
  • 网络mortgage rate;mortgage interest rate
  1. 月份居住价格的较大上涨,可说是反映了建房及装修材料及能源价格的上涨和房贷利率的上调。

    The larger rose of October residence CPI could be interpreted as housing construction and decoration material and energy prices increased as well as mortgage rate hiked .

  2. 房贷利率低刺激了房市。

    Relatively low mortgage rates are stimulating the housing market .

  3. 房贷利率,是否将一路飘升?

    Will the house loan interest rate rise all the way ?

  4. 自从1950年代以来,房贷利率还没有低于百分之5。

    Rates haven 't been below five percent since the1950s .

  5. 星期二,美联储暗示打算把房贷利率进一步降低。

    Tuesday the Federal Reserve signaled its intention to drive mortgage interest rates lower .

  6. 试论房贷利率上调对购房者的影响及应对措施

    Trial Discussion on Influences on Buyers and Countermeasures to Raising the Interest Rate of House Loan

  7. 大部分专家表示,如果房贷利率进一步降低,房价有可能回升。

    Most experts say if mortgage rates do go lower , home prices are likely to recover .

  8. 美国抵押贷款的“创新”曾被认为是有益之举,因为它降低了购房者的房贷利率。

    Mortgage " innovation " in the US was supposed to be helpful by lowering interest rates to homebuyers .

  9. 尽管银行愿意接受较低的首付款比例,但它们设定的房贷利率依然相对较高。

    And while banks are willing to accept smaller down payments by their borrowers , interest rates remain relatively high .

  10. 而在2013年初,有50%的开发商表示他们的客户搞到了利率低于基准房贷利率的房贷。

    That compares with 50 per cent who said their customers were getting rates below the benchmark at the beginning of 2013 .

  11. 大量的房屋供应市场,协助维持房贷利率底与百分之六十五。

    The large supply of houses on the market has helped keep interest rates for home loans below six and one half percent .

  12. 美国政府正在“腰带和背带”的双保险手段来维持局面,最重要的是压低美国房贷利率。

    The government is using a belt and braces to hold up the show and , most important , to get US mortgage rates down .

  13. 如果央行本周实施这一举措,这意味着五年期房贷利率将提高至8.613%。

    This means the interest rate for five-year mortgage loans could reach as high as 8.613 percent if the central bank makes a move this week .

  14. 银行因为房主在房贷利率调整后不能支付更高的贷款而收回这些房子后试图重新出售这些房子也是造成这种现象的部分原因。

    That is partly the result of banks trying to resell homes they have foreclosed on because owners could not make higher payments on adjustable-rate mortgages .

  15. 尽管高端住宅的市场需求一直强劲,但不断上升的房贷利率却抑制了大众房地产市场的发展,这一市场今年的价格涨幅为10%左右。

    While demand for high-end homes has remained strong , rising interest rates have tamed the mass market , which has grown about 10 per cent this year .

  16. 为减轻受金融危机中购房者的还贷压力,国内几大银行正在积极准备扩大房贷利率优惠政策。

    Major Chinese lenders are expanding a preferential policy on house loan interests to cut the burden of the country 's home buyers hit by the spreading financial crisis .

  17. 美联储和财政部制定了各种计划,帮助房屋贷款人。最近房贷利率已经降至几年来的最低水平。

    Both the Fed and the Treasury have initiated various programs to assist mortgage borrowers and recently mortgage interest rates have fallen to their lowest levels in several years .

  18. 同时也没有任何迹象显示,银行对首套房客户大幅下调房贷利率&中国央行曾多次试图鼓励商业银行这么做。

    Nor was there any sign that mortgage rates are being significantly lowered for first-time buyers , something the PBoC has repeatedly tried to encourage commercial banks to do .

  19. 在金融政策上,买家的房贷利率、首付比例都已经出现了大幅优惠,开发商的信贷也得到了支持。

    In the financial policy , the buyer 's mortgage interest rates , down payment have already emerged in the proportion of substantial concessions to developers of credit is also supported .

  20. 现在需要商业银行通过降低贷款和房贷利率来把降息的效应传导到它们的客户,但是并非所有商业银行都诚心愿意那样做。

    It is now up to the commercial banks to pass that on to their customers in the form of lower loan and mortgage rates but not all are enthusiastically willing to do that .

  21. 所有这些的目的都是为了让贷款(尤其是房贷)利率保持低位,刺激企业和消费者增加购买和投资。

    All this is intended to make borrowing , particularly home loans , cheap in a draw to spur businesses and consumers to buy and invest more .

  22. 信用卡、房贷和汽车贷款利率将会飙升,这等于是大幅增加美国人民的税负。

    Interest rates would skyrocket on credit cards , on mortgages and on car loans , which amounts to a huge tax hike on the American people .

  23. 你用过酒店里的网络服务或喝过房间小冰箱里的饮料吗?你是否曾目睹过某个房贷标出的诱人利率恢复成标准的可浮动利率?

    Have you used the internet or the minibar in a hotel , or watched the teaser offer on a mortgage revert to a standard variable rate ?

  24. 在发达国家,固定利率房贷是银行主要房贷业务之一,购房者大多选择固定利率房贷来规避利率风险,我国光大银行于2006年初率先推出固定利率房贷业务。

    In developed countries , fixed-rate housing loan is the main type of housing loan business , and homebuyers usually choose fixed-rate housing loan to avoid interest rate risk . In the beginning of 2006 , China Everbright Bank took the initiative in promoting the fixed-rate housing loan .

  25. 在英国,房贷支出占工资的比率已降至历史平均值以下&这对于能得到更低房贷利率的购房者来说是个重大利好,虽然他们往往是已是有房一族或者自身存款较多。

    In the UK , mortgage payments as a percentage of take-home pay have fallen below the historic average – a boon to those who can access the lower interest rates , though that tends to be those already on the housing ladder or able to muster large deposits .