
lǐ lùn chuànɡ xīn
  • theoretical innovation
  1. 比较经济学的DIM方法对我国经济学界产生了重要影响,并推动了我国经济体制改革的理论创新和实践。

    The DIM method of the comparative economics has an important influence on the economic academics in China , and promotes the theoretical innovation and practice of the economic system reform .

  2. 第五部分是本文的理论创新点&借鉴《服务贸易总协定》对服务原产地规则具体认定标准的界定,充分利用GATS的有利条款,参照CEPA的成功经验提出制定服务原产地规则的前瞻性构想。

    Part V is the theoretical innovation of this article , take advantage of the " General Agreement on Trade in Service " and reference the successful experience of CEPA to put forward the Conception to construct rules of origin on services .

  3. 中国的自主辐射型现代化:理论创新与路径选择

    China 's Independent Radial Modernization : Theoretical Renovation and Path Choosing

  4. 第三代领导集体理论创新的论述及实践意义

    On Theoretical Innovations and Significance of Writings by Third-generation Leading Group

  5. 思想解放、理论创新与我国私营经济的发展

    The Innovation of the Theory and the Development of Private Enterprise

  6. 国际经贸地理学研究进展及其理论创新

    Research progress and theory innovation of International Economy And Trade Geography

  7. 理性地认识和解决理论创新问题

    On the Reasonable Recognition and Solution to the Theoretical Innovation Problems

  8. 马克思主义理论创新的新成果新境界

    The New Achievements and Realm in the Innovation of Marxist Theory

  9. 理论创新与信息资源共建共享

    Theoretical Innovation and the Joint Construction and Sharing of Information Resources

  10. 道德序化:企业管理理论创新的主题

    Moral order : the theme of innovation on enterprising management theory

  11. 这些都具有一定的理论创新性和实际指导意义。

    These all have the certain theories innovation and actual leading meanings .

  12. 在社会主义建设时期,理论创新同样重要。

    In the socialist construction period , theoretical innovations are equally important .

  13. 文明诗学:中华民族的理论创新

    Civilization poetics : the theoretical creation of the Chinese Nation

  14. 重大的理论创新深刻的生态文明变革&吉林省生态省建设调研综述

    Important Innovation in Theory and Incisive Change in Ecological Civilization

  15. 理论创新,丰富和发展劳动价值论

    Theoretical Innovation and the Enrichment and Development of Labor theory of Value

  16. 社会主义理论创新是重塑政治信仰的关键

    The Innovation of Socialism Theory Is the Key of Rebuilding Political Belief

  17. 坚持理论创新促进档案事业的可持续发展

    Insist on Theory Innovation to Promote a Suitable Development of Archive Cause

  18. 这一过程必将为理论创新开辟广阔前景。

    This process will certainly open up broad prospects for theoretical innovation .

  19. 理论创新与党的事业发展

    Theoretical Innovation and the Development of the Cause of the Communist Party

  20. 并且在论文的撰写过程中,要牢记丰富的经验是理论创新与发展的源泉。

    Experience is a source of theoretical innovation and development .

  21. 理论创新是党的3代领导集体的共同追求

    Theoretic Innovation is the Common Pursuit of the Three Chinese Leading Groups

  22. 推进理论创新促进社会发展

    Advance theoretical innovation , promote the society 's development

  23. 加强保险研究工作推动保险理论创新

    Heighten Insurance Study Work , Propel Insurance Theory Innovation

  24. 党的理论创新的历程及其学术研究背景

    The course of the CPC 's theoretic innovation and its academic studying background

  25. 党的两个基本纲领与理论创新

    Two Basic Programmes of the Party and Theoretical Creation

  26. 生态保护理论创新及其现实意义

    Theory Innovation of Ecological Conservation and Its Reality Denotation

  27. 保险理论创新与其他保险基本创新之间的关系是一种相互依存、彼此促进的关系。

    Theoretical innovation and other types of innovation are inter-dependent and mutually reinforcing .

  28. 理论创新&21世纪党建的一个重大课题

    Theoretical Innovation & An Major Issue of Party Building in the 21st Century

  29. 符合这些标准的都可以被称为理论创新。

    All that conforms to these three standards can be called theory innovation .

  30. 首先,研究理论创新。

    First , the study of theoretical innovation .