
  • 网络Composite base price;compound base price
  1. 博弈论与复合标底工程报价

    Game theory and compound base price of project quoted price

  2. 基于博弈论的复合标底投标策略分析

    Strategies for compound base price bidding : an analysis based on game theory

  3. 运用一元线性回归分析法预测复合标底

    To Forecast Compound Lower Limited Bids with Unitary Linearity Regression Method

  4. 浅述综合评标法与最低价评标法的利弊复合标底投标报价的探讨

    On the advantages and disadvantages of composite and minimum price bid evaluation

  5. 贝叶斯决策在确定复合标底报价中的应用

    Application of Bayesian decision to determining quoted price with a composite base price

  6. 本文阐述运用一元线性回归分析方法预测复合标底。

    The paper summarized a method to forecast compound lower limited bids with unitary linearity regression .

  7. 复合标底条件下的公路项目投标报价轰炸了民用目标作为报复。

    Bid for Highway Project Based on Compound Bidding ; Civilian targets were bombed in reprisal .

  8. 并对复合标底的报价效果进行了评价,验证了复合标底模型的有效性。

    And then , evaluated the effect of composite price model and verified the validity of it .

  9. 根据复合标底的概念和特征,对复合标底的评标办法进行了诠释。

    According to the concept and characteristics of composites of composite bidding , the interpretation is made for the bidding evaluation approach .

  10. 有效解决了在复合标底报价随机情况下,投标人可用数学方法定量定性的确实报价。

    Effectively solve the complex pre-tender offer in the random case , Bidder mathematical methods can be used to determine the quantitative and qualitative offer .

  11. 从而最终建立竞争性总价和最优化单价的复合标底条件下承包商投标报价的有效方法。

    Ultimately , establishes an effective manner for the contract to make a competitive and optimal tender offer under the conditions of compound reservation price .

  12. 接着本文重点分析介绍了部分目前国内基于博弈理论对复合标底投标报价研究的成果。

    After that , this dissertation focuses on the analysis of some of the research achievement established domestically into compound reservation price bidding & quotation game theory .

  13. 鉴于很多业主采用复合标底评标方式进行招标,提出了相应的报价模型,从而形成了完整的投标报价策略。基于多准则模糊决策理论的工程评标模型研究

    Considering composite appraising mode has been adopted by more and more employers in tendering , put forward corresponding bidding model . ENGINEERING APPRAISAL BIDDING MODEL BASED ON MULTICRITERION FUZZY DECISION-MAKING THEORY

  14. 介绍复合标底投标报价的编制过程和方法,并结合工作实践进行测算分析。

    The paper gives an introduction to the preparation and method of the price quoted in the bid with a composite base price , and makes a rough calculation and analysis combined with work practice .

  15. 针对公路工程项目招投标过程中的综合评估法,结合具体实例,对其复合标底的科学性及合理性进行分析、论述。

    Based on the comprehensive assessment in course of submitting bids for highway engineering projects and combined with living examples , this article makes an analysis and description of the combined base number in scientific and reasonable terms .

  16. 本文认为现有的博弈模型各有优劣,要想比较好解决复合标底投标报价问题,必须系统的整合各模型,相互取长补短,才能得到不错的预测效果。

    It is held by this dissertation that the present game models have their own advantages and disadvantages . We must integrate systematically and selectively all models in order to be wise in solving the problem of compound reservation price bidding & quotation .