稳步扩大金融市场对外开放。

    In financial market , opening up has been vigorously expanded .

  18. 余款将从各国政府和其他国际金融机构筹集。

    The balance will be sought from governments and other International Financial Institutions .

  19. 一些外国政府和国际金融机构也向我们贷款。

    Some foreign government and international banking establishment also make loan to us .

  20. 西方国际金融机构与斯里兰卡的经济发展

    The Role of Western International Financial Institutions in the Economic Development of Sri Lanka

  21. 第一,要如期完成国际金融机构改革目标;

    First , meet on schedule the targets for reforming the international financial institutions .

  22. 认知跨国财务管理在国际金融机构中的作用,评估宏观经济对企业的影响。

    Identify and assess the potential impact of emerging issues in finance and financial management .

  23. 国际金融机构贷款项目后期营运管理制度创新

    Institutional Creating of Regulation for Projects Operating of Loans of International Finance Organizations in Late Period

  24. 在国际金融机构储备头寸

    Reserve position in international financial institutions

  25. 许多发展中国家可能获得来自国际金融机构、区域和次区域发展银行的支持。

    Many developing countries could obtain funding from international financial institutions and regional and sub-regional development banks .

  26. 外资商业银行恐怕是全球金融机构中最早涉足中国国际金融机构的。

    The foreign commercial banks are probably the earliest among global financial institutions to set foot in China .

  27. 我们需要摆脱本土监管者难以监管国际金融机构的局面。

    We need to move away from a situation where local regulators struggle to supervise international financial institutions .

  28. 同时,中国政府一直积极鼓励国内银行购入国际金融机构的股权。

    The Chinese government , meanwhile , has been actively encouraging banks to buy stakes in international institutions .

  29. 但是,美国对位于华盛顿的国际金融机构庸庸碌碌的管理,也是竞争对手不断涌现的原因之一。

    But its lacklustre stewardship of the Washington-based international financial institutions is one of the reasons rivals are proliferating .

  30. 他曾为数十家跨国企业及国际金融机构在中国境内收购上市或非上市的企业提供过法律服务。

    He has advised dozens of multinational companies and financial institutions in acquiring both listed and unlisted Chinese companies .