
  • 网络Abandoned bid;rejection of all bids
  1. 废标!投标人如何应对?

    Nullified bidding ! How do bidders deal with it ?

  2. 投标人应如何预防废标

    How Bidders Can Prevent Rejected Bidding

  3. 电力物资招标评价方法应从评审因素这个特定的评标方法、评审因素系数的合理赋值、规定废标标准、报价要求和投标价格修正方法等完善策略。

    Several methods of goods purchasing invite bid most in use were expounded and propose the countermeasures of methods of goods purchasing in electric power materials .

  4. 重点研究了工程量清单计价模式下招投标合理低价、建立询标澄清制度、废标现象、早日建立企业定额等问题,并提出了建议。

    The rational lowest-cost bid , inquiring bid , void bid and establishing budget of corporation on the tender mode of valuation with bill of quantity are discussed .

  5. 提出了研究、处理啤酒废水、废标碴的新途径,应用微电子控制生产全过程的技术。

    It puts forward a new way to research and disposal wastewater and waste dregs , and also brings forward the technology that applies micro-electronics control during all the processings .

  6. 此系统实现了节省招标费用、提高工作效率、避免人为干扰、减少废标现象、加强监管力度、提升管理服务水平的目的。

    This system can save the bidding expenses , improve work efficiency , avoid human disturbance , and reduce " waste bidding " phenomenon , strengthen supervision and promote the management service level .

  7. 在此基础上,又研究了以下两个问题:一是招标过程中各个阶段的相关法律责任的性质和承担问题,二是关于招标人的废标权问题。

    Starting from this base , another two problems have also been studied : ( a ) how to characterize the legal responsibilities of different stages of the whole process of bid-invitation-and-offer and who should be held for responsible once legal problems arise .