
  1. 房屋转租制度若干法律问题的探讨

    Probe into Several Legal Issues on House Sublet

  2. 未经甲方书面同意,擅自将该房屋转租、转让、转借他人或调换使用的。

    Sublet , sublease , transfer or swap the Premises without obtaining the prior written consent of Party A.

  3. 承租人经出租人同意,可以依照本办法将承租房屋转租。

    The lessee may sublease the leased premises with the consent of the lessor in accordance with these Procedures .

  4. 赶出未付房租的房客房屋转租的租期,不得超过原租约的租期。

    Evict tenants for non-payment of rent The term of the sublease shall not exceed the term of the original lease .

  5. 此部分主要是明确相关概念为进一步分析房屋转租中涉及的问题做铺垫。

    This part is to define the related concepts , which is as the groundwork to further analyze the problems in house sublease .

  6. 未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋转租或租给其他的第三者。

    Without party a 's prior written consent , Party B may not assign the tenancy or sublet the leased property to a third party .

  7. 该部分的内容包括房屋转租的概念及其构成要件,房屋转租的类型、立法模式以及房屋转租的性质四个方面。

    This section includes the concept and constituted elements of house sublease , types of house sublease , legislating models and characters of house sublease four aspects .

  8. ※持卡者不能擅自转借、让、换会员卡。未经甲方同意,擅自将房屋转租、转让、转借他人或调换使用的。

    The holder does not lend or attorn card . Without the approval from party A , subleasing , transferring the lease items or making subtenancy , transpose .

  9. 房屋转租是承租人不退出租赁关系而将房屋出租给他人使用并获得利益的行为,它具有其自身的法律特征及法律效力。

    In this essay , sublease is defined as a lessee who rents the house to others and makes a profit and does not withdraw from the contract by lease .

  10. 本章包括三个部分,原租赁合同与转租合同的关系、房屋转租法律关系的主体以及房屋转租的效力。

    This chapter consist of three parts , including the relations of original lease contract and sublease contact , subjects of house sublease law relations and the effectiveness of house sublease .

  11. 本研究分为五章,第一章是房屋转租制度的概述,重点对房屋转租的性质及其立法模式进行了分析。

    The study consists of five chapters : The first chapter is to summarize the system of house sublet . For this chapter , emphasis is placed on the character and the legislative pattern of sublet .

  12. 在租赁期间,乙方将该房屋转租给第三方或与第三方交换房屋以赚取租金的,必须首先获得甲方的书面同意。

    During the lease term , if Party B subleases the Premises to a third party or exchanges the Premises for a house rented by a third party , it must first obtain the written consent of Party A.

  13. 房屋转租在我国经济生活中早已存在,尤其是随着城市化过程的不断发展,大量的农民工以及高校毕业生的涌入城市,房屋转租变得更加普遍。

    House sublease has long existed in our economic life , and especially with the continuous development of urbanization process , a large number of migrant workers and graduated college students flow into the city , and house sublease becomes more universal .

  14. 最后,本文通过对当前我国租赁住宅市场中存在问题的分析,认为租赁住宅市场化是租赁住宅的发展方向,并在发展过程中处理好几个问题:(1)公有房屋转租问题;

    Finally , it thinks Ihe marketing of renting residency is the developing direction by analyzing the existing problems of the modern renting market hi our country and we should deal well with several problems during the developing procession : ( 1 ) the relating problem of public houses ;

  15. 未得甲方书面书面同意,将出租房屋擅自转租;

    Sublets the leased property without party a 's written consent ;

  16. 房屋租赁市场逐步发展,房屋转租现象也越来越普遍。

    As a result of the gradual progress of house tenancy market , house-subletting has become more and more common .