
  • 网络The right to labor remuneration;The Right of Remuneration for Labor
  1. 论劳动报酬权的优先权属性

    On the Nature of Right of Priority for One 's Labor Reward

  2. 劳动报酬权是劳动者在劳动关系中享有的基本的和核心的权利。

    Therefore labor remuneration right becomes an elementary right enjoyed by the labor .

  3. 农民工劳动报酬权实证研究

    Positivism Study on the Migrant Workers ' Right of Obtaining Remuneration for Labor

  4. 二是导游人员劳动报酬权、社会保障权难以保障;

    It is hard to ensure their rights of labor remuneration and social security right .

  5. 本章从债权请求权的角度对劳动报酬权的法律保护进行研究。

    This chapter makes a further research on labor remuneration right legal system from the perspective of obligatory right .

  6. 因此,认真研究农民工的劳动报酬权意义重大。

    Therefore , it 's of great significance to study the migrant workers ' right of obtaining remuneration for labor .

  7. 全面实现罪犯劳动报酬权具有重大的法治意义。

    It 's of great importance of ruling-by-law to fully realize the criminals ' right of obtaining reward from work .

  8. 劳动报酬权包括劳动报酬的协商权、报酬的请求权和报酬的支配权。

    Payment for labor power including payment for labor association trading rights , reward request power and reward right to control .

  9. 但从人的基本人格和尊严的保护来看,征税权与劳动报酬权能够在终极价值上得到协调。

    But considering from basic dignity of human personality protection , taxation right and labor payment right can be coordinated in ultimate value .

  10. 本章从劳动报酬权的概念、性质、价值这三个角度对劳动报酬权的理论基础进行分析。

    In this chapter , the author illuminates the fundamental theories of labor remuneration right from the perspectives of the concept , character and merits of labor remuneration right .

  11. 长期以来政府和用人单位对劳动者特别是农民工劳动报酬权保护的缺失是引起反倾销调查的一大原因。

    For a long time , the main cause of antidumping investigations is that migrant workers right to labor rewards is short of protection from the government and employing units .

  12. 本章分析了在雇主破产、清算、终止等丧失完全支付能力的情况下劳动报酬权的法律保护。

    The focus of this chapter is the protection of labor remuneration right in cases of bankruptcy , liquidation and termination when the employer is unable to deliver any payment .

  13. 恶意欠薪行为产生的主观原因是企业忽视劳动者的劳动报酬权和收益分配权,忽视对劳动者权益的保护。

    The subjective reasons the malicious Wages behavior enterprises ignore the remuneration to the workers rights and income distribution rights , ignoring the protection of the rights and interests of laborers .

  14. 现阶段,我国已经具备了全面实现罪犯劳动报酬权的社会条件,应建立罪犯获得劳动报酬的具体制度。

    At present , our country has already possessed the social conditions for fully realizing the criminals ' right of obtaining reward from work and its specific system should be established .

  15. 劳动报酬权是一种继续性给付债权而不是定期给付债权或分期给付债权,劳动报酬请求权应当适用统一的诉讼时效和较长的诉讼时效期间。

    The author insists that labor reward requesting right is a kind of continuous payment creditor right , hence a uniform prescription of action and longer duration of prescription should be applied .

  16. 接着通过对大陆以外地区相关法律制度的考察,借鉴其在劳动报酬权保护方面的长处,为改变本土制度的不足提供参考。

    Then it studies the related legal system outside the mainland , and appreciates their advantages for labor rights protection , which is also an important reference to improve deficiencies of the local systems .

  17. 最低工资制度是一项重要的社会保障制度,是政府干预劳动力市场,保障劳动者劳动报酬权的一种形式。

    The minimum wage system is a vital social security , and it is a necessary method for the government to intervene the labor market , which plays an important role in protecting the workers to gain the reasonable payments .

  18. 劳动报酬谈判权是劳动者与雇主之间就劳动报酬问题进行讨价还价的权利,是保护劳动报酬权的起点和基础。劳动报酬谈判权包括劳动报酬个别谈判权和劳动报酬集体谈判权。

    Labor remuneration Negotiation right is the essence and basis of labor remuneration right , which includes individual bargaining right and the collective bargaining right for remuneration .

  19. 确立劳动报酬请求权既有不同国家和地区的立法和学说可资借鉴,也有利于促进劳动报酬权概念的体系化和进一步加强劳动报酬权的法律保护。

    The establishment of labor remuneration claim right system will promote systematism of the protection of labor remuneration right , which different legislations and doctrines can be used for reference from various countries and districts .

  20. 劳动权既包括劳动报酬权、就业权,也包括社会保障、教育等财产权利内容;既要通过市场竞争去优化个体权利,也需国家通过政府调控去达到资源的优化配置。

    Labor rights include reward rights , employment rights , social protection rights , education rights , etc. , which needs both market competition to optimize individual rights and State governmental adjustment and control to optimize resource distribution .

  21. 作为劳动权核心的劳动报酬权与国家征税权是相冲突的,国家征税将减少劳动报酬的税后收入,如果对劳动报酬过度征税,将损害劳动报酬权的完全实现。

    Author holds that labor payment right as the core of labor rights is in conflict with national taxation right , national taxation will decrease income after tax , over taxation on labor payment will injure realization of labor payment right .

  22. 本文从劳动者劳动权的保障、劳动报酬权的保障、劳动安全卫生保护权的保障等主干层面对我国劳动保障法律制度之完善进行探索。

    This paper mainly focuses the discussion on the improvement of the assurance from the respects of labor right , payment right , and sanitation and security .

  23. 立法机关顺应历史和民意,增设拒不支付劳动报酬罪,使国家保护劳动报酬权特别是弱势农民工报酬权、惩治拒不支付劳动报酬,有了更完备的法律制度。

    The legislature conforms to the historical and public opinion , refused to pay additional remuneration crime , pay the state to protect labor rights , especially rights of vulnerable migrant workers compensation , punishment refused to pay remuneration , have a more complete legal system .

  24. 本章从劳动报酬决定机制这一角度对劳动报酬权的法律保护展开探讨。

    In this chapter , the author begins his argument for the legal protection of labor remuneration right with the remuneration determining mechanism .

  25. 目前深圳市劳动报酬争议存在的主要问题有:对侵犯劳动者劳动报酬权的行为立法不完善;

    At present , existing problems in the labor payment disputes of Shenzhen mainly include : the insufficiency of laws on the infringement upon the right of labor compensation ;

  26. 针对船员劳务合同中优先权问题进行了探讨,指出在船员与船舶所有人没有劳动合同的情况下,船员仍对劳动报酬享有船舶优先权;

    This paper makes a study on the maritime priority in the crew employment contract , points out that crew members should be entitled to enjoy maritime priority for their wages and other remuneration if there is no labour contract between the crew and the shipowner .