
  • 网络Qualitative Management
  1. 结论合理、有效地运用定量管理与定性管理协调发展的管理理念,可以达到提高工作质量和工作效率的目的。

    Conclusion Applying the quantitative management and qualitative management in harmony could improve the quality and efficiency of nursing .

  2. 总量控制的提出和逐步实施标志着我国的环境管理工作由定性管理向定量管理与定性管理相结合的方向转变。

    The implementation of total control is a signal which shows the direction in environmental management has transformed from qualitative management to qualitative combined with quantitative management .

  3. 在评价中,企业内部兼顾定性管理评价指标和定量化数据;对同行业内企业通过相对评价方法消除企业所处具体环境因素的影响;

    While evaluating , we should put emphasis both on the qualitative indexes of management evaluation and quantitative data of finance .

  4. 目前我国的建筑施工安全管理正着眼于实现从事故后的处理向事故前期预测、预防,从定性管理向定量管理和从传统管理向现代科学管理的转变。

    At present , Safety management in China is looking at to realize the transformation : from the dispose after accident to the prediction and prevention in the accident prophase , from qualitative management to quantitative management and from traditional management to modern scientific management .

  5. 与传统的定性风险管理工具相比,VaR风险价值方法为风险管理提供了强有力的技术支持。

    Compares with the traditional qualitative risk management tool , the VaR method appearance has provided the powerful technical support for the effective risk management .

  6. 特大火灾定量与定性风险管理技术应用探讨

    Talking about the qualitative and quantitative risk management technique from the serious fire accident of the center hospital of Liaoyuan city Jilin province

  7. 公司经理权具有概括性、法定性和不可限定性,包括管理权能与代理权能。

    The manager 's right is considered inclusive , legal and unrestricted like the managing and acting rights .

  8. 大力开发和应用VAR,对我国开放式基金风险管理技术从定性分析向量化管理的转变具有十分重要的意义。

    Vigorous development and application of VAR , on our open-end fund risk management techniques from qualitative analysis to quantify changes in the management of great significance .

  9. 目前,大多数软件项目采用定性方法进行风险管理。

    Currently , qualitative methods of risk management are used by most software projects .

  10. 定性指标含训练管理、训练准备及训练保障等共9项子指标。

    Qualitative indexes include training management , training preparative , training support and so on .

  11. 定性指标包含战略管理、资本运营、土地储备、品牌、人力资源、房地产业务扩张速度及客户满意度七大类指标。

    The qualitative index includes strategic management , capital operation , land deposit , brand , manpower resources , customer satisfaction .

  12. 本文主要采用案例研究法、文献综述法、定量分析法和定性分析法等管理研究方法进行研究。

    In this paper , this paper mainly employs the research methods of case study , literature review , quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis among others .

  13. 将国资管理的基本特征定性为价值形态管理的观点不能正确反映政府国资管理部门对国有资产所从事的管理;

    The view that defines the basic characteristic of management as the management of value aspect of state-owned assets can not correctly reflect the management work of state-owned assets that the government state property administrative agencies took up .

  14. 然后,通过实证研究从定量角度研究不同风险因素对国有企业投资效率的影响,并从定性的角度补充管理因素对投资效率的影响。

    Then , From the Angle of quantitative the text inspects the influence of different risk factors on the efficiency of investment through empirical study ; from the angle of qualitative it complement the influence factors of the management on investment efficiency .

  15. 分析了家用燃气锅炉的市场现状以及使用情况,对定性、规范、管理、设计这种供暖方式进行了探讨,提出了家用燃气锅炉的使用范围以及在设计中应注意的问题。

    This paper analyzes the market situation and application of the domestic gas boiler , probes into the definition , regulation , management and design of this kind of heating mode , and puts forward the applicability of the domestic gas boiler and some problems needing attention in its design .