
  • 网络The Supply Curve;Supply
  1. 供给曲线转动是生产技术的改变;

    Rotating the supply curve means changing production , technology ;

  2. 在历史上,工时的供给曲线是符合这种形状的。

    Historically , the supply curve of hours has followed this configuration .

  3. 在理论上,把AD-AS曲线、货币乘数、货币政策乘数应用于货币政策区域效应的分析,构建了区域总需求-总供给曲线、区域货币乘数模型、区域货币政策乘数模型。

    In theory , AD-AS model , money multiplier and monetary policy multiplier are use to regional effect of monetary policy . On the basis of these models , regional AD-AS model , regional money multiplier and regional monetary policy multiplier are constructed .

  4. 论垄断性市场中厂商产品供给曲线的存在性

    On the Existence of Product Supply Curve in Monopolistic Market

  5. 通过加总推出的总供给曲线

    On the Derivation of Aggregate Supply Curve by Integration

  6. 边际成本理论能合理解释劳动力供给曲线。

    Thus using marginal cost theory to explain labor for supply curve is reasonable .

  7. 劳动供给曲线对企业人力资源激励的启示

    Labor Supply Curve and Enterprise Human Resource Motivation

  8. 解释卖者的成本,生产者剩余和供给曲线关系。

    Explain how sellers'costs , producer surplus , and the supply curve are related .

  9. 供给曲线(或供给表)

    Supply curve ( or supply schedule )

  10. 同时,收入差距和公共财政政策都会影响到人力资本投资供给曲线的变动。

    On the other hand , income differences and public financial policies could affect the supply .

  11. 总供给曲线的推导是宏观经济学中的最重要内容之一。

    The derivation of aggregate supply curve is one of the most important parts of macroeconomics .

  12. 供给曲线给出了供给量和价格的关系,其它因素不变。

    A Supply Curve represents the relationship between quantity supplied and price , other things being equal .

  13. 这就是,为此,你需要使用补偿劳动力的供给曲线。

    That is , for this purpose , you need to use the compensated labor supply curve .

  14. 再论劳动供给曲线

    Reassessing Labor Supply Curve

  15. 供给曲线以上和价格以下的面积衡量市场的生产者剩余。

    The area below the price and above the supply curve measures the producer surplus in a market .

  16. 还有注意,供给曲线的这个定义对短期和长期供给曲线都适用。

    Note also that this definition of a supply curve holds for both short-run and long-run supply curves .

  17. 在微观经济学中,商品价格决定在商品供给曲线与需求曲线的交点。

    In microeconomics the commodity price is determined by the point of intersection of supply and demand curve .

  18. 通过这种方法推出的总供给曲线具有许多传统总供给曲线所不具有的新性质。

    The aggregate supply curve thus derived posses many new characteristics not included in traditional aggregate supply curve s.

  19. 但是,流动性约束和预防性储蓄等不完全市场因素的存在使得资本供给曲线显著向右移动,导致储蓄增高。

    But the liquidity constraints and uncertainty make the supply curve rightward shift , and result in larger saving .

  20. 对大宗商品来说,需求曲线与供给曲线的交点决定商品价格的定律并未失效。

    The rule that prices are set where marginal demand meets marginal supply has not been suspended for commodities .

  21. 劳动供求状态:基于向下倾斜劳动供给曲线的理论与经验

    The States of Labor Supply and Demand : A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis Basing on a Downward-sloping Labor Supply Curve

  22. 当然,市场上价格的确定还需要一个供给曲线。

    Of course , to get the price in the market , it is necessary to have a supply curve .

  23. 在大多数宏观经济模型中,在推导总供给曲线时,加总问题(aggregationproblem)往往被忽略。

    In most macroeconomic models , in deriving the aggregate supply curve , aggregation problem is not dealt with explicitly .

  24. 正如消费者剩余与需求曲线密切相关,生产者剩余也与供给曲线密切相关。

    Just as consumer surplus is related to the demand curve , producer surplus is closely related to the supply curve .

  25. 李嘉图比较成本理论中的过剩供给曲线和国际均衡价格是该理论的教学重点和难点内容。

    Curve of excess supply and international equilibrium price in Ricardian comparative cost theory are teaching content , important and difficult .

  26. 供给曲线和国内市场上的均衡价格是衡量各国产品竞争力的基本指标。

    The curve of supply and balanced price on domestic market are the essential index to measure product competitiveness of all countries .

  27. 为了作出供给曲线,我们将考虑商品价格这一变量,而同时假定所有其他因素不变。

    For this illustration we will consider the variable " price of the commodity " and assume all other variables remain unchanged .

  28. 首先建立以完全竞争和平等交易为特征的土地转用理想市场模型,根据开发商需求曲线与农民供给曲线得出土地转用的理想市场均衡价格;

    At first , the ideal land transition market model is set up , characterized by complete competition and au pair bargaining .

  29. 在目前劳动经济理论中,人们企图运用边际效用理论,把闲暇作为消费品,在闲暇一物品两种消费品中进行效用最大化选择来推导劳动力供给曲线。

    In the current theories of labor economics , researchers attempt to use marginal utility theory to deduce the labor force supply curve .

  30. 基于概率统计模型模拟水源涵养服务的供给曲线,实现水源涵养服务和牧民人文决策过程的耦合研究。

    The supply curve of water conservation services is simulated through probability model . The coupling research of physical and human processes is realized .