
  • 网络cluster innovation network
  1. 第三部分是产业集群创新网络的分析。

    The third part mainly analyzes the industrial cluster innovation network .

  2. 集群创新网络的内部运行机理及动态演化

    A Study on the Internal Operational Mechanism and Evolution of Cluster Innovation Network

  3. 纺织产业集群创新网络形成演化机理研究

    Research on formation and evolution mechanism of textile industry cluster innovation networks

  4. 基于刺激&反应模型的集群创新网络形成机理研究

    Study on Evolving principle of Industrial Clusters Innovation Network Based on Stimulus-response Model

  5. 企业集群创新网络动态演化模型

    Evolution Model of Innovation Networks in Enterprise Clusters

  6. 介绍了企业集群创新网络的组成与知识流动。

    The components and knowledge flows on innovation networks in enterprise clusters are analyzed first in this paper .

  7. 我国的高新技术企业集群创新网络普遍不够健全,无法充分发挥它对技术创新的推动作用。

    In China the innovation network is generally distempered so that it can not display effect on technological innovation .

  8. 在网络的发展过程中,应该通过调整聚集能力级来调整集群创新网络的进化速度。

    During the network development , the adjustment should be gathered for improving the evolution speed of cluster innovation network .

  9. 集群创新网络内企业学习的过程主要包括知识扩散和知识创新两个方面,学习途径则可以分为本地正式创新网络中的学习和本地非正式创新网络中的学习。

    The author put forward the model of collective learning in INIC , which could be devided into two phases : knowledge diffusion and knowledge creation .

  10. 经济学、管理学、社会学、地理学等领域学者从不同理论视角,对集群创新网络进行了研究。

    At the same time , theories from economics , management sciences , sociology , and geography provide different aspects to the study of cluster innovation network .

  11. 利用该模型能够从环境与创新主体的刺激&反应机理出发,揭示集群创新网络结构与自主创新能力的复杂影响关系。

    This model could be used to research the complex relationship between cluster innovation network structure and independent innovative capacity from agents ' stimulate to response mechanism .

  12. 最后,文章分析了集群创新网络的不稳定性表现和影响因素,并对集群发展提出了政策建议。

    Network benefits are affected not only by individual behavior , but also by the network structure . Finally , the article analyses the instability performance of the cluster innovation network as well as its influencing factors , then afford some policy recommendations .

  13. 链网互动的动力机制有三种:即集群创新网络和购买者驱动的价值链互动,集群创新网络和生产者驱动的价值链互动,以及价值链上的集群创新网络之间的互动。

    The interaction way usually has three kinds : namely the colony innovation network and the buyer actuation value chain interaction , the innovation network and the producer actuation value chain interaction , as well as on value chain clusters ' innovation network and clusters ' innovation network interaction .

  14. 第六章是对集群内创新网络学习机制的分析。

    Chapter 6 analyzes the learning mechanism of innovation network within industrial cluster .

  15. 产业集群合作创新网络的结构和运行机制研究

    Research on Construction and Operation Mechanism of Cooperative Innovation Networks of Industrial Cluster

  16. 产业集群区域创新网络研究

    Research on Innovation Network of Industrial Cluster Region

  17. 第一,本文分析了集群内创新网络的生成机理,指出网络化集群这一特殊的组织形态的出现是分工演进的产物。

    Firstly , formation mechanism of innovation network within industrial cluster is illustrated from the history view of work-division evolvement .

  18. 第三,本文分析了集群内创新网络在推动集群内企业间创新合作方面的激励机制与优势。

    Thirdly , the stimulating mechanism and advantages of innovation network within industrial cluster in promoting innovation cooperation among enterprises are analyzed .

  19. 此外,论文还探讨了集群区域创新网络的治理问题。

    Then , the paper carries on empirical analysis to innovation network of industrial cluster region with an example of Zhongguancun Science Park .

  20. 接着运用案例分析,随着集群和创新网络的演化,归纳出集群自主创新能力的增长模式。

    Then use of case studies , along with clusters and the evolution of Innovation Network , into a cluster of independent innovation capacity of the growth mode .

  21. 故对集群内创新网络的研究,成为创新经济学研究的最前沿课题。本文首先阐释了贯穿全文的几个基本概念&产业集群、产业集群创新和创新网络。

    Research on innovation network within industry cluster is some front topics in innovation economics . Firstly , this paper introduces some concepts : industrial cluster , industrial-cluster innovation and innovation network .

  22. 论文将产业集群区域创新网络定义为集群内各行为主体在利用集群环境和资源的基础上通过长期正式或非正式的合作与交流所形成的相对稳定的网络系统。

    This paper defines the industrial cluster innovation network as a comparatively steady network system formed through the actors ' formal or informal long-term cooperation and communication , utilizing the environments and resources in cluster .

  23. 最后提出了完善产业集群中技术创新网络的对策。

    Finally puts forward Suggestions of industrial cluster technology innovation networks countermeasures .

  24. 高技术产业集群中非正式创新网络的影响因素研究

    Influential Factors of Informal Innovation Network : An Empirical Study of High-tech Cluster

  25. 结合案例探索、规范分析和统计实证方法,本研究构建了集群治理-创新网络关系-集群学习的因果分析框架,并且从微观层面上具体解剖了三者在各维度上的因果关联。

    This research builds a causality analysis model of " cluster governance-innovative network relationship-cluster learning ", using exploratory case study , normative analysis and statistical methods , and specifies the relationship in dimensions at the micro level .

  26. 中小企业集群发展的区域创新网络研究

    Regional Innovation Network for Development of Small & Medium-Sized Enterprise Clusters

  27. 创新集群跨区域协同创新网络研究述评

    Review on the Studies of Trans-regional Synergic Innovation Network of Innovative Cluster

  28. 集群创新系统中知识网络的界定及其运作机制研究

    Research on Definition and Operation Mechanism of Knowledge Network in Cluster Innovation System

  29. 产业集群中的技术创新网络研究为理解企业竞争力和区域竞争力提供了新思路。

    The technical innovation network of industrial cluster research to understand the regional competitiveness of enterprise competitiveness and provides a new idea .

  30. 本文理论和实证的研究结果表明:由集群创新环境和创新网络有机组合而成的集群创新系统导致了集群中的企业具有强大的技术创新优势;

    The study of the thesis shows that : The Technology Innovation Syetem of Cluster makes for the innovation advantages of companies in cluster ;