
  • 网络International Economics;MSc
  1. 国际经济学对J曲线效应理论的新发展

    The New Development of J-curve Effects Theory in International Economics

  2. 斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)国际经济学教授罗纳德麦金农(RonaldMcKinnon)最近就进行了令人信服的论证,称美国应当小幅加息。

    Ronald McKinnon , professor of international economics at Stanford University , recently made a convincing case for a moderate increase in US interest rates .

  3. 外商直接投资(FDI)一直是一个倍受国际经济学界研究关注的热点问题,相关的研究文献可谓是汗牛充栋。

    The Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) has always been a focal Problem in the international economic research , and the related literature is very rich .

  4. 华盛顿Peterson学院国际经济学系的GaryHufbauer,担心“一连串的突发事件会阻碍多哈进程”。

    Gary Hufbauer , of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington , worries that a " fusillade of cases will set Doha back " .

  5. 因此,利用跨国公司先进技术、管理经验促进本国技术进步和经济增长已成为发展中国家吸引FDI流入的重要目的,有关FDI溢出效果的研究也成为国际经济学的重要研究课题。

    Therefore , the use of multinational companies advanced technology , management experience to promote national technological progress and economic growth of developing countries to attract FDI has become an important objective of the inflow , the spillover effects of FDI on international economics has become an important research topic .

  6. 全球最大的学生组织AIESEC(国际经济学商学学生联合会),是一个为青年人提供发现和发展自我潜能机会,并对社会积极贡献的国际平台。

    AIESEC , the world 's largest student organization , is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential so as to have a positive impact on society .

  7. 在国际经济学方面,萨缪尔森作出了不少重大贡献。

    In international economics Samuelson has made many definitive contributions .

  8. 宽带网的出现给国际经济学理论带来了什么?

    What does emergence of the wide-belt network bring to international economic theory ?

  9. 对国际经济学的修养与创造的思考

    Pondering on Accomplishment and Creation Demanded by International Econmics

  10. 国际经济学和管理学学生协会

    International Association of Students in Economics and Management

  11. 斯德哥尔摩大学国际经济学教授。

    Professor of International Economics , Stockholm University .

  12. 很多国际经济学著作中很难见到关于检验合同的论述。

    The statements on Test contract are hard to see in many international economic works .

  13. 区域经济一体化中的国际经济学

    International Economics in the Regional Economic Integration

  14. 国际经济学是国际经济与贸易专业的一门选修课程。

    International economics is a selective course for students majoring in international economic and trade .

  15. 随着全球化的推进,国际经济学未来就业前景一片光明。

    The employment prospect for specialists in international economics will be quite strong as globalization advances .

  16. 国际经济学进出口业务

    International Economics Import & Export Business

  17. 令人眼花缭乱的、动荡不定的世界经济形势继续构成国际经济学的研究内容。

    The fascinating turmoil in the world economy continues to shape the study of international economics .

  18. 国际经济学双语教学在初步探索阶段中存在一些制约其发展的因素。

    The bilingual teaching of International Economics faces some restrictive factors in its initial stages of implementation .

  19. 大量的国际经济学研究指出,资本账户开放在长期内会促进国内经济金融发展。

    International research has shown that capital account liberalization is beneficial to economic growth in the long run .

  20. 本章从国际经济学和国际政治经济学的角度对区域经济一体化的相关理论进行了归纳和总结。

    It summarizes the regional economic integration theory from the perspective of international economics and international political economics .

  21. 在国际经济学中,浮动汇率与固定汇率的选择问题一直贯穿于汇率理论的发展历程之中。

    The choice between fixed and flexible exchange rates has long been an important issue in international economics .

  22. 主要研究和教学领域:转轨经济学、公司金融、国际经济学、中国经济。

    Research and teaching : economics of transition , corporate finance , international economics and China 's economy .

  23. 根据国际经济学局部均衡和一般均衡模型分析,动物福利壁垒导致进口国、出口国的福利损失和贸易扭转效应的产生。

    It results in loss both for import countries and export countries , and leads to trade transformation .

  24. 运用区域经济学和国际经济学原理分析大国综合优势的形成机理和基本特征,提出了中国对外直接投资的产业战略、区域战略和企业战略。

    On this basis , it formed the basis of the theory that foreign direct investment in private enterprises .

  25. 怎样地实现东亚经济持续发展已成为国际经济学界十分关注的课题。

    How to ensure its sustained growth has now become a matter of international concern among the economic circles .

  26. 全球失衡和全球流动性过剩是近十多年国际经济学领域最为热门的话题之一。

    Recently , global imbalances and global excess liquidity is one of the hottest topics of international economics research field .

  27. 开尔文,男,电子工程与国际经济学硕士研究生,现任英语沙龙版版主。

    Kelvin , male , master degree candidate for Electronic Engineering and International Economics , the incumbent moderator of English Salon .

  28. 文章以国际经济学相关理论为指导,运用了外商直接投资理论来阐述外商直接投资与经济发展的相互关系。

    This thesis is under the theory of international economics , used the theory to explain FDI and economic development relationship .

  29. 自从20世纪80年代以来,盈余管理逐渐成为国际经济学和会计学界的一个前沿性问题,也是一个难题。

    The study of earning management has becoming a world-wide issue since 1980s , and it is also difficult to solve .

  30. 我是通过国际经济学高等学生联合会发起的一个项目才得到这个机会的。

    I got this opportunity through a program launched by Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales ( AIESEC ) .