
  • 网络ideal product
  1. 该产品具有高聚合物分离膜无法比拟的优点,是近年来代替PP、PE、PES、PTFE等滤芯的理想产品。

    This product has the merit that the high polymer separation membrane can 't compare with , which is the ideal product to replace PP , PE , PES , PTFE recent years .

  2. 特点:本品全部采用SUS304不锈钢制作,外形美观易清洁,是洁净车间的理想产品。

    Characteristics : All the materials used to produce stainless steel SUS304 , easy to clean pleasing in appearance , is the ideal product cleansing workshop .

  3. 以大规模定制(MC)模式为背景,论述了基于单个顾客的定制需求,对“理想产品”进行配置优化的一个思路。

    This paper primarily deals with the optimization method of product configuration in an enterprise with mass customization strategy based on customers ' needs .

  4. 无锡钢板(TFS)是一种代替镀锡板的镀铬薄钢板,它成本低廉,产品性能好,是解决锡资源缺乏,替代马口铁的理想产品。

    Tin Free Steel ( TFS ) is a tin-layer plate with plating chromium instead of tin-plating . It has lower cost , excellent performance , and is an ideal product instead of tin-plating and is a solution of lacking of tin resource .

  5. 介绍了270L同步转子密炼机的特点,指出同步转子密炼机是替代异步转子密炼机的理想产品。

    Introduces the property of 270L synchronous rotor internal mixer and points out the internal mixer with the synchronous rotors that is the ideal product instead of the internal mixer with asynchronous rotors .

  6. 是一种操作简单方便、运行可靠的理想产品。

    Is a simple convenient and reliable operation of the ideal product .

  7. 尤其是适用于控制纤维性和有微小固体颗粒的悬浊液介质的理想产品。

    It 's particular suitable for controlling fibrous and suspension with small solid .

  8. 可替代发泡塑料餐具理想产品的现状及发展

    Situation and Trend of Replacement of Plastic Products

  9. 根据各产品与理想产品的相对接近度来选择产品。

    Then according to the relative approach degree , appropriate product can be chosen .

  10. 是更新及替代SL252型压片机的理想产品。

    Hence , it is an ideal upgrade or replacement type for the SL252sample presser .

  11. 新型过滤材料的研究成功解决了油田含油污水精细过滤的问题,新型过滤器也是含油污水超精细过滤的理想产品。

    The fibrous filtering material has good effects on the fine filtering of oily sewage in oilfield .

  12. 由台湾先进设备制造出来的渔丝线是用做纺织装饰性编织的理想产品。

    The invisible thread made by high-tech machines are considered as the best sewing and decoration series .

  13. 该设备设计新颖,操作方便,是环卫设备的理想产品。

    That facility design is new and original . It is the ideal produce of general sanitation installation .

  14. 该产品用于炼钢时挡渣,是转炉生产不可缺少的理想产品。

    This product designed for pushing off the slag in steel making is an indispensable ideal product for converter operation .

  15. 该实验仪作为高等院校电子类实验仪器、仪表升级换代的理想产品,能大大提高实验室的使用效率,为建立开放式电子实验室创造必要的条件。

    This device is an ideal item for upgrading the electronic experiment meters in colleges and can enhance the efficiency of laboratory .

  16. 因为倒时差和长途飞行困倦不已?一家公司最新发明的“鸵鸟枕”成为帮助长途旅行者的理想产品。

    A company claims to have found the ideal product to help travellers counter the ill effects of jet lag and long-haul flights .

  17. 该类型熔炉是分析稀有金属、验定及其他旨在确定材料中稀有金属成分过程的理想产品。

    This type of furnaces is ideal especially for analysis of rare metals and in assaying and other processes aimed at determination of the contents of are metals in materials .

  18. 按聚合物流变学原理,结合实际生产工艺,在挤出成型中将两种聚合物共挤复合,获得理想产品的工艺方法。

    The technique based on the rheology theorem of polymer and practical production process is introduced , to obtain the optimized products by means of coextrusion lamination of two kinds of polymers .

  19. 因此较钢丝的热镀锌能耗低,且可保持有镀锌钢丝同样的力学性能,从而是取代镀锌钢丝及其制品的理想产品。

    The mechanical property of the coat is same as that of galvanized steel wire , so Galfan coated steel wire is an ideal product substituting galvanized steel wire and its products .

  20. 为了产生有用的产品,这些微生物必需被筛选,并且它们以相当大的规模生长,以产生和提取理想产品,并且要使产品经过严格的评价。

    These organisms must be screened for useful products and grown up on a large enough scale to produce and extract the desired product and then to subject the product to critical evaluation .

  21. 这种电力稳压器具有开关稳压电源的高品质因数,又有串联补偿稳压器的大功率输出,是传统电力稳压器升级换代的理想产品。

    This voltage regulator is of high-quality factor of switch voltage-stabilized source , and also high-power output of series-compensated voltage regulator . It is on ideal product for traditional electric voltage regulator in upgrade and update .

  22. 生产实践表明:这种新型滑轨设计结构新颖、节能效果显著,现场施工简单,使用稳定可靠,适用范围广、是替代传统滑轨的理想产品,具有普遍推广意义。

    Production practice proven : this new style slide rail design is of structure novelty , energy saving effect prominence , site operation simplicity and operational stabilize credibility , which can be widely applied with prevalence generalized sense .

  23. 工钢轨枕是一种新型轨枕,它重量轻、强度高,施工简单方便,铺轨速度快,是当前替代混凝土轨枕理想产品。

    The I-steel rail sleepers are a new type of sleepers with a light-weight , a high-intensity and a simple - construction . High speed of laying railway track is current ideal replacing products of concrete , rail sleepers .

  24. 以新型反应器为核心技术的各种催化裂化新工艺可以有效地提高催化裂化反应的转化率和选择性,减少非理想产品产率,也可以改善产品质量,生产环境友好的清洁燃料油品。

    Various kinds of novel FCC processes based on the reactors can effectively enhance the conversion and selectivity of cracking reaction of hydrocarbons and minimize the yields of undesired products , or improve the quality of desired products so as to manufacture the environment-friendly clean fuel products .

  25. 氯化聚氯乙烯(CPVC)冷热水管道系统是现今一种既新又理想的产品。

    Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride ( CPVC ) hot & cold water piping system is a new and ideal choice nowadays .

  26. 纸浆模塑制品以其环境友好特性,被普遍认为是EPS等对环境造成很大污染的缓冲包装材料的理想替代产品。

    Molded pulp products with environmentally friendly features , was widely thought to be the ideal alternative packaging products of EPS , and so much pollution to the environment .

  27. 基于IOWA-DEA方法的理想软件产品方案选择研究

    Study of Selection for Ideal Software Product Solutions Based on IOWA-DEA Method

  28. 是电缆桥架等系列最理想的产品。

    It is the most ideal series of cable support system products .

  29. 做为铜制剂是传统农药波尔多液的理想换代产品。

    Therefore ," Green-Guard " was an ideal substitute for Bordeaux mixture as a copper product .

  30. 与它的零学习曲线和强大的功能,它是一个理想的产品为所有用户。

    With it 's zero learning curve and powerful features , it is the ideal product for all users .