
  • 网络Real estate advertising;real-estate advertising
  1. 房地产广告也随着行业的发展而越来越快。

    Real estate advertising as the industrial development faster and faster .

  2. 第三部分:对房地产广告效果评定。

    Chapter three : Real estate advertising effect evaluation .

  3. 与前卫艺术家相关的阁楼(即英文单词loft)概念形成于20世纪中期,近年来,在国内被作为一个时尚用语,频繁出现于书籍、杂志、电影、房地产广告上。

    The concept of lofts relating to the avant-garde artists is engendered in mid-20th century , which is frequently showing up as a stylish diction in the books , magazines , films , and real estate advertisements .

  4. Soho沸城房地产广告改写了成都房地产销售周期的历史记录,该广告主要采用平面广告,整体画面以红色为基调,视觉冲击力大,概念简洁,设计唯美。

    Soho advertisement at Boiling City has revised the historical record of the sales cycling period of Chengdu 's real estate . The ad is made in one plane , its basic colour red , with a strong visual impact , concise concept and aesthetic designs .

  5. 浅析中文房地产广告中的意识形态&以批评性语篇分析理论为视角

    Analyzing Chinese Real Estate Advertisements : A Critical Discourse Analytical Approach

  6. 房地产广告:一个时代变迁的真实文本

    Real Estate Commercials : An Authentic Text of the Transitional Period

  7. 房地产广告的个性化设计

    The Design of " Individualization " of Real estate Advertisement

  8. 《深圳商报》房地产广告整合营销传播研究

    The Integrated Marketing Communication Research of Shenzhen Economic Daily Real Estate Advertisement

  9. 中文房地产广告中的三修辞诉诸:修辞学视角

    Three Rhetorical Appeals in Chinese Real Estate Advertisements : A Rhetorical Perspective

  10. 文化在房地产广告中的作用越来越巨大。

    Cultural role of advertising in the real estate more and more huge .

  11. 再次,房地产广告监管体制的存在薄弱环节。

    Third , it analyzes the week part of real estate advertisement supervision system .

  12. 但是在西安的房地产广告领域,平面媒体似乎是个例外。

    But in the estate advertisement domain , the paper media is an exception .

  13. 对房地产广告创意和媒体两大方面分别进行阐述,探讨最佳的创意诉求点,最优的媒体组合策略。

    We discuss the best idea and media tactic from the originality and media .

  14. 关联&顺应模式对中文房地产广告语篇的阐释力

    The Explanatory Force of Relevance-Adaptation Model in Text Organization of Chinese Real Estate Advertisements

  15. 第二部分:房地产广告传播。

    Chapter two : Real estate advertising spread .

  16. 笔者将对房地产广告的投放策略作简要分析。

    The following essay will briefly analyze the strategy for the real estate advertising .

  17. 房地产广告设计探究

    Design Investigation of the Real Estate Advertisement

  18. 房地产广告的语言修辞艺术

    Rhetoric in the Advertisement of Real Estate

  19. 房地产广告效果测评研究

    Study on Real Estate Advertising Effects Evaluation

  20. 审美威慑的日常表现&从当下房地产广告谈起

    Daily Presentation of " Aesthetic Deterrent " & On the Present Advertisements for Real Estate

  21. 目前房地产广告中存在的问题主要有:一是虚假广告的问题。

    The main questions existing in the real estate advertisement are : First , false advertisement .

  22. 谷歌也表示,已发现汽车金融、房屋金融和房地产广告有所走弱。

    Google has said it is seeing weaker spending from auto-financing , home-financing and real-estate advertisers .

  23. 当时,粗略浏览一下北京或上海的房地产广告,就可以看出房价正在飙涨。

    A glance at real estate ads in Beijing or Shanghai revealed house prices were soaring .

  24. 在美国,房地产广告也一直保持着一定的报纸投放量。

    In America , RE advertisements also take up a certain amount of space in newspapers .

  25. 房地产广告的有效性探析

    Validity of Real Estate Advertisement

  26. 而房地产广告语作为房地产广告文案的重要组成部分,对房地产广告起着非常关键的作用。

    As an essential part of the advertisements , the language in them plays a crucial role .

  27. 房地产广告便铺天盖地席卷而来,充斥着各大媒体和生活的各个角落。

    Various mass media and different corners of our life are fulfilled with overwhelming advertisement of estate .

  28. 房地产广告面面观

    About real estate advertisement

  29. 房地产广告的良性发展有待于包括房地产业在内的多个行业的规范。

    The benign development of real estate Ads are waiting for the strict standards of various industries including itself .

  30. 第一章界定了房地产广告概念,对房地产广告的传播形式进行了评析。第二章分析了房地产网络广告的特点和发展现状。

    Chapter two analyses the characteristic of network advertisement of the real estate and current situation of the development .