
láo hé shè
  • Lloyd's Underwriters Association
  1. 劳合社的技师们为其市场上的42家保险中介创设了一项服务,他们可以通过Google上最受欢迎的GoogleEarth地图服务来确保他们能更好地管理世界各地的风险。

    Technicians at Lloyd 's have created a service that the market's42 managing agents can use with Google 's popular mapping service to ensure they are better prepared to manage the world 's risks .

  2. 公司创始人爱德华•劳埃德(EdwardLloyd)甚至还有过一个黑奴。伦敦劳合社为此一直面临美籍奴隶后裔的索赔威胁。

    Founder Edward Lloyd even kept a black slave . Lloyd 's has since been threatened with compensation claims from American descendants of slaves .

  3. 国际失踪艺术品记录组织于1991年由劳合社经纪公司当时的董事朱利安拉德克里夫(julianradcliffe)创立。

    The art loss register was founded in 1991 by Julian Radcliffe , then the director of a Lloyds brokers .

  4. 上周三,就在纽交所因故障暂停交易的时候,剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)和保险集团劳合社(Lloyd's)发布了一篇报告,称如果有一次网络攻击突破了美国的电网,将给美国带来1万亿美元的损失。

    On Wednesday - just as the NYSE was frozen - Cambridge university and Lloyds insurance group released a report suggesting that if a cyber assault breached America 's electrical grid , this could create $ 1tn dollars of damage .

  5. 该引脚头,伦敦建筑劳合社的威拉德Wigan,大小的复制品,已售出?拍卖4000元。

    This pin-head sized replica of the Lloyd 's of London building , by Willard Wigan , has been sold for ? 4,000 at auction .

  6. 昔日全球最大保险公司美国国际集团(AIG)的失败,以及对冲基金和私人股本集团从百慕大等重要中心撤资,为劳合社创造了扩大其全球保险业务份额的机会。

    The failure of AIG , formerly the world 's biggest insurer , and the withdrawal of some capital previously provided by hedge funds or other private equity interests from important centres such as Bermuda have thrown up opportunities for Lloyd 's to increase its share of global insurance business .

  7. 劳合社是世界上最古老的领先的特殊风险保险市场。

    Lloyd 's is the world 's oldest and leading specialist insurance market .

  8. 劳合社始终否认对1993年以前产生的索赔负有赔偿责任。

    The insurance market has consistently denied any liability for claims arising before 1993 .

  9. 社员由劳合社议会监管并对所承保的保险自行负责。

    They are governed by the Council of Lloyd 's and underwrite insurance for their own accounts .

  10. 劳合社与荷兰的安联保险及英国的再保险经纪人本菲尔德合作,共同设计了这份保单,并由沃特金斯集团共同承保。

    Lloyds worked with Allianz Nederland and British reinsurance broker Benfield to create the policy , co-insured by Watkins .

  11. 丹尼斯是一家公司的董事,这家公司为劳合社(Lloyd's)某些最大的客户提供保险服务。

    Dennis sits on the board of a company that insures some of the biggest accounts at Lloyd 's of London .

  12. 劳合社还在国际上进行了扩张,分别在新加坡和巴西设立了中心,尽管它近期决定不在中东开设中心。

    It has also expanded internationally with hubs in Singapore and Brazil , although it recently decided against opening one in the Middle East .

  13. 1996年,当Equitas作为救助劳合社计划的一部分而成立的时候,许多人认为它注定会失败。

    When it was set up in 1996 as part of the plan to rescue Lloyd 's , many believed it was doomed to failure .

  14. 怡安集团不论是现在还是未来都是劳合社以及伦敦市场的巨大支持者,我们在伦敦的核心地带有着重要的业务。

    Aon is and will remain a huge supporter of the Lloyd 's and London market and we have a significant operation in the heart of London .

  15. 劳合社在业内享有盛名,它不仅为大型集团设计保单,还能为名人身体的“重要部位”提供保险,弗莱德•亚斯坦(舞蹈家)的腿和滚石乐队凯斯•理查兹的手就是他们的“保户”。

    Lloyd 's is famous for creating policies for giant corporations but also for insuring celebrity limbs , from Fred Astaire 's legs to the hands of Rolling Stones'Keith Richards .

  16. 不过,既然他们两个都这样做了,而劳合社的老总似乎已完全恢复了过来,其他人再要效仿可能会变得容易一点儿。

    However , now that both have done it , and now the Lloyds boss appears to be entirely recovered , things may start to get a bit easier for others .

  17. 近日,伦敦“劳合社”为一位知名酿酒师兼品酒师的鼻子上了500万欧元(合790万美元)的保险,如这位波尔多酿酒师的鼻子受伤或丧失嗅觉即可获得赔偿。

    Has insured the nose of a leading wine maker and taster for5 million euros ( $ 7.9 million ), covering the Bordeaux producer against the loss of his nose and sense of smell .

  18. 双方本周签订的协议加深了巴菲特与劳合社的渊源。巴菲特拥有全球最大的再保险公司之一,而且一直对劳合社抱有浓厚兴趣。

    This week 's agreement caps a long association with Lloyd 's for Mr Buffett , who , as the owner of one of the world 's largest reinsurance companies , has always taken a keen interest in the market .

  19. 英国劳合社(Lloyd's)一位经纪人补充说:“我觉得自己若是穿这样的鞋上班,劳合社的门卫都不会让我进大楼;周末时,家里十来岁的儿子们说我若是穿这样的鞋,他们都不会允许我出门。”

    Another Lloyd 's broker adds : " I don 't think the commissionaires would let me in to the Lloyd 's building with them on and at the weekend my teenage boys say they wouldn 't let me leave the house in them . "