
  • 网络qualitative assessment;qualitative evaluation
  1. 在风险评估方面,采用蒙特卡罗模拟与Matlab程序相结合的方法进行了定量评估,另外应用记分法对管理风险进行了定性评估。

    In risk assessment , the thesis use Monte-Carlo and Matlab on quantitative assessment . , and use mark record on qualitative assessment .

  2. 为了对这些数据进行某种定性评估,接下来又选取了9100万份文档进行进一步分析,然后使用自然语言处理(NLP)技术对最终的多语言数据集合进行了情绪评估,即积极、中性或消极。

    To impose some kind of qualitative assessment on that data , 91m documents were selected for further analysis , and a final , multi-language data set was assessed for sentiment – either positive , neutral or negative – using natural language processing ( NLP ) technology .

  3. 一种基于AHP的工作流管理系统的定性评估方法

    A New Qualitative Evaluation Method of Workflow Management System based on AHP

  4. 最后定性评估了系统的抗DoS攻击能力。

    In the end , the DoS resistant ability of the system is analyzed .

  5. 这些模板最终结果针对CBS参考架构和CBS服务的开发对现有架构进行定性评估。

    The template final results qualitatively assess their existing architecture in relevance to the CBS reference architecture and development of CBS services .

  6. 改良Kirkpatrick四层次评估模型,用于管理者培训效果的定性评估。

    Improve on Kirkpatrick four level evaluation model for taining achievements .

  7. 传统的GPU性能评估一般都采用定性评估方法,难以在保证效率的情况下给出一个准确的评估结果。

    Generally , the traditional performance evaluation of GPU uses the qualitative approach , it is difficult to give a precise evaluation result under guaranteeing efficiency .

  8. 在为期三年研究中,我们在每年末都开展了干预措施覆盖范围和供应商成本的定量评估,还针对CDI过程开展定性评估。

    At the end of each of the three study years , we performed quantitative evaluations of intervention coverage and provider costs , as well as qualitative assessments of the CDI process .

  9. 设计:以定性评估为依据的定量评估研究。

    DESIGN : Quantitative assessment based on the qualitative assessment .

  10. 一个定性评估可以从以下调查问卷开始。

    A qualitative evaluation can start from the following questionnaire .

  11. 架构的定性评估方法也可以称为预测性评估方法。

    The qualitative assessment method of architecture can also be named as predictive evaluation methods .

  12. 研究采用量表评估、过程评估和追踪评估相结合、定量与定性评估相结合的手段对实验效果进行评估。

    This research evaluates the result of the experiment through scale , procedure-evaluation and tracing .

  13. 前四种为定性评估方法,后三种为定量评估方法。

    The first four methods are qualitative , and the latter three ones are quantitative .

  14. 现在,以定性评估和定量评估相结合成为教材评估新的发展趋势。

    Nowadays , the combination of qualitative and quantitative evaluation is the new trend of textbook assessment .

  15. 对健康监测实测统计数据进行了对比分析,在此基础上对宜昌长江公路大桥健康状态进行了定性评估。

    According to the actual statistic data , contrasted analysis shows the health state of the bridge .

  16. 在设计指标评估中采用专家定量评估和定性评估两种方式结合进行。

    While the aircraft design specifications are evaluated , both the expert qualitative and quantitative evaluation techniques are integrated .

  17. 战略分析是哈佛分析框架中财务报表分析的起点。经营战略分析的目的在于确定主要的利润动因和经营风险,以及定性评估公司的盈利潜力。

    Chapter one focuses on making strategic analysis , the starting point of financial statement analysis in Havard Analysis Framework .

  18. 通常通过一个您与支持人员共同讨论的定性评估来完成。

    This is usually done via a qualitative assessment of the discussions you have with the support staff for the solution .

  19. 在计算软件可靠性因素对软件可靠性影响程度的基础上,实现了软件可靠性的定性评估。

    On the basis of calculating the influence of factors on software reliability , qualitative evaluation of software reliability is accomplished .

  20. 是对上述两条评估未考虑到的其它必要气候条件的评估。主要熟制气候评估模型的建立,为传统的定性评估向定量评估的转变提供了一条有效的途径。

    The establishment of the climatic assessment models for major cropping system provided an effective way to change from traditional qualitative assessment to quantitative .

  21. 总的来说,国外的研究侧重于运用模型定量计量,而国内则多用定性评估。

    In general , foreign studies have focused on the use of model for quantitative measurement , while the domestic use of qualitative assessment .

  22. 然而,目前对炮兵作战指挥效能评估的研究还不够全面,多限于定性评估,含有主观评判,缺少准确的定量分析。

    Still , the related efficiency evaluation on Artillery Operational Command lacks an exact quantitative method of the whole and is mostly confined to qualitative studies with subjective judgments .

  23. 定性评估包括查阅文件、档案、小组访谈、个人访谈、现场观察;定量评估采用问卷调查的方式。

    Qualitative assessment includes reviewing the literature and files , Focus group discussion , Individual in-depth interview , field observation , while quantitative assessment was carried out by questionnaires .

  24. 利用漏洞扫描器及入侵检测系统的统计结果两方面信息,提出了应用模糊信息融合对安全漏洞进行定性评估的方法。

    This paper made use of statistical results of vulnerability scanner and intrusion detection systems and presented method of qualitative evaluation of security vulnerability based on fuzzy data fusion .

  25. 为加强对高压计量用户的稽查与考核,介绍了新研制的携带式高压电能计量稽查测试仪的稽查原理、基本结构及测试方法,并提出了定性评估准则。

    Presents the theory behind , basic structure and operation mode of a new portable audit test instrument for high tension electric energy measurements and suggests criteria for qualitative assessment .

  26. 从早期的原型成果中可以得到两个结论:一个是关于这个项目的技术是否可行的定性评估,一个是项目日程表和成本的定量度量。

    From this early prototyping effort , two main results emerge : a qualitative assessment of whether the project is technically feasible , and quantitative measures of project schedule and cost .

  27. 提出采用专家模糊综合评估法对机电系统可靠性进行综合评估,在可靠性评估中采用专家定量评估和定性评估两种方式结合进行。

    An expert fuzzy integrated evaluation technique for the system reliability is presented . While the system reliability is evaluated , both the expert qualitative and quantitative evaluation techniques are integrated .

  28. 既对现有的设计原则及工程措施作了定性评估,又可为其他类似工程设计起指导和借鉴作用。

    From which not only the qualitative evaluation for the existed design principle and engineering measures are made , but also the guidance and reference for the other similar engineering designs are given .

  29. 并通过定量评估和定性评估对所选指标进行评估,最后对预警指标的综合指数进行评估,从而确定其信用风险的等级状况,并通过各级信号灯进行显示预警。

    Last , assess the final composite index of early warning indicators to assess their credit risk to determine the level of the situation , and through all levels of an early warning signal for display .

  30. 这些定性评估把搜索广告变成了更为不透明的事情,广告商决不可能真正知道,究竟是什么因素决定了搜索引擎判定如何在它们的系统中给广告定价的方式。

    These qualitative assessments have turned search advertising into a more opaque affair , one where the advertiser can never really know exactly what factors determine the way search engines decide how to rate adverts in their systems .