
  • 网络theory of demand and supply
  1. 结论是,共同决定论更合理,与供求论有相似之处。

    The conclusion was that co-decision theory is more reasonable and it is similar to the theory of demand and supply .

  2. 供求论的形成最初产生于市场的自发选择,并在市场与管理层的博弈进程中得到逐步强化。

    The investment philosophy was formed by market 's spontaneous selection , and strengthened by administration 's behavior .

  3. 在我国股票市场上,供求论投资理念得到广大投资者的认同,对市场运行有直接的重大影响。

    The investment philosophy of supply and demand is widely accepted by investors in China 's stock market , which has an important effect in practice .

  4. 有一种说法,把马克思主义经济学的劳动价值论与当代西方主流经济学派的供求论综合起来,就应当可以得到较为完美的价格理论。

    As is taught in a hypothesis , a relatively perfect theory of price can be born from a combination between the labor theory of value in Marxist economics and the supply-and-demand value theory in major western schools of economics ;

  5. 从供求关系论高等医学教育的调控指标

    Discussion on the Control Index of Higher Medical Education According to the Relation of Supply and Demand

  6. 供求决定论、斯拉法模型和劳动价值论是三类价格决定理论。

    The theory of supply and demand , Sraffa 's model and the labor theory of value are the three kinds of price theories .

  7. 除了劳动价值论以外,西方经济学界还存在四种其他价值理论,它们是货币价值论、使用价值价值论、生产要素价值论、供求价值论。

    Beside labor value theory , there are other four kinds of value theories in western economics circle , i.e. money value theory , use-value value theory , production factor value theory , and supply-demand value theory .

  8. 国外微观经济学的收入分配理论是以边际生产力论和供求均衡论为基础,吸收信息经济学有关收入分配的理论形成的。

    The distribution theory of income in foreign microeconomics was so formed on the base of the theory of marginal productive forces and the supply and demand theory of equilibrium by taking over relevant elements from information economics .

  9. 我国粮食供求形势散论铁路粮食散运的现状与对策

    The present situation and Countermeasure of railway grain bulk transportation

  10. 从法经济学上来说,法定许可使用制度体现成本效益理论、法律供求理论和博弈论的精髓。

    Economics from the law , the statutory licensing system reflects the theory of cost-effective , legal supply and demand of the essence of the theory and game theory .