
dìng biāo
  • calibrate;calibration;scaling;picketage
定标 [dìng biāo]
  • [calibrate] 以标准件来确定其误差(如测量仪表),尤指以此确定适当的修正系数

定标[dìng biāo]
  1. 外部校准是实现合成孔径雷达(SAR)系统绝对定标的有效途径。常规SAR外部校准方法不适用于低频超宽带SAR系统。

    External calibration is an effective way to calibrate absolutely the synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) system , but the external calibration method used for conventional SAR system cannot be implemented for low frequency ultra wideband ( UWB ) SAR system .

  2. 我们要利用该视频去检测参数,就需要对摄像头进行定标。

    If we want to use the video to detect the parameters , we need to calibrate the camera .

  3. 风云二号B星星载扫描辐射计水汽通道定标方法

    Calibration method for water vapor channel of scanning-radiometer carried by FY-2B satellite

  4. GPS时间比对机对天文预测图像的时间定标

    The time calibration for observed images with a GPS time comparator

  5. 高分辨率星载SAR技术的发展,对辐射定标提出了新的挑战。

    High resolution spaceborne SAR gives new challenge to radiometric calibration .

  6. 中巴资源一号卫星02星CCD相机实验室辐射定标算法分析

    Analysis of Laboratory Radiometric Calibration Algorithm of CBERS-02 CCD camera

  7. SAR有源编码辐射定标技术研究

    Study on Active Coded Radiometric Calibration Technique of SAR

  8. 天线外定标是实现星载SAR天线方向图在轨测试的主要手段。

    External calibration is key method used for spaceborne SAR antenna onboard measurement .

  9. 小视场CCD图像的几何定标

    Geometric Calibration for a Small CCD Field of View

  10. 用光吸收法测量半绝缘GaAs中Cr浓度的定标曲线

    Optical Absorption Calibration Curve for Measurement of Cr Content in Semi-Insulating GaAs

  11. 通过对极化干涉SAR定标精度要求数学模型的分析,理论上建立了极化干涉SAR定标精度要求的数学方法。

    Through erecting the mathematic model , a method of calibration requirement was presented .

  12. 天线方向图在轨测量是星载SAR定标技术的关键部分。

    Inflight measurement of antenna pattern is a key technology of spaceborne SAR calibration .

  13. SAR辐射定标中的地物杂波抑制方法

    Clutter Rejection Method in SAR Radiometric Calibration

  14. 反射率基法获取北京一号小卫星多光谱CCD辐射定标系数

    Radiometric Calibration Coefficients for " Beijing-1 " Small Satellite Multispectral CCD Sensors by Reflectance-based Method

  15. 最后,给出了Z定标律。

    Finally , Z-scaling law is presented .

  16. 竞争情报的分析研究是竞争情报发挥决策支持作用的关键过程,包括定标比超方法、SWOT分析法、专利分析法、财务分析方法。

    The methods include Benchmarking , SWOT , patent analysis and financial analysis .

  17. 2003年3月,卫星研制及应用部门联合进行了一次整星状态下的CCD相机定标实验。

    In March 2003 , satellite manufacturer and application department jointly took CCD calibration test in integration status .

  18. 对单色仪定标实验中的Hg光谱谱线补充标定的讨论

    A discussion of additional calibration of Hg spectrum in the monochromator scaling experiment

  19. 方法:以不同浓度的CRP定标液作标准制作CRP快速测定的非线性曲线。

    Methods By the different density of CRP standards to make non-linear curve .

  20. 金属平板定标体RCS的近场修正研究

    Near Field RCS Revision Research of Metal Plate Scaler

  21. XPS中原子灵敏度因子定标方法

    Calibration Atomic Sensitivity Factors in XPS

  22. FY-2C卫星太阳X射线探测器性能定标

    Calibration Results of Solar X-ray Detector Aboard on FY-2C

  23. 仪器除了可以自动测量氟离子浓度外,还具有pH值测定、自动温度补偿、自动定标、电极老化补偿、连续显示、随时打印等功能。

    It has also the functions of pH measurement , automatic temperature compensation , automatic calibration , electrode aging compensation and data display and printing .

  24. 天线方向图的准确测量,对星载SAR图像的应用具有重要作用。分布目标辐射定标在星载SAR天线方向图测试中受到广泛重视。

    Accurate measurement of antenna pattern is important to spaceborne SAR image application , and distributed target antenna pattern measurement is widely concerned .

  25. 单片机系统以颜色信号的采集和传输为主要任务,同时通过PLC模块控制自动测量和自动定标的执行机构。

    The single-chip micro-computer system sampled the color signals and sent them to PC , while controlled the auto-measurement and auto-calibration machinery via the PLC module .

  26. 线阵InGaAs光谱谱线定标方法的应用

    Application of Calibration Method to the Optic Spectrum Line of Linear InGaAs

  27. 本文以热电偶的定标实验、二极管伏安特性实验的数据处理为例,介绍了Matlab在物理实验数据处理中的应用。

    The paper introduces the method of data treatment of physical experiment using Matlab software through taking the examples of the thermocouple and volt-ampere of characteristic diode .

  28. 实验得到的黑龙江省大豆的近红外脂肪酸定标模型与国标方法的相关性为96.1%,SEC为0.18%。

    The relativity of the calibration model gained from the experiment is 96.1 percent , SEC is 0.18 percent .

  29. 然而,利用SPOT数据进行地物辐射亮度和反射率的测量也有其高空间分辨率的优势,可以更精细地分辨各类地物的细节,降低混合像元对于定标分析的影响,提高定量遥感分析的准确度。

    However , using SPOT high spatial resolution data can distinguish the ground objects efficiently in detail and improve the accuracy of radiometric calibration and quantification of remote sensing .

  30. MNNG诱导猴肾vero细胞中的非定标性突变

    Nontargeted mutagenesis in monkey kidney Vero cells induced by MNNG