
  • 网络IdA;the international development association;International Development Association IDA
  1. 国际开发协会正在对其计划进行重新审视,包括可能在重债贫困国家动议中增加减债额度,国际金融公司也特别重视在该地区的计划。

    The IDA program , including possible additional debt relief under the HIPC Initiative , is being reviewed , and IFC is paying particular attention to its programs there .

  2. 国际开发协会(IDA)是世界上向最贫困国家提供无息贷款和赠款援助最多的机构,其资金每三年由其45个成员国(捐赠国)回补。

    IDA , the world 's largest source of interest-free loans and grant assistance to the poorest countries , is replenished every three years by40 donor countries .

  3. 国际开发协会(IDA)是世界银行的附属机构。

    The International Development Association ( IDA ) is an affiliate of the World Bank .

  4. 国际开发协会(IDA,即世界银行重点支持78个最贫困国家的机构)接到的援助请求增加了。

    Requests for assistance are up at the International Development Association ( IDA ), part of the World Bank Group that focuses on the78 poorest countries .

  5. 向IBRD提供资金,不得以牺牲面向最贫穷国家的资金如世行的国际开发协会(IDA)为代价。

    Money must not be pumped into IBRD at the expense of funds for the poorest countries , such as the Bank 's International Development Association .

  6. 新的基金将为国际开发协会(IDA)和国际复兴开发银行(IBRD)成员国的投资和预算支持方案提供快速反应融资,以解决食品危机带来的紧急需求。

    The new facility will provide rapid response financing for investment and budget support programs in IDA and IBRD countries to address immediate needs arising from the food crisis .

  7. 沃尔福威茨在开幕式讲话中说,国际开发协会(IDA)为贫困国家提供了95亿美元的援助,超过以往任何时期,其中一半提供给了非洲。

    In his speech at the opening plenary , Wolfowitz said IDA had provided $ 9.5 billion in support for the poor , more than ever before , with half of that dedicated to Africa .

  8. 鉴于国际开发协会第15轮增资(IDA15)将于每年开始,他呼吁“增资额要与非洲人民的雄心壮志相匹配。”

    With IDA15 talks beginning next year , he called for " a replenishment that matches the ambitions of the African people . "

  9. 对这些最贫困国家,国际开发协会提供赠款和优惠贷款。

    For these poorest countries , IDA gives grants and concessionary loans .

  10. 国际开发协会对最贫穷国家的支持目前已达历史最高水平。

    IDA support to the poorest countries is at a historic high .

  11. 新版《项目调整和国际开发协会贷款取消指南》也已草拟完毕。投资贷款体制改革的一项重要内容是与各利益相关方进行磋商。

    New Project Restructuring and IDA Cancellation Guidelines have also been drafted .

  12. 我的问题是关于您对中国向国际开发协会捐款表示欢迎。

    My question focuses on your welcome to China to donate to IDA .

  13. 关于联合国与国际开发协会间关系的协定;

    Agreement on the relationship between the United Nations and the international development association ;

  14. 挪威救济难民和国际开发协会

    Norwegian Aid Society for Refugees and International Development

  15. 我们主要通过国际开发协会向非洲提供支持。

    Our support for Africa comes largely through IDA , the International Development Association .

  16. 国际开发协会资金回流:指国际开发协会收到的、对已发放的信贷的偿还款项。

    IDA reflows : Payments received by IDA in the form of reimbursements for credits made .

  17. 开发信贷协议[国际开发协会]

    Development credit agreement [ IDA ]

  18. 国际开发协会/国际复兴开发银行(IDA/IBRD)为目前正在进行的业务作出了总价值大约为14亿美元的资助承诺。

    The commitment value of ongoing IDA / IBRD-financed operations is approximately US $ 1.4 billion .

  19. 他们承认国际开发协会是实现千年发展目标最重要的工具之一。

    They recognized IDA as one of the most important instruments for achieving the Millennium Development Goals .

  20. 国际开发协会的基金主要是工业化成员国自己的认额和银行的利息。

    The IDa 's funds are provided mainly by industrialized members'subscriptions and from the Bank 's profits .

  21. 该站点还便于用户分年度筛查援助资金承诺额和支付额,包括国际开发协会的承诺额和支付额。

    The site also allows users to filter commitments and disbursements by year , including for IDA .

  22. 国际开发协会成立于1960年,它向低收入的欠发达国家,以优惠的利率提供贷款。

    The IDa was established in 1960 to make loans to low-income LDCs at a concessionary interest rate .

  23. 2002年,世行启动了由国际开发协会资助的紧急复员与重返社会项目。

    In2002 , the Bank launched the International Development Association-funded Emergency Demobilization and Reintegration Program ( EDRP ) .

  24. 我们向他们指出,国际开发协会的工作非常出色,但也存在巨大潜力。

    We had pointed out to them that IDA had done extremely well , but has great potential .

  25. 但是对国际开发协会援助的需求依然巨大,我们单方面无法填补这个差距。

    But the need for IDA support remains larger still and we can 't fill the gap alone .

  26. 改革也将针对国际开发协会控制措施审查发现的投资贷款程序存在的薄弱环节。

    IL reform will also address the weaknesses of the IL process identified in the IDA Controls Review .

  27. 我们敦促所有各方努力实现富有雄心的国际开发协会第17次增资。

    We urge all parties to work towards an ambitious International Development Association ( IDA ) 17 replenishment .

  28. 沃尔福威茨说,保持国际开发协会的完整性,可以确保发展中国家作为一个整体从协议中受益。

    Wolfowitz said preserving the integrity of IDA would ensure that developing countries as a whole benefited from the deal .

  29. 国际开发协会的贡献独特的优势,发展政策和融资,其背后提供发展成果的良好业绩。

    IDA contributes unique strengths to development policy and financing , which underlie its strong track record of delivering development results .

  30. 我们呼吁建立一个强有力的第十六国际开发协会增资,而公平和更广泛的各捐助国和世界银行集团分担负担。

    We call for a strong sixteenth IDA replenishment , with fair and broader burden sharing among all donors and the WBG .