
fú fèi tínɡ
  • Forfaiting;Forfeiting
  1. 无追索权是福费廷业务的最大特点和优点。

    Without recourse is the biggest features and benefits of Forfeiting .

  2. 并结合农行的国际业务现状,及我国进出口贸易的大环境,提出了农业银行发展福费廷业务的具体措施。

    The current situation of ABC Bank , and the environment of international trade of China , gives advance to develop Forfeiting .

  3. 福费廷是一种新兴的以无追索权为特点的国际融资服务项目。

    Forfaiting is a new kind of international financial credit service which discount without recourse .

  4. 福费廷:迅猛发展的贸易融资业务

    FORFAITING : New way of Trade Finance

  5. 福费廷业务若干法律问题研究

    Research on the Legal Issues of Forfaiting

  6. 浅谈出口信贷项下的福费廷业务

    Study on Forfaiting Business under Export Loan

  7. 对出口商而言,福费廷较其他融资方式具有低风险的优势;对商业银行和融资公司而言,福费廷具有高利润的吸引力。

    Forfaiting is low-risk for the exporters and high-profit for the banks and financing corporates .

  8. 福费廷实务操作与风险管理。

    Forfaiting practice and risk management ii .

  9. 但出于对风险承受能力的考虑,我国商业银行开展的多为信用证项下的福费廷业务。

    However , most Chinese banks only operate forfaiting under letters of credit concerning the risks .

  10. 论福费廷的性质

    On the Nature of Forfaiting

  11. 福费廷业务研究

    The Study of Forfaiting

  12. 担保是福费廷无追索权实现的间接保证,保付签字、独立保函及备用信用证是福费廷中担保的主要方式。

    Certified signatures , independent guarantees and standby letters of credit is the main guarantee way of forfeiting .

  13. 福费廷涉及多方当事人和多种法律关系,其法律适用相对比较复杂。

    Forfaiting involves multi-parties and a variety of legal relationship , so the application of law is relatively complex .

  14. 欲控制风险,就必须对福费廷业务的理论知识和操作过程有一个全面的掌握,同时还应了解国际惯例以及各地的法律法规;

    At the same time , Chinese banks need to grasp international practices and the law in different countries .

  15. 福费廷作为出口融资方式之一种,在我国还处于发展的初级阶段。

    As a sort of patterns of export financing business , forfaiting is in primary phase of its development in our country .

  16. 福费廷无追索权的实现方式包括票据背书转让和放弃追索的书面承诺两种方式。

    The implementation of forfeiting without recourse includes two ways , notes transferable by endorsement and a written undertaking to give up recourse .

  17. 作为一种新兴的国际融资服务工具,福费廷具有独特的风险防范功能,在促进出口的同时将风险降至最低。

    Forfaiting is a new species of international trade finance , which is an inventive means used to facilitate exports with least possible risk .

  18. 再论述了农业银行发展福费廷的必要性,以及福费廷针对的客户群。

    Then , it discusses the necessity of Forfeiting and the development in Agriculture Bank , and the customer group on which the Forfeiting focuses .

  19. 本文主要结合福费廷业务的现实运作和与其相关的法律制度,对福费廷的基本法律问题进行了分析。

    This paper mainly with the Forfeiting business operation and the association with the legal system , the Forfeiting on the basic legal issues were analyzed .

  20. 因此有必要对福费廷业务加以研究和引进,以更好地迎接外资银行的挑战,服务于中国的出口贸易。

    Hence , it is necessary to study and import forfaiting in order to face the foreign banks ' challenges and serve the Chinese exports better .

  21. 第二部分概要介绍了信用证项下融资的主要类型:对出口商融资的打包放款、出口押汇、信用证项下的汇票贴现、福费廷等;

    Part B. introduce the types of the financial under letter of credit : pacing loan , export negotiation , draft discount under export letter of credit ;

  22. 20世纪40年代中后期福费廷融资业务由瑞士苏黎世银行协会首先开创。

    In middle and later periods of the forties of the 20th century , Forfaiting financing business started by bank association , Zurich of Switzerland at first .

  23. 企业出口押汇、福费廷、保理等贸易融资项下的收汇,不需办理预收货款登记手续。

    Foreign exchange proceeds from export documentary bills , forfaiting , factoring or other trade financing business are not subject to the registration administration of advances on sales .

  24. 第二部分比较分析了出口信用保险同一般商业保险、福费廷、国际保理及信用证之间的异同和优缺点;

    The second part comparatively analyzes similarities and differences as well as advantages and disadvantages among eci , commercial insurance , forfaiting , international factoring andletter of credit ;

  25. 本文只分析了信用证项下的福费廷业务,赞同以往论文中福费廷业务债权让与的本质、无追索权的特征以及担保的独立性的观点。

    The article agrees on the viewpoint that the legal character of forfaiting is assignment of credit without recourse and that the guarantee for the assigning credit is independent .

  26. 但是,由于我国福费廷业务起步较晚,缺乏专业人才,客户对该项产品认识不足造成国内福费廷市场不成熟,与其他融资产品相比发展滞后的现状。

    Since the Forfeiting in China started relatively late , lacking of professionals , being known little by enterprises , comparing with other finance products , it developed slowly .

  27. 分析了福费廷无追索权的相对性对我国银行福费廷业务规范的启示并提出了完善意见。

    Besides , this part discusses the revelation that the relativity of forfaiting without recourse to the norms of the bank forfaiting business in China and put forward a sound opinion .

  28. 这就需要呼唤更新的、更好的贸易融资方式来满足贸易的需求,福费廷作为一项无追索权票据贴现的贸易融资方式,恰能满足该种需求。

    Therefore , it has a high demand for the newer and better trade finance products and forfaiting is just a suitable one as a kind of bill discounted without recourse .

  29. 福费廷,这一低风险,高收益的结算产品在西方发达国家已有近40年的发展历史,而在中国大陆几乎是个空白。

    Forfaiting , the settlement product with the low risks and high profits has had almost forty-year history in the western countries . However , in China it is almost none .

  30. 本文根据国际私法中当事人意思自治原则和最密切联系地原则对福费廷的法律适用进行了梳理。

    According to the principle of party autonomy and is most closely connected to the principle of in private international law , this part has combed the law applicable to the forfeiting .