
jí zī zhà piàn zuì
  • crime of fraud in financing;crime of fraudulent fund-raising
  1. 论集资诈骗罪中非法占有目的的若干问题

    Issues of " Illegal Possession Purpose " of the Crime Of Fraud in Financing

  2. 对集资诈骗罪的犯罪客体,主体和行为方式进行分析。

    It analyses the criminal object ; criminal subject and act pattern on crime of fraud in financing .

  3. 第四部分介绍了集资诈骗罪的罪数问题。

    The fourth section describes a number of financial fraud crime problem .

  4. 集资诈骗罪的立法完善与解释对策

    On Perfection and Interpretation of Crime of Fraud of Financing

  5. 集资诈骗罪侵犯的客体是复杂客体,次要客体是投资者的财产所有权,主要客体是有关货币借贷的直接融资制度。

    Its main object is the direct financing system about money loan .

  6. 集资诈骗罪的认定

    The Determination of the Crime of Fund-raising Fraud

  7. 随着经济的发展,集资诈骗罪的发案率在不断上升,并有愈演愈烈的趋势。

    With economic development , the incidence of financial fraud in expanding and growing trend .

  8. 因而有必要对集资诈骗罪中的非法占有目的这一问题进行专门研究。

    Hence it is necessary to specially study the purpose of illegal possession of financial fraud .

  9. 其次,对集资诈骗罪非法占有目的的界定进行了论证。

    Secondly , the definition of the purpose of illegal possession of financial fraud is demonstrated .

  10. 非法占有目的作为集资诈骗罪犯罪构成的主观要件,对认定集资诈骗罪是否成立起着重要的作用。

    As a subjective element of fund-raising fraud , illegal possession plays an important role in the establishment .

  11. 通过分析牵连犯和想象竞合犯,来确定集资诈骗罪一罪与数罪&数罪的认定。

    To raise funds to defraud a crime and one crime-several crimes identified through analysis Implicated and Imaginative Joinder .

  12. 由具体个案入手引出集资诈骗罪非法占有目的具体认定中的难题。

    Starting from the specific cases of illegal possession of financial fraud leads to the specific purposes identified in the problem .

  13. 第二,组织、领导传销活动罪与其他相关罪名的区别,主要是与集资诈骗罪、非法经营罪的区别。

    Second , the differences between organization , leadership pyramid selling and other crimes , mainly with fund-raising fraud and illegal business .

  14. 根据实质解释的原理,在集资诈骗罪的犯罪构成中,并不适宜将非法占有视为主观的超过要素。

    In the fund-raising composition , illegal possession is not suitable as a subjective exceeding factor on the basis of substantive interpretation .

  15. 第二部分主要介绍我国集资诈骗罪的犯罪状况,分析集资诈骗罪犯罪的起因和非法集资活动的特点及其严重社会危害性。

    Part Two illustrates the stipulations concerning about this crime in our country including the causes , main characters of fraudulent fund-raising .

  16. 在这样的国际和国内大前提下,我国目前依然保留着集资诈骗罪的死刑适用。

    Under the big background of the international and domestic , our country still retains the fraud in the application of the death penalty .

  17. 从而得出社会公众财产所有权应当界定为集资诈骗罪的主要客体,直接融资管理秩序为其次要客体。

    The conclusion is the social public property right is defined as the main object , and direct financing management order is the secondary object .

  18. 然后以非法吸收公众存款罪和正常的民间借贷的民事行为与集资诈骗罪进行比较,通过罪与非罪的分析,最终得出了本案认定集资诈骗罪的结论。

    Compare the civil conduct illegal absorbing public deposits crime and normal private lending financial fraud ; ultimately obtain the conclusion of the case identified financial fraud .

  19. 并对实践中集资诈骗罪的诈骗方法和非法集资活动的方式手段进行了归纳总结。

    And to practiced gathers capital the way method which cheated the crime the cheating method and illegal gathers capital to move to carry on the induction summary .

  20. 集资诈骗罪中非法占有目的的内涵是研究该罪中非法占有目的的前提,只有先明确其内涵才能具体判定行为人之非法占有目的是否存在。

    For that only bye the connotation of illegal possession purpose of fraud by raising funds , we can judge that the illegal possession purpose exist or not .

  21. 笔者希望通过此部分的介绍,引出我国集资诈骗罪的犯罪状况和主要危害性。

    The author hopes that through the introduction of this section , leads our country to raise funds to defraud the state of crime and the main dangers .

  22. 主张综合行为人主观要素、行为要素和结果要素三个方面具体认定集资诈骗罪的非法占有目的。

    Called for a comprehensive subjective elements of behavior , behavioral factors and results of the specific factors identified three areas of illegal possession of financial fraud purposes .

  23. 关于集资诈骗罪的犯罪客体,笔者认为,主要客体是公私财产所有权,次要客体才是金融管理秩序。

    In financial fraud , the object I believe that the main object of public and private ownership of property , the secondary object is the financial management order .

  24. 对于集资诈骗罪而言,应从行为人实际的偿还能力、履约的行为、欺诈行为和集资款的用途等方面考察。

    For the purposes of the financial fraud investigated in terms of ability to repay from the behavior of the actual performance behavior , fraud and the use of raised funds .

  25. 在集资诈骗罪非法占有目的产生时间之确定上,肯定事前非法占有目的和事中非法占有目的,否定事后非法占有目的。

    The establishment of generation time of the purpose of illegal possession of financing fraud admits the beforehand and due procedure illegal possession purpose , denies the afterwards illegal possession purpose .

  26. 就拿吴英案来说,不管是坊间还是法律界,对其是否构成集资诈骗罪和其应受怎样的刑罚具有较大的争议。

    For example ," wu ying case ", whether in legal profession or in ordinary , there is a large dispute whether it constitute the crime of fraud of the funds or not and how it should be punished .

  27. 本文拟就集资诈骗罪的疑难问题,从刑法理论和司法实践问题层面加以探讨,以期对相关问题的解决有所陴益。

    This article intends to discuss the crime of fraud in financing difficult problems , from the criminal law theory and judicial practice problem level to be explored , in order to solve the problems related to the parapet benefits .

  28. 本文试图打破传统国家本位的刑事法律理念,以新的法律理念为指导,体现以人为本,重视对私有财产权的保护,重新认识我国集资诈骗罪犯罪客体。

    This paper is to break traditional criminal conception about " Nation Standard ", manifest " Human-oriented " on the instruction of new legal concept , pay attention to protect of private property and reconsider the criminal object of fraud in financing .

  29. 在集资诈骗罪中,研究非法占有的意义在于:判定是否入罪及既遂、区分此罪与彼罪、影射犯罪对象及犯罪客体和指导刑事处罚。

    Researching on the illegal possession has the meaning that : determining whether the conviction and accomplished , the distinction between this crime and he sin , crime mapping and guidance of the object and the object of the crime of criminal punishment .

  30. 本文将通过对废除集资诈骗罪的死刑的理由以及条件进行分析,得出我国在不久的将来一定会迈出废除集资诈骗罪死刑适用的这一步。

    This paper will analyze the reasons and conditions of the abolition of the death penalty to fraud , and finally leads to the conclusion that China in the near future will take the step to abolish the death penalty applicable to financial fraud .