
  • 网络pricing efficiency
  1. 市场化发行方式与我国IPO定价效率的关系研究

    Marketization issuing mode and China IPO pricing efficiency 's relation research

  2. 机构投资者对IPO定价效率的影响分析

    An Empirical Study on How Institutional Investors Affect IPO Pricing Efficiency

  3. 创业板市场IPO定价效率研究&来自香港市场的经验证据

    On Efficiency IPO Pricing Efficiency : Evidence from GEM Market

  4. 这表明:股权分置改革后,我国股市的IPO定价效率有所降低。

    This shows that IPO pricing efficiency has decreased since equity separation reform .

  5. 我国股票发行通道制与保荐制下IPO定价效率的比较研究

    Comparative Research about the Efficiency of IPO Pricing Between the Channel System and Sponsors System

  6. 本文在最后提出提高我国IPO定价效率的有关政策建议:扩大供给,信息透明;

    At last , we bring forward the suggestions : magnify the supply , information transparency ;

  7. 对理论界涉及IPO定价效率和发行机制方面的研究成果进行了分类梳理和归纳总结。

    Classify , combine and summarize the researches made on the IPO pricing efficiency and distribution mechanisms .

  8. 其次,介绍DEA研究方法,建立评价会计信息的指标体系并构建多元回归模型与定价效率指数模型。

    Secondly , this paper introduces the DEA methodology , establishes multiple regression model and pricing efficiency index model .

  9. 本文认为产生这种差异的原因在于:第一,股权分置改革后,影响IPO定价效率的因素发生了显著变化。

    This paper holds that the reasons for such differences are : first , the impact factors have dramatically changed since equity separation reform .

  10. 基于随机前沿分析的SEO定价效率影响因素研究

    A Study on the Influencing Factors of the SEO Pricing Efficiency Based on Stochastic Frontier Analysis

  11. 最后,本文还对如何进一步提高我国IPO定价效率提出了一些政策建议。

    In the final part , this essay also makes some suggestions on policies of how to improve efficiency of IPO price fix in our country .

  12. 之后,针对如何减少创业板超募现象,本文提出一些政策建议,旨在提高IPO定价效率,促使IPO发行价格更加趋于合理。

    Later , as reducing the excess funds raised , the paper proposed some policy suggestions , aiming to improve the IPO pricing efficiency and prompt the IPO price more reasonable .

  13. IPO抑价不仅反映了股票市场的资本资产定价效率,而且体现了股票市场融资功能发挥的好坏。

    Not only it reflects the pricing efficiency of the capital assets in the stock market , but also it stands for the exertion of the financing function of the market .

  14. 研究发现,2009年新股发行体制改革取得了良好的效果,提高了IPO定价效率,市场化改革的大方向是正确的。

    The research shows that reform on new stock issue in 2009 achieved good results , which improved the efficiency of IPO price fix , and the reform is on its right way .

  15. 西方的资本市场有效性理论(EMH)主要分析证券市场价格对信息的反映程度,因而也被称为定价效率。

    Western efficient market hypothesis ( EMH ?) mainly deals with the extent to which security market responds to information , and hence the so-called pricing efficiency .

  16. IPO定价效率是指新股发行价与上市首日收盘价的偏离程度,也就是说,新股发行价与上市首日收盘价越接近效率越高,反之亦然。

    IPO pricing efficiency refers to the departure between IPO price and the closing price on the first day of listing company . That is to say , if issue price is closer to the closing price , the pricing efficiency is higher , and vice versa .

  17. 本文把宏观的功能效率,也纳入市场效率理论体系,从而将市场的效率分为三个方面:交易效率(微观的研究)、定价效率(法玛的EMH)、功能效率(宏观的研究)。

    This paper proposes that macrocosmic function efficiency should be also taken into the system of the market efficiency theory . Accordingly , market efficiency is divided into three aspects : transaction efficiency ( micro-study ), price-fixing efficiency ( EMH ) and function efficiency ( macro-study ) .

  18. 采用了买入持有超额收益、累计超额收益和Fama-French三因素模型的常数项三个指标,通过对比审批制和核准制下的新股发行定价效率,来说明发行制度改革对IPO定价效率的作用。

    Using the Buy-and-hold abnormal return , Cumulative abnormal returns and Fama-French three-factor model as three indicators constant , by comparing the approval system and approval system under the IPO pricing efficiency , to illustrate the affection of the Stock Offering System reform on the efficiency of IPO pricing .

  19. 保荐人制度下新股发行定价效率的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the IPO Pricing Efficiency under the Sponsorship

  20. 为提高我国资本市场的定价效率提出系统的政策建议。

    Putting forward systematical policy suggestions to improve Chinese capital market efficiency .

  21. 挖掘影响定价效率的深层次原因。

    Excavating the deeper factors that affect the pricing efficiency .

  22. 财务困境风险、市场异象与资产定价效率

    Financial Distress Risk , Market Anomalies and Market Pricing Efficiency

  23. 股指期货对股票市场定价效率的影响

    The Impacting on Stock Index Futures for Pricing Efficiency of Stock Market

  24. 本文研究新股发行制度对新股发行定价效率的影响。

    This study demonstrates that new distribution system can affect IPO pricing efficiency .

  25. 市场分割下中国双重上市公司资产定价效率问题研究

    Research on the Asset Pricing Efficiency of Dual-listed Companies of China Under Market Segmentation

  26. 权证影响正股的定价效率吗

    Do Warrants Effect Pricing Efficiency of Underlying Stocks

  27. 发行抑价的高低是检验新股发行定价效率的重要指标。

    The degree of the issue underpricing means the efficiency of the stock issue process .

  28. 我国经理人市场定价效率及实证分析

    Pricing efficiency theory study of handlers market and empirical analysis to China interior handlers market

  29. 股指期货的推出,能够大大提高股票市场的定价效率。

    The development of Stock Index Futures Trading has improved the pricing efficiency of stock market .

  30. 机构投资者对市场定价效率的影响如何,理论界和市场对此均存在争议。

    Institutional investors on the market pricing efficiency influence how , theory and market are controversial .