
  • 网络Real Estate Securitization
  1. REITs作为房地产证券化产品,具有适中的风险收益特征,与其他金融产品具有低相关性,对保险资金具有一定程度的适用性。

    As a type of real estate securitization products , REITs are characterized by a medium level of risk return , low correlation to other financial vehicles and a certain level of applicability to insurance funds .

  2. 我国房地产证券化风险管理实证分析

    An Empirical Study on the Risk Management of Chinese Real Estate Securitization

  3. 我国房地产证券化的特征及其作用

    The Securitized Characteristic and Function of the Real Estate in China

  4. 房地产证券化与我国会计制度变迁

    Securitization of the Real Estate and Changing of Chinese Accounting System

  5. 我国推行房地产证券化模式研究

    Research on Developing Securitization Pattern Real Estate Industry in China

  6. 7.3尽快推行房地产证券化;

    7.3 . develop the bond of real estate ;

  7. 谈发展我国房地产证券化

    On the Development of Real Estate in China

  8. 房地产证券化的性质条件及在我国发展的障碍

    On the Nature and Condition of Real Estate Securitization and Its Application in China

  9. 第二部分对房地产证券化的收益与风险进行了分析。

    The second section analyses the revenue and risk on securitization about real estate .

  10. 房地产证券化,就是将房地产投资直接转变成有价证券形式。

    Real estate securitization , real estate investment is directly converted into marketable securities .

  11. 房地产证券化可供选择的四种模式

    Four Alternative Models of Making Real Estate Securities

  12. 重庆市房地产证券化研究

    Research on Real Estate Securitization in Chongqing

  13. 关于房地产证券化的若干思考

    Several thoughts of real estate bonded

  14. 家,在互相竞争中促进金融产品质量的提高、价格的下降。第六部分为中国房地产证券化模式探索。

    The sixth section is researching into the model of securitization about real estate of China .

  15. 我国推行房地产证券化面临的主要问题及对策

    The Main Problems Which the Real Estate Securitization is Confronted with and Counter Measures in China

  16. 通过对日本房地产证券化发展现状的探讨,研究其对发展我国房地产证券化的启示。

    A study of current and future states of real estate securities in Japan will throw light to China 's real estate securities development .

  17. 房地产证券化把投资者对房地产的直接物权转变为持有证券性质的权益凭证,即将直接房地产投资转化为证券投资。

    Real estate securitization transform investors directly for real estate property rights to hold securities property rights certificates , the direct real estate investment into securities investment .

  18. 本文在分析研究并借鉴了国外资产证券化的先进经验基础上,总结了国内的研究成果,结合我国国情,提出了实行房地产证券化的构想。

    The paper sums up the research findings in China on the basis of the analysis of foreign asset securitization and the borrowing of such advanced experience .

  19. 房地产证券化是我国房地产业与金融业发展的一种有机结合,它对优化配置与有效利用房地产和资金具有十分重要的意义。

    Real estate securitization of real estate industry and financial industry in China is of great importance for optimized disposal and effective use of real estate and funds .

  20. 房地产证券化作为一种高效的融资手段,已经在全球范围内得到证实,特别是在美国,已经有了几十年的长足发展。

    Real estate securitization as an efficient means for financing , have been confirmed worldwide , especially in the United States , had already developed for Several decades .

  21. 房地产证券化作为房地产融资手段的一种创新,它将高价值的房地产细分化,通过证券的形式将房地产市场与资本市场联系起来。

    As a creation of real estate financing , it segmented the high value real estate and connected the real estate market and captial market through security form .

  22. 但是房地产证券化作为一项复杂的系统工程,需要相关法律、会计、税收等制度的配合。

    But the securitization of the real estate is a complicated system . It depends on the development of relevant laws 、 accounting system 、 tax system and so on .

  23. 房地产证券化作为一种金融创新,它在使各个交易主体充分发挥自身优势的同时,降低了风险和成本。

    As a kind of financial innovates , the securitization of the real estate have reduced the risk and cost while making each trade subject to give full its advantage .

  24. 房地产证券化就是把流动性较低的、非证券形态的房地产投资,直接转化为资本市场上的证券资产的金融交易过程。

    The real estate securitization is a process that real estate investments of less liquidity and non-securities form were transformed directly into the financial transactions of securities on the capital market .

  25. 在这种情况下,发展房地产证券化,为房地产业的迅速发展提供有效的资金融通渠道,已经成为房地产业、金融领域和理论界研究的一个重要课题。

    In this case , to develop securitization of the real estate and offer the effective financing channel for rapid development of the real estate has already been an important subject .

  26. 两个房地产证券化的兴起,充分体现出国内长期以来银行支持的局面开始破冰,新的融资平台正在逐步搭建起来。

    Both the rise of real estate securitization , which fully reflects the domestic situation of bank long support began to break the ice , a new financing platform is built step by step .

  27. 但是,2008年的次贷危机给世界敲响了警钟,房地产证券化产品在发挥其自身优势的同时,也存在着很多风险。

    However , the sub-prime mortgage crisis in 2008 give an alarm to the world , we must consider that the Real estate securitization not only have advantages , but also exists many risk .

  28. 它是房地产证券化的一种典型形式,是房地产行业和金融市场发展到成熟阶段时的金融创新的产物,对各国房地产市场和资本市场的发展起到了双重推动作用。

    It is a real estate securitisation typical form , is the development of real estate industry and financial markets mature stage of financial innovation , and the products to global financial development plays a very important role .

  29. 如何利用房地产证券化解决这些长期问题,是关系到我国房地产业健康成长乃至整个国民经济平稳发展的重要课题。

    How to utilize securitization of the real estate to solve these long-term problems , is an important subject which concerns the healthy grow up of real estate , and even the steady development of whole national economy .

  30. 房地产证券化是国际金融发展的趋势,也是市场经济发展的必然结果,但是实施资产证券化业务还面临许多障碍。

    Real estate securitization is not only the trend of the international financial development but also the inevitable result of the development of the market economy . But the implement of asset securitization still faces a lot of obstacles .