
fèi pǐn huí shōu
  • waste recovery;salvage of waste material
  1. 健全废品回收网络提高资源利用率

    Establishing Waste Recovery Network and Enhancing Resource Utilization Rate

  2. 政府还将要求引入废品回收和循环利用系统。

    The government will also demand the introduction of waste recovery and recycling systems .

  3. JeremyFaber:“电子产品回收目前是美国增长最快的废品回收行业。”

    JEREMY FABER : " Electronics recycling is the fastest growing waste stream in the United States right now . "

  4. 一种新颖的智能型废品回收机的开发与设计

    Development and design of a new intelligent waste recycling machine

  5. 而现在,我们可以把它们扔进废品回收箱。

    And now , we may throw them into the waste recycle .

  6. 这个停车场就是废品回收站对面的那个。

    The parking was side of recycle station .

  7. 瑞士:把废品回收再生作为国策

    Swiss : take ″ Recycling of the wasted ″ as ″ national policy ″

  8. 政府对废品回收大军的担心有其正当理由。

    The government has legitimate reason for concern .

  9. 上海希望规范废品回收者的行为,甚至想给他们发制服。

    Shanghai wants to regulate the recyclers , and even issue them with uniforms .

  10. 一个星期天,青年拖着沉重的双腿来到了一家废品回收公司。

    On a Sunday , the man dragged his legs to a rubbish recycling company .

  11. 噢,托尼!废品回收是在上周末!这个周末是植树。

    Oh , Tony ! Recycling was last weekend ! This weekend it 's tree planting .

  12. 该组织拥有多家医院与学校、一所大学、一个电视网络,它甚至还拥有一项废品回收业务。

    It runs hospitals , schools , a university , a television network and even recycling operations .

  13. 中国有一支上千万人之众的非法废品回收大军。在上海,这些人似乎无处不在。

    China has a 10m-strong illegal army of rubbish entrepreneurs and in Shanghai they can seem ubiquitous .

  14. 今天我将说说废品回收,和在澳大利亚如何处理垃圾的。

    I 'm going to tell about recycling and how we deal with our rubbish here in australia .

  15. 最后通过运算实例证明了模型的有效性,并分析说明了相应政府行为对废品回收工作的影响。

    The model is tested with an example , in which the government 's influence on waster recycling is discussed .

  16. 《废品回收站》似乎肮脏、低级的行当,却有着可观的效益。

    Waste recycle bin The waste recycle bin looks so dirty and junior but it has some economic benefits for them .

  17. 罗店周边地区是湿地和土路,路两旁林立着五金商店和废品回收站。

    The surrounding area of Luodian is a mixture of wetlands and dusty roads lined with hardware stores and scrap metal businesses .

  18. 工业伦敦的一大片区域将被摧毁,其中不少相当丑陋:废品回收场,最低档的旧车销售公司。

    A large swathe of industrial London is to be destroyed , a lot of it ugly : reclamation yards , bottom-end used car firms .

  19. 论述了我国反向物流的过程模型,探讨了在废品回收站应用该模型的作用和意义。

    This paper mainly discusses the process model of reverse logistics in china , pointing out the usefulness and significance of waster collector in the model .

  20. 万一你不是非常喜欢香茅自己的强烈气味,这巧妙的废品回收计划便能够为其增添几种气味。

    This clever recycling project lets you add a few more scents in case you don 't fully appreciate the strong aroma of citronella on its own .

  21. 她并无嘲讽之意地表示,作为办好世博绿化上海行动的一部分,那些影响市容的废品回收点将被清除。

    Their recycling stations are eyesores that are being removed as part of the greening of Shanghai for Expo , she says , without a hint of irony .

  22. 57岁的鲍勃•麦克尼克来自爱尔兰西部的梅奥郡。2005年11月,一个废品回收站内滚烫的铝水发生意外爆炸,导致他失明。

    Bob McNichol , 57 , from County Mayo in the west of the country , lost his sight in a freak accident when red-hot liquid aluminium exploded at a re-cycling business in November 2005 .

  23. 虽然有一家单位已经决定聘用他,但是,哪家单位愿意将工资预付给一个尚未开始工作的人呢.一个星期天,青年拖着沉重的双腿来到了一家废品回收公司。

    Though a company decided to employ him , but it did not pay him without formal start of the work . On a Sunday , the man dragged his legs to a rubbish recycling company .

  24. 在珠江新城,一个废品回收者躺在一张石凳上睡觉,或许他担心他的车被偷,一边睡还一边用手扶着车。

    Man who selling or buying the used things took a break to sleep on the chair in Zhujiang New Town , at the same time holding his bicycle by hand perhaps he worried his belongings .

  25. 循环经济无论是作为废品回收,还是作为生态经济都要以经济为本,则效率革命和技术革命就成为循环经济的根本性路径依赖。

    Circular economy must be based on economy , no matter it is considered as trash recycling or ecological economy . So efficiency revolution and technology revolution will be the fundamental path dependence of circular economy .

  26. 贫困的人们每天步行数小时,到垃圾场搜集废金属卖给废品回收站,修补从垃圾场里捡来的破旧衣物和玩具并送到集市上卖。

    Desperate people travel for hours on foot to scrounge through the garbage daily to find scrap metal or bottles they can sell to recyclers or garments and toys they can repair and sell in a market .

  27. 但上海市废弃物管理处社会宣传科负责人傅丽萍,对该市的废品回收大军却没有什么正面的评价。她认为这些人的动机更多是出于赚钱,而不是环保。

    But Fu Li Ping , the head of the Shanghai waste administration , has little positive to say about Shanghai 's rubbish brigade , arguing that their motives have more to do with profits than the environment .

  28. 民工们像废品回收商一样,逐门逐户地收购上海炫耀性消费的废弃物、高级矿泉水的瓶子和平板电视的包装箱&如果没有他们,这些废弃物将堆满上海的垃圾填埋场。

    Migrant workers go door to door like rag men , buying up the cast-offs of Shanghai 's conspicuous consumption , designer water bottles and flat screen television boxes which would otherwise clog up the city 's landfills .

  29. 基于某市郊区农民废品回收专业户江某的财务现状提出了四条投资与理财建议:在废品回收的基础上,生产再生颗粒塑料,拓展经营范围;

    Based on present financial situation of special household engaged in waste recovery , author offers four suggestions on the investment and management financial matters : on the basis of waste recovery , to produce regenerative granulated plastics and widen the scope of operation ;

  30. 这台由加拿大一公司发明的环保回收机可对废品进行分类回收。

    Invented by a company of Canada , this kind of waste-recycling machine can recycle the waste in classification .