
  • 网络Supply and demand theory;the theory of supply and demand
  1. 大宗广告可以否定古典经济学的供求理论。

    Mass advertising could negate the classical theory of supply and demand .

  2. 基于供求理论的区域水价模型

    Regional water price model based on the theory of supply and demand

  3. 宏观经济理论主要包括供求理论、成本收益理论、区位政策理论等,微观特征理论主要介绍了Hedonic价格模型,为后文特征分析提供理论基础。

    Macroeconomic theory including supply and demand theory , cost-benefit theory , policy location theory , the theory focuses on the microscopic characteristics of Hedonic price model for the later theoretical basis for feature analysis .

  4. 有效供求理论与多市场非均衡模型

    Effective Supply Demand Theory and Multi Market Disequilibrium Model

  5. 电子货币与货币供求理论

    The Theory on Monetary Demand and Supply and E-Monetary

  6. 供求理论通常假设市场是完全竞争的。

    The theory of supply and demand usually assumes that markets are perfectly competitive .

  7. 基于供求理论的金融监管强度边界及制度均衡解析

    A Study on Intensity and Institutional Equilibrium of Financial Regulation Based on the Theory of Supply and Demand

  8. 供求理论几乎没有给就业市场衰退提供任何洞见,也不能解释为何不同国家有着如此不同的就业状况。

    The supply-and-demand approach offers little insight into job-market recessions , or why different countries have such different experiences of employment .

  9. 同时,本文将经济学的供求理论与管理学的波士顿矩阵模型运用于市场分析中,在一定意义上,可以说是探索出一条研究的新思路。

    Meanwhile , supply and demand theory and Boston Matrix Model are applied in this paper , which explores a new way for the study .

  10. 文章运用供求理论模型和纳什均衡模型对农业标准化行为主体(政府、企业、农户)进行了分析。

    Supply-demand model and Nash balanced model are used to analyze the relationship among the standardization behavior subjects ( government , farmer and enterprise ) .

  11. 利用制度供求理论深入分析了影响我军后勤体制改革的具体因素,说明了后勤保障体制的变迁过程和变迁的具体步骤。

    Using the theory of institution supply and demand , the thesis analyzed the effect factor and illuminated the process of reformation of combined service force system .

  12. 英国一些政府大臣批评了在学校放假期间度假费用大幅上涨的现象表明他们对供求理论的掌握未臻化境。

    British government ministers have criticised the way holiday prices leap at the moment school breaks up , which suggests a less than tip-top grasp of supply and demand .

  13. 从法经济学上来说,法定许可使用制度体现成本效益理论、法律供求理论和博弈论的精髓。

    Economics from the law , the statutory licensing system reflects the theory of cost-effective , legal supply and demand of the essence of the theory and game theory .

  14. 二是理论基础创新。笔者试图对商品房空置存在的理四川大学硕士学位论文论基础进行系统论述和梳理,诸如试图从马克思资本论和马歇尔商品供求理论等进行论证;

    Second : the author try to have some innovation on the theory foundation , such as try to study this issue from Marx 's and some western 's theories ;

  15. 从经济学供求理论的视角分析,能源安全的本质是供求矛盾,而这一矛盾的焦点在于均衡价格。

    From the perspective of supply-demand theory , the essence of energy security lies in the conflicts between supply and demand , which in turn focuses on the balance price .

  16. 在详细论述中,本文依次运用了新制度经济学的制度供求理论、产权理论和委托代理理论、制度变迁理论等。

    In the detailed statement , theories on institution demand and supply , property right and principal-agent theory and the institutional change theory in the new institutional economics are adopted in turn .

  17. 本文通过对十年来黄金价格走势的历史回顾,以供求理论为基础,运用数据、图表和相关分析的方法,对影响黄金价格的因素进行分析并对黄金价格走势进行判断。

    Reviewing the supply and demand theory as a foundation , this dissertation analyze the ten years gold price change and use many analysis means such as data , chart , table and correlation analysis .

  18. 制度供求理论通常注重对制度供给不足的分析,而对制度过剩却未进行深入讨论,本文就是针对这一不足而对制度供给过剩问题做一初步探索。

    The traditional theories on institution demand and supply put most of its emphasis on the analysis of lack of institution supply , whereas it has not go deep into the discussion of excess of institution supply .

  19. 无论从地租理论、产权理论、市场供求理论来看,还是从各国实践来看,农民均应分享征地增值利益,获得足额补偿。

    In terms of rent theory , property rights theory , theory of market supply and demand point of view , or from the national practice , farmers should share the land value-added interests of the land-levying and get full compensation .

  20. 本篇论文按照生产、消费和竞争的结构体系,在供求理论和均衡理论的基础上,重点研究了软件产品有关定价的理论及实践。

    According to the structure system of produce , consume and competition , The paper presented an unreported study about the theory and practise on pricing of software , on the base of theory of supply & demand and market equilibrium .

  21. 第四部分,分析中国渔业互助合作保险的形成背景和发展过程,运用供求理论、交易成本理论解释其形成动因,并对现实市场进行了实地调查。

    Part 4 analyses background and history of Chinese fishery mutual-cooperative insurance , explains the motivation of its formation with the use of supply and demand theory , transaction cost theory , and performs a field survey to the actual market .

  22. 第三部分,结合企业食品安全综述了本文研究所基于的理论,包括:动机理论、行为经济学理论、质量管理理论、市场失灵理论与供求理论。

    The third part , this thesis , being combined with food safety of enterprises , summarizes the theory which the research bases , including theory of motivation , behavior of economic , quality management , market failure , supply and demand .

  23. 第二章为土地市场研究的基础理论,主要介绍了土地市场、地租地价理论、区位理论和供求理论等相关理论背景。

    Chapter 2 is about the basic theories of land market researches , the chapter introduced the theoretical backgrounds about the theories like land market , theory of land price and land rent , location theory and supply-demand theory and so on .

  24. 本文从完善煤炭成本的核算机制入手,运用供求理论,分析了煤炭基金对煤炭生产者、消费者行为的影响,以及基金的设立对煤炭市场、关联市场的影响。

    By perfecting accounting mechanism of coal cost , this thesis discusses the undertakers and relevant proportion on the fund , and analyzes producer and consumer action , coal price and relevant production price such as electricity price , equilibrium quantity of coal market .

  25. 分析指出,绿色壁垒通过市场准入限制和产业竞争力影响而发挥作用,根据经济学供求理论和弹性理论,绿色税收和市场准入限制分别从价格和数量方面影响着进口国的国内经济;

    According to the argumentation , GBs take effects by means of market admittance limitation and industry competitiveness . Basing on economic supply and demand theory and elasticity theory , GBs have influence on import countries by green-tax effect and market admittance limitation effect .

  26. 房地产市场运行的供求理论主要阐释了城市土地的供求和城市房屋的供求两大部分,以及房地产市场在运行过程中供给与需求的均衡与非均衡的状态特征。

    Supply and demand theory of real estate market function has mainly explained two parts of urban land supply and demand , the urban building supply and demand , as well as condition characteristics of balanced and non-balanced in real estate market supply and demand .

  27. 在理论分析的过程中,将旅游产品的供求理论和旅游地生命周期理论作为研究四川省入境旅游发展的理论基础,使得研究有了理论依据,增强了研究的科学性。

    In the process of theoretical analysis , the supply and demand theory of tourist products and the theory of the life-cycle of the scenic spot are the theoretical basis of the development of inbound tourism in Sichuan Province . These theories enhance the scientific nature of this paper .

  28. 第二章从供求关系理论出发,对税务代理市场供求两个方面进行理论分析。

    The second part is to analyze the supply and demand theory .

  29. 西方供求关系理论述评

    A Survey of the Supply-demand Theory in Western Economics

  30. 劳动力供求相关理论。

    The main research content is as follows : 1 . The related theory of labor force supply and demand .