
  • 网络International cartel
  1. 对国际卡特尔行为实施有效威慑的一个关键问题是如何确立惩罚额度。

    The key issue about effective deterrent to international cartel is the quota of punishments .

  2. 对国际卡特尔的研究是本文提出具体制度设计的前提。

    The author bases on the research towards international cartel to raise the concrete frame .

  3. 美国制裁国际卡特尔的赦免制度介评

    An Introduction and Assessment of American Anti-Cartel Amnesty Program

  4. 对国际卡特尔的有效惩罚额度研究

    The Analysis of Effective Punishment Level against International Cartels

  5. 尤其是当国家利益卷入国际卡特尔中时,对国际卡特尔的制裁就更加困难了。

    Especially when involved with national interest , the punishment against international cartels gets more difficult .

  6. 有些国家虽然制定了反垄断法,但对国际卡特尔的制裁没有明确规定;

    Some countries have anti-trust law but have no specific provision for the punishment against international cartels ;

  7. 但是,法律专家们表示,本案具有重大意义,因为它标志着北京方面首次对一个国际卡特尔采取行动。

    But legal experts say the case has significance because it marks the first time Beijing has acted against an international cartel .

  8. 由来自多个国家的企业参加而形成的国际卡特尔则对全球经济和各国消费者有更为严重的危害。

    The international cartel , which is formed by multi-national companies , has even more restrictive effects on the global economy and consumers .

  9. 有些国家即使对国际卡特尔的制裁有明确规定,但对国际卡特尔的调查取证和制裁都需要他国的配合。

    Some countries have specific provision to punish international cartels but need other countries ' cooperation when making investigation or taking anti-cartel enforcement .

  10. 国际卡特尔作为一种世界性的垄断行为,对各国竞争秩序造成了极大冲击,引起了世界的广泛关注。

    As a worldwide monopolization , international cartel is exerting a great influence towards the world competition order , which has drawn intensive attention .

  11. 美国、欧盟、德国等发达资本主义国家和地区在规制国际卡特尔的实践中已经摸索出了一套有效的制度,并取得了一定成功。

    The developed capitalist countries and regions like the US , the EU and Germany have gained an effective system and made some progress .

  12. 这一部分包含两个方面的内容:1、对国际卡特尔的历史、种类的概括;对国际卡特尔的经济学分析。

    Two respects are induced in this part : one is about the history and classification of international cartel and the economic analysis of it as well .

  13. 最后,在分析他国成功经验和立足我国国情的基础上,提出构建规制国际卡特尔具体制度的建议。

    Last but not least , this paper proposes suggestions on the regulation of international cartel bases on the analysis of foreign rich experience and the general conditions of China .

  14. 目前学者们对国际卡特尔的关注大都停留在对国外的反垄断制度研究层面,而对于国际卡特尔对我国的实际影响没有深入的了解。

    At present scholars ' concern about international cartel is mostly on the research on the foreign anti-monopoly system . But the actual influence international cartel brings to China is hardly involved .

  15. 首先,本文对国际卡特尔基本问题进行了研究,对国际卡特尔的发展、类型和危害进行了全面分析。

    To begin with , the author conducts research on the basic issues about international cartel and undertakes a complete analysis of the development , the classification and the harm of international cartel .

  16. 我国在市场逐步开放的过程中,也遭受到了国际卡特尔的巨大损害,但由于缺乏相关法律规定和实践经验一直无力反击。

    During the process of its opening up gradually , China has also suffered a lot from international cartel but is powerless to fight back due to the lack of relevant laws and experience .

  17. 美国的赦免制度已相当成熟和完善,实践也证明这一制度具有极大的应用价值,这对于我国制定反垄断法、有效制裁国际卡特尔具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The American amnesty program is mature and well performed to some extent , and of great value in practice , which can be beneficial and referential to our own establishment of antitrust law and fighting against international cartels .

  18. 第二章是对国际卡特尔的一个具体介绍,对国际卡特尔的界定和特点进行了详细说明,并将其与出口卡特尔进行了区分。

    The second chapter is a detailed description of international cartels , in this chapter , we give a detail description of the definition and characteristics of international cartels , we also make a distinction between international cartels and export cartels .

  19. 美国反垄断部门出台的赦免制度在制裁国际卡特尔方面发挥着极为重要的作用,该制度规定参加卡特尔的公司中第一个向政府揭发该卡特尔的公司可免除刑事责任。

    The American amnesty program plays a very important role in detecting international cartels , which regulates that if the cartel company be the first to report the wrongdoings among the member companies to the antitrust authority , it will receive immunity .

  20. 本文主要讨论了对国际核心卡特尔的规制问题。

    This paper discusses the issue of international hard core cartels regulation .

  21. 作为一个国际石油卡特尔,欧佩克的市场战略对国际石油供应影响巨大。

    Being an international petroleum monopolist , the market strategy of OPEC has a great influence on the international oil supply .

  22. 最后,本文结合中国受到国际核心卡特尔侵害的现状,对中国反垄断法提出了若干具体建议。

    At the end , this paper raises some specific suggestions for the anti-trust law of Chinathrough combining the current situation of China 's suffering from the international hardcore cartels .

  23. 一般来说,国际社会一致视卡特尔组织联合定价是对竞争施加不正当的限制的经济犯罪行为。

    As a general matter , there is an international consensus about the economic evils of price-fixing cartels as unjustifiable restraints of competition .

  24. 伴随经济的全球化,国际间经济、贸易往来频繁,国际卡特尔影响范围更广,危害更为复杂。

    As the globalization of economy , the international trade and relation develop very quickly , and the influence area of international cartels becomes wider and more complicate .

  25. 2001年WTO第4届部长级会议宣言指出,竞争与贸易工作组的工作重点在于澄清WTO核心义务对国际竞争问题的适用,包括核心原则和禁止国际性核心卡特尔的规则。

    In 2001 , the fourth WTO Ministerial Declaration stated in paragraph 25 that further work in the Working Group would focus on clarifying the core obligations of WTO applicable to the international competition issues , including core principles and provisions of prohibiting international hardcore cartels .