
  • 网络quantitative management
  1. 在CMMI的实施过程中,定量管理是一个难题。

    Quantitative management is a difficult problem in the implementation of CMMI .

  2. 真正有效管理软件过程的关键是定量管理。

    Quantitative management is the key of efficient software process management .

  3. 从模式识别角度,阐明了Fuzzy综合评判是模式识别中实现有监督分类的一种重要教学方法,亦是应用于高校教师教学质量定量管理的有效手段。

    This paper is from the angle of pattern recognition , have expounded Fuzzy to synthesize judge is a kind of important teaching method that realization has supervised classification in pattern recognition , it is also the effective means that application manages in college teacher teaching quality ration .

  4. 方法:基于ABC定期定量管理法建立医院药品库存控制模型。

    METHODS : We established the control model of hospital drug stock named as " ABC rule of periodical and quantitative drug management " by combining the rule of ABC classified drug management , quantitative order drug management , and periodical order drug management .

  5. 网络规划是一类广泛应用的定量管理技术。

    Network programming is a quantitive technique for management .

  6. 加强科技论文定量管理的实践

    Practice of Enhancement in Quantity Management of Scientific Papers

  7. IT项目定量管理方法研究

    On Quantitative Management Methods of Information Technology Project Management

  8. 为了实现对温室番茄长季节生产的定量管理,对生产提供决策指导,根据温室番茄长季节栽培技术规范研制了温室番茄长季节生产专家系统。

    In order to realize precise management and provide advice for tomato production .

  9. 农业分析测试实验室定量管理方法初探

    The initial researches on the methods of the ration management for the agricultural analysis and testing laboratory

  10. 结论合理、有效地运用定量管理与定性管理协调发展的管理理念,可以达到提高工作质量和工作效率的目的。

    Conclusion Applying the quantitative management and qualitative management in harmony could improve the quality and efficiency of nursing .

  11. 本文是对IT项目管理方法中非常重要的一部分&定量管理方法的探讨。

    This thesis discusses the quantitative management methods that form one important part of information technology project management methods .

  12. 定量管理对于软件过程变更,尤其是变更决策与计划阶段的有效实施有着重要作用。

    To realize an effective SPC , Quantitative Management is necessary , especially during the decision-making and planning phase of SPC.

  13. 定量管理方法在IT项目中的应用分析必须基于IT项目特点。

    The application of quantitative management methods in information technology project must be analyzed on the basis of these features .

  14. 定量管理级:过程通过统计数据被控制和度量,因此结果在数量上是可预测的。

    Quantitatively managed : The process is controlled and measured by statistical data , and outcomes are therefore quantitatively predictable .

  15. 第二至第五部分是对定量管理方法的分学科的介绍。

    From the second part to the fifth part , this thesis introduces these quantitative methods that have been classified with their source subject .

  16. 本文着重从科技论文管理的角度,提出加强科技论文定量管理的重要性。

    This article emphasizes the importance of strengthening the quantum administration of the scientific disquisitions , mainly from the point of view of administration .

  17. 本文讨论了在商业企业存货管理决策中,如何使存货模型技术成为一种更灵活、更具可操作性的定量管理方法。

    In this thesis the author discusses how to make inventory decision model become a more flexible and active quantitative control method in business decision .

  18. 总量控制的提出和逐步实施标志着我国的环境管理工作由定性管理向定量管理与定性管理相结合的方向转变。

    The implementation of total control is a signal which shows the direction in environmental management has transformed from qualitative management to qualitative combined with quantitative management .

  19. 探讨了如何通过标准规范层、定量管理层、持续改进层建设,在采购活动中实施过程控制和管理。

    In order to apply process control method in purchasing management , This paper discussion the construction of Standard layer , quantitative management layer , Continued improvement layer .

  20. 对非定型类软件项目,即处于研究、开发阶段软件项目的定量管理与考核,一直是项目管理工作中的难点。

    The quantitative management and check of non-typical software project , which is at the stage of research and development , are the difficult point in the project management .

  21. 以汽车可靠性工程为技术背景,提出了汽车零部件可靠性管理数据仓库的功能架构,及基于数据仓库定量管理方法。

    The architecture of data warehouse for automobile reliability DEMS ( Dependability Engineering Management System ) and related quantitative management methods were proposed , which could be used in automobile reliability engineering .

  22. 该系统为厂站用电的定量管理以及主变损耗的定量分析、变电站无功优化运行提供了重要的数据基础。

    The system stops the use of electricity for the plant management and the quantitative loss of main transformer quantitative analysis , substation reactive power optimization run provides an important basis for the data .

  23. 结果明确了医院目标定量管理中造成缺陷的因素,规范了考核计分过程,使4.75σ提高到5.1σ水平,降低了缺陷,提高了计分质量。

    Results The factors causing the blemish in the hospital target amount management were founded . Process of checking and scoring was normalized with 4.75 σ up to 5.1 σ . The mistake was decreased .

  24. 在分析介绍了这些定量管理方法的基本原理的基础上,本文的最后一个部分根据其适用领域和IT项目的特点,分析总结了各种定量管理方法在IT项目中的适用性和有效性。

    The last part analyzes and concludes the applicability and validity of these quantitative management methods in information technology project on the basis of the application fields of methods and the feature of information technology project .

  25. 为建立适用范围较广的湖泊生态系统定量管理平台,本研究通过对46个中小型湖泊的实地调查,并运用部分文献资料,系统地开展了长江中下游浅水湖群的预测湖沼学研究。

    To establish a general and quantitative platform of lake ecosystem management , predictive limnological researches on mid-lower Yangtze shallow lakes were carried out systematically in 46 small - to medium-sized lakes , using data from field investigations and references .

  26. 基于挣值法和统计过程控制在软件过程性能度量与分析中的应用,实现了软件过程性能度量与分析系统,该系统有效的帮助组织实现了软件过程的定量管理。

    Based on the application of Earn Value Management and Statistic Process Control in software performance measurement and analysis , a measurement and analysis system of software process performance is realized . This system makes organization achieve quantitative management of software process .

  27. 目前我国的建筑施工安全管理正着眼于实现从事故后的处理向事故前期预测、预防,从定性管理向定量管理和从传统管理向现代科学管理的转变。

    At present , Safety management in China is looking at to realize the transformation : from the dispose after accident to the prediction and prevention in the accident prophase , from qualitative management to quantitative management and from traditional management to modern scientific management .

  28. 从中国物流运作的实际出发,将物流能力成熟度分为初始级、基本级、可重复级、定量管理级、优化级,系统分析每个等级下的关键活动。

    Based on the practice of logistics operation in China , this paper proposes the LMCC ( Logistics Capability Maturity Model ), in which the logistics capability maturity is divided into initial stage , basic stage , repetitive stage , quantitative management stage and optimal stage .

  29. CMM定量过程管理KPA实践分析中的软件过程的定量控制

    Quantitative Control on Software Process in the Analysis on QPM Practice of SW-CMM

  30. 基于SPC的软件定量过程管理

    Quantitative Management of Software Process Based on SPC