
dìnɡ jià mù biāo
  • pricing objective
  1. 西方汽车企业定价目标分析

    The Study on the Pricing Objective in the West Automobile Enterprise

  2. 房地产业对经济具有很强的拉动作用,房地产项目在定价时要选择定价目标、确定定价方法、明确市场定位并考虑房地产价格趋势。

    Real estate industry has the pull effect for the economy . It is considered to select the pricing objective , confirm the pricing methods , determine market positioning and price trend .

  3. 城市水价的定价目标、构成和原则

    Target , Structure , and Principle for Pricing of Water

  4. 然后研究了中间业务产品的定价目标;

    Secondly the paper studies the goal of intermediary business ' pricing .

  5. 在价格策略方面,主要是通过对商品房的成本构成分析,制定出工农路九号住宅小区商品房的定价目标、定价方法、定价策略等价格策略。

    In terms of the strategies of price , the outcome will be brought to light through the analysis of the cost estimate of commercial houses .

  6. 论述了市场经济条件下,快速(高速)铁路旅客票价的定价目标、定价策略及定价方法。

    The paper discusses the targets , tactics and measures of tariff for fast-speed ( high-speed ) railway passenger tickets under the conditions of market economy .

  7. 价格策略方面,确定了以竞争为中心的定价目标,二线城市市场采取略低于立邦价格的高价值定价策略,工程市场则采取成本加成定价方法。

    In the price strategy , formulated a competition-oriented pricing goal , mid-tier products use the " high value " strategic pricing , and projects products adopt cost-plus pricing method .

  8. 在此基础上,本文从明确定价目标及原则、重构定价流程以及基于不同定价背景的定价策略和方法改进等方面提出了有针对性的建议。

    On this basis , this paper puts forward some specific proposals , including the pricing clear objectives and principles , reconstruction of the pricing process and improved pricing strategies and methods .

  9. 内部资金转移价格在商业银行中的作用是多重的,与商业银行的定价目标、市场风险管理目标以及收益目标息息相关,内部资金转移定价的方法也有很多。

    As a multi-purpose instrument , internal fund transferring price is closely related with price target , market risk management target and profit target of commercial banks . There are various pricing approaches .

  10. 文章在介绍企业定价目标、方法、程序后说明了仓储价格制定中还应该综合考虑诸如服务质量、品种、重量、操作系数标准化系数等其它影响因素的重要性。

    The paper tell the importance of ' service quality ' , ' variety ' , ' weight ' , ' operation coefficient ' , ' standardization coefficient ' and other influent factor in storage price decision after introducing the object , method , program of price setting down .

  11. 通过分析,本文强调细分定价、目标收益定价法、渗透定价法对我国体育赛事门票的适用及重要性。

    Through analysis , this article emphasizes the pricing segmentation , target income pricing , penetration pricing on tickets for sports events and the importance of the application .

  12. 第三,新一轮农村银行利率定价改革目标,即实现正规金融市场对非正规金融市场的挤出效应不确定。

    The goal of the new rural bank interest rate reform and the supplant effect that the regular financial market has on the irregular financial market are indeterminate .

  13. 根据民营化进程中公用事业定价的目标和原则,可以进行相应的制度设计,如招投标制度、公民参与制度、信息公开制度、价格听证制度等。

    On the base of goal and principles , we can perform relevant institutions design , such as public bidding invitation , public participation , information openness , price-related hearing institutions become the fundamental institutions , etc.

  14. 第二部分对商业银行贷款定价的目标、方法、程序等进行了分析和探讨,提出了贷款定价的一般思路和模型;

    The second part analyzes and probes into the objective , methods , procedures and so on of the loan pricing system for the commercial banks , and put forwards the general train of thoughts and model of the pricing system .

  15. 房地产定价的目标是根据价格组合的总和,设定可以实现预期利润率的价格水平,预期利润率不与价格上涨成正比。

    The aim of real estate price_setting is , on the basis of the sum total of price combination , to fix a price level at which the anticipated profits can be assured so that the anticipated profits and the price increase are not in direct proportion .

  16. 第六部分首先阐明了获取稀土定价权的目标诉求。

    The sixth part first illustrates objectives for obtaining rare earth price setting .

  17. 为此,政府主管部门推行了工程量清单计价模式,以适应市场定价的改革目标。

    To end this , government authorities implemented the project BOQ in order to adapt to the reform objectives of the market pricing .

  18. 种成熟商品样本可用于测试商品的定价策略、目标市场细分、广告战略、包装、分销渠道,等等。

    A fully developed product sample can be used in terms of pricing policy , target market segment , advertising strategies , packaging , distribution channel , etc.

  19. 第一,广告成本策略选择,具体从变动成本定价法、目标收益定价法、边际贡献定价法三个方面进行分析。

    First , the cost of advertising strategy , specifically from the variable cost pricing method , the target profit pricing , marginal contribution pricing analysis in three aspects .

  20. 将效率与公平的均衡作为政府定价的根本目标,并将竞争优先、合理公正、共同决策、公开透明作为定价的原则。

    According to the goal of public utilities price-control by integrating efficiency with fairness , competition priority , rationality and fairness , collective decision-making , openness and transparency become basic principles .

  21. 企业购并中,由于并购协同效应的影响,目标企业价值将得到提高,这部分价值增量可看成是基于净资产价值的看涨期权,因此,可用期权定价模型对目标企业价值进行估计。

    The value of the target enterprise will increase after M & A because of the synergic effect and the premium can be viewed as a call option on the net assets .

  22. 本章针对传统的目标企业价值评估方法的缺陷,提出了运用EVA模型和期权定价模型来评估目标企业价值的基本理论,并对其具体应用作了详细的阐述。

    In view of disadvantages of traditional methods , it proposes the basic theory and practice of using EVA model and Options pricing model to appraise target corporate value .

  23. 塞尔夫还批判时尚杂志定价太高,目标群体年纪太轻。

    Miss Selfe also criticised fashion magazines for being ' too expensive ' and geared up for a much younger generation .

  24. 针对上述现象,本文以构建具有实际可操作性的企业高层管理人员人力资本定价模型为研究目标,为企业科学计量高层管理人员人力资本价值提供参考。

    In view of above phenomena , the purpose of this dissertation is to establish a practical human capital pricing model for the top-managers to provide reference for the scientific measurement on the top-managers ' human capital of enterprises .

  25. 根据公共定价的要求,此时定价的目标是实现社会福利最大化。

    With the request of public pricing , the goal of which is to make the social welfare maximized .

  26. 在此基础上,论文深入研究城市轨道交通的定价原则、不同发展时期的定价目标和策略。

    Based on these analysis , the thesis researches on pricing principles of urban rail transit , the pricing strategy and target of different development stages of urban rail transit .

  27. 论文针对中国汽车产业寡占型市场结构特征给出了定价模型,并结合市场定位、定价目标分析,得出中国汽车市场同类、同档次产品倾向于实行通行价格的结论;

    A pricing model is given as per the oligopoly market structure in our auto industry . Combining with the product market orientation and pricing target analysis , a conclusion is obtained that in China automobile market same type and grade of product tends to take common price .

  28. 电子商务环境下基于单目标和基于双目标的定价策略研究对于企业实现定价及经营管理目标具有重要意义。

    The research on single-objective and dual-objective pricing strategy is meaningful for enterprises ' to accomplish the pricing and operating objective .

  29. 在分层定价理论框架下,分析了东线供应链定价的本质、目标、原则。

    This paper analyzes the essence , the object and the principle of the pricing of Eastern Route of SNWT under the cooperative game theory .

  30. 分析了汽车产品价格构成,影响汽车产品定价的因素,汽车产品价格体系的构成,汽车产品的定价目标、定价方法、定价程序、以及传统的定价策略。

    The composition of vehicle price , the factors affecting the pricing , the composition of price system , pricing objectives , pricing methods , pricing procedures and traditional pricing strategy were analyzed .