
fèi qì
  • exhaust gas;waste gas;flue gas;discharge gas;waste gas or steam;effluvia
废气 [fèi qì]
  • [waste gas or steam] 从内燃机或燃气轮中排出的无用气体

废气[fèi qì]
  1. 废气经另外一个排气歧管排出。

    The exhaust gas exits through the other exhaust manifold .

  2. 石灰窑废气CO2的综合利用

    The complex utilization of limekiln exhaust gas of CO_2

  3. 我们孩子们的健康正受到排放出的废气的损害。

    The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes .

  4. 废气对健康有害。

    Exhaust fumes are bad for your health .

  5. 问题在于废气中含有很多毒素。

    The problem was that the exhaust gases contain many toxins .

  6. 许多体质敏感的人尤其反感柴油废气。

    Diesel exhaust is particularly aggravating to many susceptible individuals .

  7. 那座城市的街道肮脏不堪,弥漫着令人窒息的废气。

    The city 's streets are filthy and choked with exhaust fumes .

  8. 肺呼出这些废气被排到空气中。

    As the lungs exhale this waste , gas is expelled into the atmosphere .

  9. 如今我们免不了要吸进汽车的废气。

    These days we can 't help inhaling car exhaust fumes .

  10. 汽车排出的废气使我们城市中的空气遭受污染。

    Exhaust fumes from cars are poisoning the air of our cities .

  11. 工业废气必须妥善处理。

    Industrial exhaust must be well treated .

  12. 废气把他熏得昏昏沉沉,还引起了头疼。

    Exhaust fumes made him drowsy and brought on a headache .

  13. Air(初三适用)局地废气排放污染影响的实验模拟

    Experimental modeling for the impact of local air pollution by the effluent

  14. 中浓度NOx废气治理的新工艺研究

    Study on the New Process for Treating NO_x Waste Gas

  15. 石灰窑废气生产食品级CO2

    Production of Edible Grade CO_ ( 2 ) from Limekiln Waste Gas

  16. 采用一种新的泡沫分离技术处理NOx废气。

    A new foaming separation technique is used to treat waste gases NO_x .

  17. 制氢装置CO2废气的综合利用

    Comprehensive Uses for CO_2 Waste Gas of Hydrogenation Unit

  18. 应用新技术回收利用N2O废气的设想

    Tentative Ideas for Recovering and Use of N_2O Waste Gas by New Technologies

  19. SO2废气与Cr(Ⅵ)废水的综合治理

    Comprehensive treatment of SO2 in waste gas and cr (ⅵ) in waste water

  20. 该系统可在线分析废气中的CO和O2。

    The system can be used for on-line analysis of CQ_2 and Q_2 in waste gas .

  21. 玻璃纸生产废气中的CS2和H2S的治理

    Treatment of Waste Gas Containing CS_2 and H_2S from Cellophane Factory

  22. 电炉法CS2废气的治理

    Treatment of Waste Gas Discharged by CS_2 plant Using Eletric Furnace Process

  23. 采用SCR法降低陶瓷窑炉废气内NOx的探讨

    Study on reduce no_x of waste gas of ceramic kiln by adopt SCR method

  24. 碳基型催化剂治理咖啡因车间高浓度NOx废气的应用试验

    Treating High Concentration NOx in Coffein Workshop with a Carbon-base Catalyst

  25. 低温甲醇洗废气中H2S处理技术探讨

    Treatment Technology of H_2S off-Gas from Rectisol Unit

  26. 发射光谱法研究CaO对等离子体刻蚀废气的吸收作用

    The Absorption of CaO to Waste Gas from Plasma Etching by Emission Spectrometry

  27. XRD衍射分析结果显示含碳废气处理实验的产物是石墨粉,这表明该装置在处理废气方面具有较好的应用前景。

    XRD diffraction analysis showed that the product of carbon gas treatment experiment by water-cooled is graphite .

  28. 目前对于满足欧Ⅲ排放法规的柴油机,通常利用废气再循环来降低NOX排放。

    Currently , to meet Euro ⅲ emission regulations of diesel engines , often using exhaust gas recirculation to reduce NO_X emissions .

  29. 活性炭在流化床中吸附净化NOx废气的实验研究

    SOn the Control of NO x Emissions by Adsorption in a Fluidized Bed of Activated Carbon

  30. 活性炭纤维净化印刷过程产生的VOCs废气

    Removal of VOCs from waste gases of printing process using ACF absorbers