
  • 网络Supply Chain Vulnerability
  1. 然而,这些国家工资的上涨,正在侵蚀这种优势,而地震和洪水灾难也凸显了远程供应链的脆弱性。

    However , local wage inflation is eroding the advantage and earthquakes and floods are highlighting the fragility of long-distance supply chains .

  2. 企业的供应链存在脆弱性和不稳定性风险,一个微小的风险有可能会给供应链带来巨大的打击,甚至摧毁整条供应链,造成不可估量的损失,而有的风险是可以防范的。

    There are some risks of vulnerability and instability in many enterprises supply chain . A small risk may give a huge blow to the supply chain , even destroy the whole supply chain , and then bring about an immeasurable loss .

  3. 由于供应链本身的脆弱性,对供应链的管理逐渐开始关注供应链的风险问题,尤其对供应商风险管理得到了众多企业的重视。

    As the supply chain itself is fragile some how , the research of supply chain management began to focus on supply chain risks . Especially for many companies , they are think highly of supplier risk management .

  4. 供应链风险类别、脆弱性因素及管理方法解析

    An Analysis of Supply-chain Classification , Vulnerability and Management Method

  5. 本文主要从制造型企业的角度出发,首先通过对供应链网络的深入分析,对供应链的脆弱性以及如何降低脆弱性进行了细致的研究。

    Firstly , through in-depth analysis of supply chain network , give a detailed study on the vulnerability of the supply chain and how to reduce the vulnerability .

  6. 然而,供应链信任关系越来越复杂,这种复杂性增加了供应链信任关系的脆弱性。

    However , the relationship of supply chain trust is more complex , which increases the vulnerability of the trust relationship between supply chains .

  7. 而精益生产、准时制生产、敏捷制造等现代供应链管理技术在获得消除浪费、降低成本、缩短产品开发周期的优势同时,也加剧了供应链系统的脆弱性。

    The lean production , JIT , agile manufacturing and other modern supply chain management technology are in access to " eliminate waste , reduce costs , shorten product development cycles ", which also exacerbate the vulnerability of the supply chain .